A Quilting Life blog tour

Hello to all, 
I hope you have been following along.A Quilting Life
All of the following people have been sharing bits about their quilt life.
Everyone is also giving away a copy of Sherri’s super duper book. All you have to do to win onw is visit each of the blogs throughout the duration of the hop. 
The winners will be posted on the 14th.
Monday June 3rdNanette at Freda’s Hive http://fredashive.blogspot.com/
Tuesday June 4thSinta from Pink Pincushion http://pinkpincushion.blogspot.com/
Wednesday June 5th Jodi from Pleasant Home http://www.pleasant-home.com/
Thursday June 6th Judi from Green Fairy Quilts http://greenfairyquilts.blogspot.com/
Friday June 7thLissa of ModaLissa http://modalissa.blogspot.com/
Saturday June 8th Amanda of AmandaMurphyDesign http://amandamurphydesign.blogspot.com/
Sunday June 9thAnna of Thimbleanna http://thimbleanna.com/
Monday June 10th Amy Smart of Diary of a Quilter http://www.diaryofaquilter.com/
Tuesday June 11th Kristyne of Pretty by Hand http://prettybyhand.com/
Wednesday June 12th Sherri of A Quilting Life http://www.aquiltinglife.com
(International winners will be sent an e-book)
Okay so that is the business part, on to the fun part.
 Sherri’s blog has got to be the most perfect name ever, right? 
Who among us cannot say we live the quilting life or at least dream of the quilt life. 
Sherri is a gentle giant working alongside so many other people. 
She has sewn for many people, set-up quilt booths, designed contests & 
events & challenges, organized Schnibbles parades, 
creates projects for the Moda Bake Shop and so, so much more. 
 So I can’t begin to tell you how excited I was to hear 
that she was going to share some of this talent 
on the pages of her very own book appropriately titled, 
A Quilting Life.
 The projects and inspiration in this book range from pillows, table runners, totes, wall hangings, so there is a project for literally every aspect of your home.
One of my favorite projects from this book is the Mod Runner.
Our assignment for this blog hop is to tell a little bit about our quilting life.
My quilting life began in 1980  and there is not much of my life that did not involve quilting. I am also lucky enough to have a job doing something I am passionate about. Did I say passionate, maybe I meant obsessed.

Quilting is my life, I had a dream once that I got called into the Principal’s office because my son called someone a fat quarter.  I did get called in at a later date for him looking up a girl’s skirt on the playground.

When I worked and taught at a quilt store, sometimes my students would call my home asking quilting questions. My family was comfortable thinking they could answer. If they were asked, about how much yardage should they buy? The standard answer was, “I think 1/2 yard would be plenty.”

Quilting is my life, 
if my grown son uses my supplies to make his dog a Dallas Cowboy super bowl outfit.

I once was blamed for our foundation issues. 
Well after all my fabric stash was on that side of the house.

 Quilting is my life…..If I use my children for human quilt hangers.

 Do you let people use your good scissors to cut paper? What about using a rotary cutter to cut pizza? you know who you are… Quilting is my life. 


 If all your Christmas stocking are made from 
quilts, then quilting could be your life.

When I show any of my quilts to my crew, they always say, ” Is that a log cabin pattern?”
There is nothing better than sharing the craft with the next generation.
Quilting is my life.
Sherri’s grandmother shared it with her and I hope you have the opportunity to share your quilting life.
Leave a comment and let me know  how one of our family members has used your quilting supplies to win one of Sherri’s books. I will also throw in a few of my favorite charm packs. The winner will be announced on the 14th.


  1. Susan Smith says:

    I, too, have a son who was caught using some of my quilting supplies. A few years ago, he wanted to make some lightweight backpacking gear. He bought some nylon fabric, used my cutting mat and rotary cutter, and made his first gear. Now, at age 23, he has his own very successful business offering lightweight down products for backpackers. After several months of sharing my supplies with him, I gently suggested he get his own. Now, I use HIS ping pong table cutting table for cutting out MY things!! Share and share alike, right?! Thanks for the chance to win Sherri's book (and the charms.) It looks like there are some wonderful ideas in there.

  2. EJ says:

    I can't think of anything any of my kids has used, but my husband has used various supplies to help in the design of a new pen that he is making. I'm very protective of my supplies, so everyone also asks first – it's the only way to protect your fabric shears 🙂

  3. The only thing I can think of was my daughter using my GOOD scissors to cut PAPER. And not paper dolls, just sitting in the floor and cutting for the shear delight of cutting up paper. Thanks for a chance to win. Enjoyed reading your blog!

  4. Linda says:

    Laughed all the way through this post! 🙂 My quilting life only started a couple of years ago, and although my supplies haven't been used by my family, my husband is always trying to find ways to make my quilting life easier by augmenting my supplies. He installed my display board, he looks online for storage boxes, he holds my quilts while I take a picture, and he tells my grown children to get me gift cards to my LQS for my birthday and Christmas. 🙂

  5. DebrafromMD says:

    It's just hubby and me at home now, and he knows better than to use my quilting tools. It's much more likely for me to be raiding his tool chest for something to use in my studio. I am good about returning things to their proper place though.

  6. Angela Smith says:

    My family is grown and gone and the DH stays clear of my room. Lol. But I used my step-grandmas supplies when I was Oregon the first time. She helped me make a quilt for the new little one. Well that was 26 years ago now….Gosh where has all that time gone?

    Would love the book, I am always looking for a new project…but aren't we all. 😉

  7. Having no family the only incident I could think of was when my dog had to have surgery. Not to be gross but she was throwing up with blood in it so off to the vet we go. They take an x-ray and sure enough something is in her stomach. I get a call at work after the surgery with a question "Do you sew?" Yes, I replied. They had found a piece of a needle when they did the exploratory. Not a pleasant time for any of us but she recovered and gave me many more years of enjoyment somewhat restricted from the sewing room! Would love this book. Thanks for a chance!

  8. Lisa Marie says:

    My family has been well trained for years and doesn't go near any sewing stuff. They do ask me to do all sorts of vaguely sewing-related jobs for them though — repairing elastic tent cords, mending luggage, modifying straps for a bike rack and other oddball stuff.

  9. Deborah says:

    I don't have a funny story, but last weekend my boys used my fabric scraps to make collage pictures for their teachers and then they got to use the machine to quilt them – they were so excited and proud of their acheivements 🙂

  10. Lynette says:

    My husband was (he now knows the "wrath of mom") the worst offender! Always just grabbing a pair of my shears for all kinds of jobs! The kids were so much better trained!!I went to a labeling system and marked all my pieces with MWAA-That's Mommer With An Attitude!
    Thanks for the give-away!!

  11. KMSC says:

    My husband does not venture into my sewing room. He's afraid he will never find his way out! He may use one of my sewing needles to take out a sliver but that's about it.

  12. charlotte says:

    My family knows better than to touch anything in my sewing room. My husband will occasionally bring me one of my glass headed pins and ask me to dig out a splinter. Other than that, they stay out. I have no kids left at home, so maybe that's why my stuff is safe.

  13. Gayle says:

    When I recently thinned out the undesirable, old fabrics from my stash I gave them to my son to use for rags when he works on his truck.

  14. Needled Mom says:

    My biggest family problem with supplies has to be me sewing scissors! I can remember my mom always hiding her good scissors. Then she couldn't remember where she hid them. When they finally moved she found four pair of sewing scissors she had hidden.

  15. Mary says:

    I have used the rotary cutter, ruler and mat to trim up wording for science projects with my sons so they didn't have to write exactly in the middle of the paper. We trimmed them up to make them centered. It saved a lot of agony on their part. My granddaughter uses my fabric for stuffed animal blankets.

  16. Maxine says:

    I don't have a funny story…My son not daughter uses my sewing machine all the time, he also has one of his own. I did help my granddaughter make a burp cloth and now she thinks she know's all there is to know about sewing. And thanks for the chance to win Sherri's book..

  17. Elaine says:

    My Daughter and new son-in-law just used some left over quilt binding yesterday to tie on their luggage so it would be easily spotted at the airport! Love this book! Thanks for the giveaway!
    satterfieldfamily at sbcglobal dot net

  18. My family is actually very good about respecting my quilting tools. We did have a battle royal about turning my daughter's playroom into my sewing room. I argued that a 14 year old did not need a playroom anymore. She countered that it was her office, again I reiterated that a 14 year old did not need an office. We negotiated and it cost me new bedroom furniture, bedding, paint, etc. to buy my sewing room…I am positive she has a future as a negotiator.

  19. Reb Thack says:

    My four year old son begs me to sew so he can spend time with me in my sewing room playing. He collects all my scraps and uses them to tie up his toys in perilous predicaments. My rulers become bridges across deep caverns. And my seam ripper? Why an instrument of nefarious means – like a ray gun! Who knew the 'other' uses for such helpful quilting tools!

  20. Jolynn says:

    My daughter was making a mat for her son to play with his little cars on, and she went through my scrap stash for peices she could use. Her mat is a work of art! She was living in Hawaii at the time and so it has lots of beach scenes, that pink hotel, a shrimp shack, and many other Hawaiian landmarks. I love to see it and know that some of my quilting scraps are on there!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Of course they use my pins or needles to get a sliver out. And yes, they try to use my fabric-scissors for their cutting! :/
    cpoot at telus dot net

  22. jmniffer says:

    My son used a piece of fabric to 'wrap' a gift for his girlfriend. I use the term 'wrap' loosely, wrapping is not a talent of his! Thanks for the chance.

  23. tabj07 says:

    My grandmother was the head of a quilting guild in atlanta for many years. Quilting was her life. She taught me to quilt when I was a little girl. I always loved to be right beside her. You would think that she would get tired of all the questions but she never did. Now that she has passed I use quilting to remember her. Its funny how when you sit in front of you machine you remember everything, how she smelled, how her voice sounded, how she always told me to plan ahead. And now as a mother I want my child to enjoy quilting as much as I do. She and I quilt together all the time. And I find myself sounding like my granny. So now quilting is my life. My way to relax and pass on a piece of history taught the way I learned.

  24. Meredith says:

    My husband will take my scissors and cut off dead rose bud heads with them! I scold him every single time…but so far it hasn't worked. Great post.

  25. QuiltKorner says:

    My scissors are always getting borrowed to cut eye patches for doctoring calves with pinkeye.

    My son has swiped strips of material to use at ribbon roping events to tie to the calf's tail.

  26. Maxine says:

    My husband always used my good fabric scissors for any and everything until I bought a pair of PINK Fiskars. I drilled the thought in his head that PINK starts with P and Paper starts with P, so PINK is for paper only!!!!
    By gosh, he got it!

  27. I can't tell you how family members use my quilting supplies because they know better! They all learned from birth not to touch them. When my children and grandchildren were/are old enough to sew, I teach them how to use them safely and properly so I have no horror stories about what they've done with them. Maybe I'm just lucky?

  28. I can't tell you how family members use my quilting supplies because they know better! They all learned from birth not to touch them. When my children and grandchildren were/are old enough to sew, I teach them how to use them safely and properly so I have no horror stories about what they've done with them. Maybe I'm just lucky?

  29. Chris says:

    The kids when they were little would get my sewign scissors adn I would blurt out "NOT MY SEWING SCISSORS!!!" 🙂 lol Now no one goes near them. However once in a while I do find one of my boys using my machine to make back packs, knife sheath holders or patch their jeans…Silly boys, sewing machines are for girls! 🙂

  30. Ramona says:

    We love pulling out the seasonal quilts and displaying them at the appropriate time of year. Thanks for the chance to win Sherri's book. She does fabulous work.

  31. There has been the odd time my husband has needed a tiny or a short handled screwdriver and I have loaned him mine from my sewing machine accessory kit. Long before I started quilting, in my sewing life, my husband "borrowed" my expensive stainless steel shears because he knew they were "nice and sharp". He broke them in half…why? He was cutting carpet! Really? They now live in his workshop put back together with a nut and bolt, and he does not use my scissors any more!

  32. Darlene says:

    Most of the members of my family share in my quilting life. My husband comes in looking for a variety of things/tools, my daughter will dig through my stash looking for 'the' perfect piece of fabric, my old grandson just enjoys playing with my pincushion and pins, the middle grandchild likes to ask what something is and how I use it, youngest grandchild is 2 and just enjoys many, many quilts aka blankies I've made for her.

    The best part – they are my cheerleaders and love everything I make. 🙂

  33. Heather says:

    Well, since one of my sons is a quilt designer and another is getting his master's degree in Costume design, I would say that they have used all of my quilting supplies for quilting, sewing costumes, making stuffed creatures etc. When they were kids I had a rotary cutter that was used only for paper so I could help them cut out items for school projects too.

  34. What a great blog! My husband needed a patch on his working overalls – I told him I didn't have anything suitable – ridiculous he said so he came into my sewing room and chose some fabric for the patches, bright orange, strange choice but who was I to argue! My cousin comes over and picks fabric for certain items in her dolls houses: nothing is safe!
    The book looks so good .. ever hopeful!

  35. I'm new to quilting so I have very few supplies. And since I live alone (but with frequent visits from a four-year old) I just keep the scissors and pins out of her reach and we are good to go. She loves to touch and hold everything I make (even while it's "in progress") and sometimes has to lay on them just for a test-drive.

    I've enjoyed this tour and am learning something at every stop!

  36. Cindy says:

    You're right, Sherri is a great example of someone leading "A Quilting Life". She's definitely an inspiration to many.

    Using "something" in my sewing/quilting room for their "own" needs? I'm giggling because literally just recently I was asked about a "fat Quilt", instead of a "fat quarter" for hubby to use to soak up an oil spill. He thought the word "fat" meant that the fabric was THICK and FAT and could absorb a spill.

    I'm still giggling.

  37. CJ says:

    My son has used my sewing machine and scissors to make a quilt for his girlfriend. My daughter has used my sewing machine, rotary cutter to make some pillows for her home. My husband knows better. 🙂

  38. Anonymous says:

    Probably the most annoying is when they use my good applique needles to dig out splinters! They, of course, stick them in a flame first so I have nice black marks on my applique!!!!! Not good!

  39. I gave my mom some green fabric to replace a worn peice on one of her Christmas decorations. I haven't made enough to have a stash big enough to have my family think to use it!

  40. Jackie says:

    Now that the kids are grown up & on their own, I can't blame anyone else but my dear husband, whom every once in a while, he will jokingly ask if he can use-my shears?? He knows better…. And he Better know better…

  41. Margaret says:

    Really and truly, the only family member who dares touch my quilting supplies is Easton, the cat. And the thing he is most interested in is lying on quilt batt, particularly when I am trying to work with it. He's a smart one, that cat!

  42. Anne says:

    My cats love to sleep in my fabric, wherever it is…on the table getting cut, in a pile in my cabinet, in scrap that have fallen to the floor…

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