A Quilting Life blog tour

Hello to all, 
I hope you have been following along.A Quilting Life
All of the following people have been sharing bits about their quilt life.
Everyone is also giving away a copy of Sherri’s super duper book. All you have to do to win onw is visit each of the blogs throughout the duration of the hop. 
The winners will be posted on the 14th.
Monday June 3rdNanette at Freda’s Hive http://fredashive.blogspot.com/
Tuesday June 4thSinta from Pink Pincushion http://pinkpincushion.blogspot.com/
Wednesday June 5th Jodi from Pleasant Home http://www.pleasant-home.com/
Thursday June 6th Judi from Green Fairy Quilts http://greenfairyquilts.blogspot.com/
Friday June 7thLissa of ModaLissa http://modalissa.blogspot.com/
Saturday June 8th Amanda of AmandaMurphyDesign http://amandamurphydesign.blogspot.com/
Sunday June 9thAnna of Thimbleanna http://thimbleanna.com/
Monday June 10th Amy Smart of Diary of a Quilter http://www.diaryofaquilter.com/
Tuesday June 11th Kristyne of Pretty by Hand http://prettybyhand.com/
Wednesday June 12th Sherri of A Quilting Life http://www.aquiltinglife.com
(International winners will be sent an e-book)
Okay so that is the business part, on to the fun part.
 Sherri’s blog has got to be the most perfect name ever, right? 
Who among us cannot say we live the quilting life or at least dream of the quilt life. 
Sherri is a gentle giant working alongside so many other people. 
She has sewn for many people, set-up quilt booths, designed contests & 
events & challenges, organized Schnibbles parades, 
creates projects for the Moda Bake Shop and so, so much more. 
 So I can’t begin to tell you how excited I was to hear 
that she was going to share some of this talent 
on the pages of her very own book appropriately titled, 
A Quilting Life.
 The projects and inspiration in this book range from pillows, table runners, totes, wall hangings, so there is a project for literally every aspect of your home.
One of my favorite projects from this book is the Mod Runner.
Our assignment for this blog hop is to tell a little bit about our quilting life.
My quilting life began in 1980  and there is not much of my life that did not involve quilting. I am also lucky enough to have a job doing something I am passionate about. Did I say passionate, maybe I meant obsessed.

Quilting is my life, I had a dream once that I got called into the Principal’s office because my son called someone a fat quarter.  I did get called in at a later date for him looking up a girl’s skirt on the playground.

When I worked and taught at a quilt store, sometimes my students would call my home asking quilting questions. My family was comfortable thinking they could answer. If they were asked, about how much yardage should they buy? The standard answer was, “I think 1/2 yard would be plenty.”

Quilting is my life, 
if my grown son uses my supplies to make his dog a Dallas Cowboy super bowl outfit.

I once was blamed for our foundation issues. 
Well after all my fabric stash was on that side of the house.

 Quilting is my life…..If I use my children for human quilt hangers.

 Do you let people use your good scissors to cut paper? What about using a rotary cutter to cut pizza? you know who you are… Quilting is my life. 


 If all your Christmas stocking are made from 
quilts, then quilting could be your life.

When I show any of my quilts to my crew, they always say, ” Is that a log cabin pattern?”
There is nothing better than sharing the craft with the next generation.
Quilting is my life.
Sherri’s grandmother shared it with her and I hope you have the opportunity to share your quilting life.
Leave a comment and let me know  how one of our family members has used your quilting supplies to win one of Sherri’s books. I will also throw in a few of my favorite charm packs. The winner will be announced on the 14th.


  1. Sandy D says:

    My grandchildren have been caught going to use my good scissors. I much as granny loves them and spoils them my fabric scissors are for just that "FAbric"

  2. Helen L says:

    Hmmm, I'm not sure my family has used my supplies. They seem to want to stay FAR away from anything that has to do with sewing! 😀 And I have two girls, ages 20 & 24: it's so sad!!! Although one did come and ask me one day if I had some fabric she could strain her cheese with when she was getting ready to try making cheese!! I did have to tell here that she needed CHEESE CLOTH, not quilting fabric! LOL!

  3. Trisch says:

    I started quilting when my kids were very little and didn't get into my stuff and then I stopped quilting until just recently. Now they are all grown and living on their own. One of my daughters likes to borrow sewing patterns from me. I am always happy to share. Loved your blog post! Very funny and cute. Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  4. Beth says:

    My family was threatened with their life if they touched my sewing scissors. My son did take a hole punch & punched a bunch of holes in my measuring tape. Funny thing…..it was still in one piece when he was done!

  5. My daughter is 3. One day, she raided my notions for zippers and a few pieces of bias tape, and laid them out on the living room floor (on top of the throw quilt from the couch). They were for her train. I think the doll stroller was the engine.

  6. CathyK says:

    I caught my husband using my special scissors that I only use to cut my threads. He was cutting up straws, for heaven's sake! Yikes! Thank you for the chance at the giveaway! I loved your post!

  7. Patty says:

    So far my family hasn't used any of my quilting supplies or notions. My daughter isn't interested in quilting, but I'm hoping I have a grandchild who will be interested.

  8. Kristy says:

    My little daughter upon receiving a new baby doll, came to me and said Mommy I need to make my baby a quilt, like you do for all the new babies.

  9. Dana says:

    Well, the memory that sticks in my mind is when my oldest son who was about 11 years old decided that he needed a nice sharp, small scissor to cut his model pieces apart. He then proceeded to use the tip to help pry open the red paint. Needless to say the scissors were no longer useful in my sewing room and yet I still have them by my sewing machine to snip threads. He is now 32 years old but it is a nice remembrance of him as a young boy.

  10. patty says:

    All four of my children learned from an early age the difference between paper scissors and fabric scissors–some learned that lesson the hard way

  11. Patti says:

    My daughter ( at the age of 2 ) gave my other daughter ( age 1) a haircut with my ghinger scissors. They were so sweet and innocent I just chuckled it off. It's a fond memory to this day…they are. 10 & 11 now. Would love the chance to win! Thank you!

  12. Sharon Dawn says:

    When we built our house we used many "quilting techniques"…fiber glass insulation works well when it is folded and cut into strips with a cutter. Angles and framed corners also Miter better when I treat them like a quilt block. Or, they seam to anyway! Thanks for the chance to win.

  13. Dawn says:

    Well, my scissors come to mind but since my sons have been out of the house for many years that doesn't happen any more. All of my friends laugh when they see my sewing/quilting shears because I use a permanent marker and write "DO NOT USE " on them. There is more than me way to skin a cat! lol

  14. Barb says:

    When my granddaughter was 2, she would raid my fabric stash for the perfect 'blanket' to wrap her doll. Occasionally she would come across a long narrow strip which she could use as a scarf around her neck. My budding fashionista!

  15. My youngest daughter has used my quilting supplies and used my Janome9000. When I went to use the machine when I needed to quilt the machine was dead!!!! I was very sad, but I bought a new Janome 7700!

  16. Siobhán says:

    So far I've just had my rulers and marking pens used. I can join you in the quilt nightmares, though! The other night I dreamed that I gave my cousin a quilt but forgot to bind it, and I was freaking out because they don't have internet access so I couldn't send them a tutorial on how to make binding.

    Thanks for the chance to win! Sherri is one of my quilting idols.

  17. kt says:

    My quilting tools have not been abused by my family–maybe because I don't have many yet? My middle son, though, is always finding the pins I have dropped on the floor, and I get called on to use my supplies to make other things–right now I am making strawberry bean bags for the games at our church's strawberry festival.

  18. Valerie says:

    My quilting scissors have the words " Fabric Only" written in big letters on them with a sharpie marker…doesn't stop my kids (who can read!!!) from using them on paper, however…I have to laugh though because when I was little, my grandmother had to put a lock on her sewing room door! I loved to visit her little green Elna sewing machine that I named "The Horse" and play with its tension settings! LOL…

  19. Northern Deb says:

    My daughters both raid my sewing room when they visit. They both wanted my sewing machine so I seached Ebay until I found one for each of them. Solid fabrics are always up for grabs… they love them and I have tons! NOBODY is allowed to touch my scissors… NOBODY! And they all know that. Hubby used them once in the garage and now knows better 😉

  20. SheilaS says:

    Oh my, I love your wonderful sense of humor! Anyway, since we are seniors and no longer have kids in the home and my quilting life began afterwards, the ONLY problem that I have had is apparently what everyone else has-guarding the scissors from darling hubby's hands!

  21. Karen says:

    I love it when my grandchildren come to visit from NC and they pull out m scrap bin and start designing something on my design wall. They are 6 and 8.

  22. Carrie P. says:

    My daughter has used my stash to make several quilts when she was younger. As she got older then we had to go buy certain fabrics for her. My husband used my sewing machine one time to make himself a workshop apron.
    thanks for a chance to win Sherri's new book.

  23. My husband seems to think the iron is for ironing. I actually had to shoo him out of my quilting room because I caught him with the ironing board down and looking at the iron. I did iron his shirt, but only so he wouldn't mess with iron 🙂

  24. Fignie says:

    Beautiful post to read.

    A few years back my hubs wanted to have a "Cool costume" for the dog (12 pounds of love!) So he took whatever red fabric I had – and some left over felt squares and made him a SuperMan cape … hand cut all the logo and layered it to make the back … and trimmed and cut the fabric to fit – it was adorable! 🙂

  25. Pat says:

    Only hubby and I at home now. The only one I can think of is several years ago he used my scissors to cut something. I threw such a fit, he won't do that again.

  26. Janelle says:

    My four year old likes to hang out in my sewing room with me. He likes to use my iron to "puff steam like an engine". Not too bad really, he's cautious and a charm pack worked great for him to iron on.

  27. Lyn says:

    My rotary cutter and ruler were very well used when my girls were at school and needed to trim paper etc for a project that was to be displayed or needed that neat finish..it worked so well on paper that I bought a new one for my fabric and left the old one for the paper

  28. Mary Graff says:

    One time my kids go into some special precut squares and decided to make a quilt. They glued the squares to construction paper. I tried not to get too upset, but…

  29. Thumper says:

    My 4 year old granddaughter commented that she loved the twin quilt I made for her birthday but was she still going to get a toy! I hope that each of my 5 granddaughters will always remember how much I love them when they look at one of the quilts I've made specially for them. My oldest granddaughter once borrowed my large ruler and cutting board for a school project. The cutting board came back warped from being left out in the sun…but I still use it because it reminds me of the 19 years I've loved her. I've never seen the ruler again!

    The drawing is on the 19 yr olds birthday and I'm hoping that will bring me luck!


  30. Polly says:

    When we were having a family dinner a few of my grandchildren went up in my sewing room. An hour later they came down w/their own copies of some applique cardinals I was making. They actually did a pretty good job. But you should have seen the mess I had to clean up. They were so proud of what they had made, I couldn't be mad at them. 😉

  31. OhioLori says:

    Our 7 Kiddo's always knew NOT to cut things with my sewing scissors….but kids are kids…caught one son tryin to cut a clothes hanger with them!! Arrrrrgh!!! lol & that was when I just sewed clothes! Two of my daughter's are learning to quilt with me….and lil grangirlie is wanting to learn now too!! YAY!! (yes…I will share the book with them…he he he)

  32. Linda says:

    Scissors!! Why do folks not understand that you don't use fabric scissors to cute paper??? I try to make sure there are paper scissors scattered all over the house. Love you blog, love the quilting book! Thanks

  33. Rachelle says:

    My son picked up my rotary cutter and tested it with his finger, since then he's left my quilting stuff alone cos it bit him and I make sure the cutter is away when he's around. I'd put it down, with the safety on, but he made it not safe very quickly!

  34. Judy1522 says:

    I always have to watch my husband to make sure he doesn't use my sewing scissors to cut paper. He believes that it shouldn't make a difference and on occasion I have caught him cutting paper with them. Now I try to keep them out of his sight.

  35. Alexis says:

    I have an aunt who told me one day she needed help making a quilt. I was thrilled! It turned out she just needed my fabric scissors to cut strips in fleece to tie them. She only had regular, everyday scissors. They weren't working so well…shocking. Luckily, I had 3 pairs to offer and it was a fun time with my aunt and cousin. I never did tell her that tying knots in fleece isn't really "quilting."

  36. Deb says:

    I have to say that my family knows to leave my quilting supplies ALONE! I can't think of a time when they've been bothered! Whew!

  37. Beth says:

    I wish I knew how to train my family not to use my quilting supplies BUT by now it is a lost cause and not one of the things I am going to sweat. My rotary cutter has been used to cut tile patterns, science projects, etc. I just buy a five pack of blades. The book looks wonderful. Going back to sew now only if I could find those dang scissors.

  38. Anonymous says:

    My pins get used to take out splinters! Thanks for the chance to win!

    laura _ piland (at) hotmail (dot) com

  39. Gretchen says:

    My S.O. loves using my quilting rulers for measuring things. He is not allowed to use my scissors at all and often teases me by asking to use them.

  40. One of my boys loves to use my rolled up tape measure…he thinks it's great fun to unroll it and play with it, then hand it to me to have it rolled back up again. Then he unrolls it…Life is easy when you're 5!

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