Where has the time gone?

This weekend is my 30th high school reunion.

Facebook certainly has made it easy to keep up with old schoolmates. I have been spending time looking everyone up on Facebook and flipping through the pages of my high school yearbooks. Looking back, there were not many high points, just average times for a shy gal from Kansas. As the joke goes, “But I got to Texas as soon as I could.”
Still Crazy After All These Years
is a fitting headline for this fun bunch of gals!
I think we need to re-do this picture at the reunion
since we are all of drinking age now.
One thing that probably was a defining point in my teenage development was “drill team tryouts”.

We were lined up in groups and were given a number to pin on the front of our shirt. I was accidentally given one of the other gals number. I turned and handed it to her and she did the same to me. This was a closed tryout where the judges “supposedly” did not know who we were. I knew who they were, so I did not have much faith in this concept.
We pranced our cute little selves into the gymnasium, ready to conquer the world.

Then it happened! 
My first high kick and I felt a large rip in my tights from the crotch to the knee.
I was horrified!!

I made it through the routine and quietly walked into the dressing room. Then, with tears in my eyes, I ran out of the gym, hopped into my brown station wagon and headed for home. (Hmmm!, another sign of my future – I drove a station wagon in high school –  I was destined to have a large family!)
For the rest of the year, I often thought what would have happened if I didn’t trade numbers. Remember, the judges supposedly did not know who we were? The gal that I switched numbers with made drill team and went on to be captain or lieutenant or something like that. If only I was wearing her number?!

Defining Moment continues…The one thing I did learn about drill teams and cheerleaders is that they had some crazy custom know as “big sis” and “little sis”. (Each week they gave gifts to each other.) This was a great opportunity to put my then, unknown talent, to work. I spent the next 2 years of high school making things for secret sis, big sis or little sis gifts.  My mom was thrilled with my artistic endeavors each week. My dad, not so much. I think he knew I was not actually making any money. Hey, it kept me out of trouble!?!

 My mom knew me all to well when she gave me this gift for my 17th birthday.

I remember her saying it was VERY EXPENSIVE. Really?!? A 17 yr old with a necklace of scissors and thimbles? At the time, I was not to impressed. I have come to love this necklace not only because of the sewing motifs but because of my mom’s faith in me. Oh, I forgot to tell you she was one of the Temple Texas High Kickers team. From time to time she still likes to show us a high kick or two, just to impress the grand kids.  However, she didn’t seem to care that I had failed as a high kicker but she was proud that I succeeded as an artist. Thanks Mom!

Don’t tell anyone but….. Traci, Sherri and a few others are going to  put our artistic talents to work and shoe polish every one’s car in the parking lot. Those were the days!! Where has the time gone?


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