A Quilting Life blog tour

Hello to all, 
I hope you have been following along.A Quilting Life
All of the following people have been sharing bits about their quilt life.
Everyone is also giving away a copy of Sherri’s super duper book. All you have to do to win onw is visit each of the blogs throughout the duration of the hop. 
The winners will be posted on the 14th.
Monday June 3rdNanette at Freda’s Hive http://fredashive.blogspot.com/
Tuesday June 4thSinta from Pink Pincushion http://pinkpincushion.blogspot.com/
Wednesday June 5th Jodi from Pleasant Home http://www.pleasant-home.com/
Thursday June 6th Judi from Green Fairy Quilts http://greenfairyquilts.blogspot.com/
Friday June 7thLissa of ModaLissa http://modalissa.blogspot.com/
Saturday June 8th Amanda of AmandaMurphyDesign http://amandamurphydesign.blogspot.com/
Sunday June 9thAnna of Thimbleanna http://thimbleanna.com/
Monday June 10th Amy Smart of Diary of a Quilter http://www.diaryofaquilter.com/
Tuesday June 11th Kristyne of Pretty by Hand http://prettybyhand.com/
Wednesday June 12th Sherri of A Quilting Life http://www.aquiltinglife.com
(International winners will be sent an e-book)
Okay so that is the business part, on to the fun part.
 Sherri’s blog has got to be the most perfect name ever, right? 
Who among us cannot say we live the quilting life or at least dream of the quilt life. 
Sherri is a gentle giant working alongside so many other people. 
She has sewn for many people, set-up quilt booths, designed contests & 
events & challenges, organized Schnibbles parades, 
creates projects for the Moda Bake Shop and so, so much more. 
 So I can’t begin to tell you how excited I was to hear 
that she was going to share some of this talent 
on the pages of her very own book appropriately titled, 
A Quilting Life.
 The projects and inspiration in this book range from pillows, table runners, totes, wall hangings, so there is a project for literally every aspect of your home.
One of my favorite projects from this book is the Mod Runner.
Our assignment for this blog hop is to tell a little bit about our quilting life.
My quilting life began in 1980  and there is not much of my life that did not involve quilting. I am also lucky enough to have a job doing something I am passionate about. Did I say passionate, maybe I meant obsessed.

Quilting is my life, I had a dream once that I got called into the Principal’s office because my son called someone a fat quarter.  I did get called in at a later date for him looking up a girl’s skirt on the playground.

When I worked and taught at a quilt store, sometimes my students would call my home asking quilting questions. My family was comfortable thinking they could answer. If they were asked, about how much yardage should they buy? The standard answer was, “I think 1/2 yard would be plenty.”

Quilting is my life, 
if my grown son uses my supplies to make his dog a Dallas Cowboy super bowl outfit.

I once was blamed for our foundation issues. 
Well after all my fabric stash was on that side of the house.

 Quilting is my life…..If I use my children for human quilt hangers.

 Do you let people use your good scissors to cut paper? What about using a rotary cutter to cut pizza? you know who you are… Quilting is my life. 


 If all your Christmas stocking are made from 
quilts, then quilting could be your life.

When I show any of my quilts to my crew, they always say, ” Is that a log cabin pattern?”
There is nothing better than sharing the craft with the next generation.
Quilting is my life.
Sherri’s grandmother shared it with her and I hope you have the opportunity to share your quilting life.
Leave a comment and let me know  how one of our family members has used your quilting supplies to win one of Sherri’s books. I will also throw in a few of my favorite charm packs. The winner will be announced on the 14th.


  1. Sherry says:

    My daughter is a preschool teacher and uses my rotary cutter and mat to cut her poster board graduation caps for her "graduates". I always make sure that I have gotten good use out of the blades before letting her use them.

  2. Kay says:

    I can't think of a time when my quilting supplies were misused, but I have been know to tell my kids or husband to walk through the room bare footed because I can't find a needle. They never fall for it.

  3. After using my good scissors to make greeting cards, my granddaughter now owns her own scissors in my sewing room along with other supplies. But the best "borrowing" went on when my husband (who does model railroading) saw my Wonder Clips. He let out a very audible "Oh, boy" and asked if he could have a few. That was a great excuse for me to buy more! He also has been using my stiletto, pins (I gave him his own), and after seeing me use Thread Heaven, now has his own little box of that too. He does know to never go near my scissors 🙂

  4. Anita says:

    My quilting supplies are closely guarded but I did have once incident. My son was 3 1/2 and I was sewing a quilt for my unborn daughter. He got a hold of my sewing sissors and cut into some fabric I had hanging from the ironing board. Fortunately, he did not cut himself and he cut a border piece so I was able to sew another section in. From then on the sewing sissors are placed up high even if I am just leaving the room for a moment. He is now 8 and my daughter is 4 and they both want to learn to quilt, knit and cross stitch from me.

  5. Julia says:

    My sweet hubby used my rotary cutter with a brand new blade to cut rags! Now I mark the old blades so he can use them anytime he wants.

  6. When my kids were growing up, everyone sewed! My 2 daughters and my son all had their own used Singer sewing machines, did their own mending, made puppets, gorgeous flowered pants before anyone else dared….and I was thrilled!

  7. Gloria says:

    The last thing my husband borrowed from my sewing area was my acrylic ruler. Last winter, he used it to measure the depth of the snow to settle an argument.It was thought to be the best implement because the person measuring cannot produce a false reading.

    PS I won! I said the snow was 6" deep and it was.

  8. We had some friends over the other day, and they have very imaginative daughters. They pulled my long pins from the cushion, set up a bunch like they were the audience, and another bunch close together with a pumpkin pin cushion sitting atop. The pin cushion was the president…the remaining pins were his audience=)

  9. Sonya says:

    My kids are grown, and my husband knows what's good for him, so I don't think they raid my sewing room for their own purposes. But the one thing that does get used by all of us is my Magna Cart hand truck. I bought it to help me get my sewing machine to quilt class, but it's ended up helping in several of my kids' moves. I highly recommend those! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  10. Jude Jones says:

    My son is actually a very good sewist at the age of 38, he makes long shorts out of crazy fabrics for himself and a few select friends, as they are quite desirable and he does a very good job matching the prints at the zipper, which he also installs very well! He uses all my stuff and it drives me nutz! He is very creative and also screen prints tee-shirts in his man cave in the garage. My rotary cutter, rulers, and mat are always out there when I can't find them!!! UGGG Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. fun!! As far as I know when any of my sisters or mom uses my quilting supplies, it's strictly for quilting and sewing. Unless it was something they didn't tell me, because I would be pretty upset. I Make sure my good fabric scissor does not get used for anything but fabric.

  12. Mo_Chride says:

    I am lucky enough to have dedicated quilting room these days so my family does not use my stuff really but my kids go to a large school with a lot of walkers. As a result of that, during our limited good weather there are a lot of bikers, boarders and scooters. The boards and scooters go in metal wire bins during class time and are packed. So, to quickly differentiate my kids scooters we wanted to tie something on them. I did not have ribbon so we grabbed a length of leftover binding strip and tied that around the handle joint. Now I just look for the blue strip and can quickly find my son's scooter among a hundred or so very similar or identical, mostly silver scooters!

  13. Paula says:

    My son, who will be five next month, has used some of my fabrics to start a few sewing projects of his own. I let him use my Singer 201k sewing machine as it is easy to work by hand (although it has a motor too) and to date has made a little pillow and quilt for his teddy and is working on a quilted sleeping bag for our summer holidays (we'll be camping). I help him cut, I press and he does all the sewing.

  14. Carol says:

    My family knows better than to touch my fabric scissors – heads will roll. However, push pins, quilting pins, safety pins, masking tape, packing tape bits of fabric, batting, finished quilts have all disappeared into their rooms. They have never been interested in my iron. Maybe if I had daughters instead of sons, things would be different.

  15. sandra says:

    I have 3 grown boys who are not the least bit interested in my quilting supplies, but I have a girlfriend and we are constantly exchanging our goodies! Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Karrie Smith says:

    No one touches my stuff. But if I ask my daughter to hand me the scissors to cut something she needs, she knows not to get the bigger ones I use for only cutting fabric!

  17. Kathy says:

    seems like my cutting mat gets used for lots of projects by my husband and older kids 🙂 Easy to square paper projects up on it. But they always seem to dull my blade 🙁

  18. Well I have had to hide my stash from my scrapbooking daughter who thinks Fabric is a replacement for Paper in the scrapbook world. I do not let her take much as much as she wishes, since I am a fabriholic… LOL thanks for the chance to win. (PS. I did teach her how to sew but she did not take to it like I had hoped, maybe when she grows up more, ( ugh she is almost 40?)

  19. Sally Hurst says:

    I guess it would have to be my daughter using my good scissors to cut paper. She's 23 now, though, so I don't have that problem anymore. Also, she always asks now, before she take anything out of my sewing room. Thanks for the chance. I enjoyed your pictures.

  20. mary says:

    We have recently done some remodeling in our home. I remember trying to cut a piece of veneer with the "old" rotary cutter, and using the rulers when marking ceramic tile. But, don't touch my scissors, either.

  21. Carol says:

    sons always liked for me to use my machine alphabet to put their names into various items of theirs. husband uses a thin strong needle to remove splinters with the help of my Dazor magnification lamp that I use for appliqué and sewing small things. everyone is very cautious of my sewing supplies!

  22. Donna says:

    Ms Cha Cha Cat uses spools of thread as cat toys, strips of fabric as air streamers and she has made lots of cat beds with stacks of fabric.

  23. tpott says:

    Years ago my husband used my 6×24 inch ruler and broke it. I'm still not sure, what he was measuring with it. I was so upset he never used any of my quilting supplies again. I think at the time I only had 2 rulers. It seams like a million years ago, I have SO many different rulers now.

  24. I am so so lucky because my husband mum a nd also my kids buy me supplies and push me into this wonderful world…i would like to share with them this new passion of mine…love to have Sherry ebook as in Spaini can not buy it…

  25. They don't use mu stuff now that I have my sewing room although I did catch my son using my scissors to cut rubber stencil for his work one day and my husband cutting old credit cards with my quilting scissors. They never done it again. I love the look of that book. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  26. april dawn says:

    I keep my sewing supplies in my sewing room and no one enters there except the cat. I have had issues with the cat crawling on or under my fabrics while trying to lay them out.

  27. annieb says:

    Well, I don't have any stories that are as entertaining as MonaLissa's. This one is more, ummmm….bittersweet, and I don't share it that often. It's about my Grandmother, Laura, who was my role model, (didn't sew or cook), but was the sweetest, funniest and smartest woman I've ever known. When she was in her 80's and 90's, she lived in Manhattan, and I would meet her for dinner and we would laugh our heads off. She had the most generous spirit of anyone I have ever known. I only hope someone remembers me that way, and then I will know I have fulfilled my purpose in the world.

    Anyway, one of the first things I made was a quilted pillow, which I gave Grandma Lo when she was alive. We would sometimes refer to her as Grandma Lo. And of course, my very first quilt matched it, and was for her too. I hand quilted the pillow, but I tied the single bed quilt that matched. I was just about to do the binding, and she passed away at 91. My mom said to me, "you know, she would have loved this quilt, you put so much love into it. (I recently found a photo of it). So my mom decided that we should bury her in it, and we did.I know that part of me and my love and admiration for this amazing woman will be with her for eternity.

  28. Nancy says:

    Hi! Thank you for your sweet drawing! I live in a third world country and when birthdays and holidays come around it can be difficult or extremely expensive to find wrapping paper or gift bags. My older children have used scraps from my fabric stash to wrap gifts for people.

  29. Laura says:

    ha ha love your post i cut out in the kitchen so my rotary cutter has definately been used for "other" purposes. i just tell my husband he gets to buy me a new blade then:)

  30. Terri Mosier says:

    It seems I am always chasing my scissors down! And I have bought my sons numerous pairs for themselves. I have two teenage sons, and once I caught my youngest son cutting his dirt bike TIRE with my Ginghers!!! He was changing his tires and was trying to get one off the rim and was cutting thick RUBBER! Omg, I was so mad! But I think we will all miss those days when they are grown and gone…

  31. Cecilia says:

    My husband has used my rotary cutter and mat to trim up a sign for his Aerobatic Club trailer. My granddaughters like to play with my scraps when they visit too. Thanks for the chance to win Sherri's book.

  32. Kitty says:

    Wish I had a better story to tell, but like so many others, everyone knows to stay away from the quilting supplies and tools. My cutting table does seem to be the collect-all spot for various items, though… Would love to win Sherri's book. Thanks!

  33. Cynthia says:

    When my son was 11, he decided to sew a bag (without checking with me first). He used my serger, or should I say he broke my serger. It has never worked the same since! He still has an interest in sewing 🙂

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