Tag: Moda Precuts

A big heart

My daughter is the middle child. She has two older brothers and two younger brothers.

If you have read many of my posts you know I am into birth order. Jillian has so many different traits that it is hard to define her into a certain birth order. She is the middle child, she is the only daughter so that is like being a first-born and sometimes the only child comes out in her.  So with this being said the main trait she carries is the girl with the biggest heart which has nothing to do with birth order at all.

She worries about all of this motley crew known as her family and makes sure they are all taken care of.

Shopping for her is impossible!
So when it was time to figure out what to do for her for Christmas, it needed to be a gift that she couldn’t take back.

So the answer was a quilt, but just what quilt was the tough part.

I decided the girl with the biggest heart needed a quilt that was just that… a big heart.

The quilt is fun and fast to make with 1 moda layer cake and 3.75 yds of background fabrics.
She loves Lella Boutique’s fabrics so it was easy to choose what fabrics to use.

After the quilt was quilted I decided it needed to add a bit of embroidery which was not the smartest move.
Embroidery through the quilt with Snuggles on the back did not make for the best stitches but she loves it no matter what.

This pic is a better pic for actual color and also to show the snuggles on the back. Once she has used a quilt with snuggles on the back that is all she ever wants to use! Have you tried different textures on the back of your quilts? Flannels, snuggles, lawns, denims, wovens? It is so much fun that there are so many options now. Remember when the only thing quilter’s used for their backings was muslin? How boring!

Another shot of some of the crowd with Jillian always hiding in the back. Love her to pieces!!

The pattern was designed by Holly Hickman and featured a Kate Spain fabric collection but translates into any collection.

If you want to make this quilt for the person with the biggest heart in your family, here is the pattern.
You will need 1 moda layer cake and 3.75 yards of background.

Perfect for a Valentine’s day project!

– Love yall.


Gudruns’ 10th anniversary

Welcome to day 8 of the anniversary event.
 We have been celebrating Gudrun’s 10 years in this country and 10
years of GE Designs.
What does Fast and Furious mean to you? 
Is it the movie starring Vin Diesel and Paul Walker? 
Or is it Gundrun’s books?

In each of the books she gives instructions and techniques to make
adorable projects fast. Once you have made any of the projects,
you will be
that you have not tried them before.
I don’t know for sure that is how she came up with the titles,
but makes perfect sense to me.

 I am completely intrigued by the curved piecing projects.

I looked for years for a round kitchen table. Once I saw these place mats,
I thought  this was sheer brilliance.

 Jump in and make any of the table runners with precuts.
Fast, Fast, Fast

Time does go by so fast.
I remember meeting Gudrun at her first quilt market,
 so I am thrilled to be a part of her celebration.
Leave a comment here and Gudrun has supplied a
copy of her new book,
 Fast and Furious Home
as a giveaway.
I will throw in a moda goody bag also.
Drawing for the winner from this post
will be listed here on August 15th.
BUT, guess what?
There’s more.

The quilt on the cover will be given away as the
 Grand Prize
during the blog  tour
on Gudrun’s site on August 15th.

Be sure to visit all the sites on the blog tour for lots more
fun, inspiration and giveaways!

 To learn more about Gudrun, follow along on her blog.

Here are the participating blogs:
Aug. 5th-14th Gudrun Erla gudrun.typepad.com
Aug. 5th Terry
Degenkolb whimsicals.typepad.com
Aug. 6th Bonnie
Hunter quiltville.blogspot.com
Aug. 8th Carrie
Nelson lavieenrosie.typepad.com
Aug. 9th Jodie
Davis itsarubberduckieworld.com
Aug. 10th Fat
Quarter Shop fatquartershop.blogspot.com
Aug. 11th Pat
Sloan blog.patsloan.com
Aug. 12th Lissa
Alexander modalissa.blogspot.com
Aug. 13th Julie
Herman jaybirdquilts.com
Aug. 14th Quilting Gallery quiltinggallery.com