Blockheads- 22- Laurie Simpson

Laurie Simpson- Hen and Chicks

Block 22 is designed by Laurie Simpson. The block is named Hen and Chicks.

Download the pattern, HERE.

To read about my version and a little giveaway, keep reading along.

I have a huge fan girl crush on Laurie Simpson. Everything she touches is classic and inspiring including this weeks block.

Laurie writes in her description of her block the following, At first glance, the Hen and Chicks Block seems like another uneven 9-patch block. However, it requires a bit more sewing making this a fun but easy block. Adding 3 layers on a center square gives you many design possiblities. Mix and match fabrics and scraps, or use just 3 fabrics as pictured. So that got me to thinking of how fun this block would be as an allover quilt. So many piecing options that I played around a little bit with my block. Shown above is a repetitive block with a 1″ finished sashing and corner stones. I did not put sashing on the outside rows of the quilt so I thought it did not need a border at all carrying through the vintage feel. I rotated the blocks to create a secondary design throughout.

Squint and you can see all kinds of movement.

This looks like it could have been a vintage quilt so I did not add any borders which makes this quilt measure 53 x 62.

42 -8″ blocks set 6 across and 7 down. Of course you can make it bigger just by adding more blocks!

I love it so much!

Here is another version that is my version of Laurie’s block with 1″ finished sashing and corner stones and no other changes. I am obsessed by Laurie’s all over star print so I thought a nice big border would finish this one off nicely.

Now for the GIVEAWAY!!!

Each week I try and add a few little trinkets to my pictures. This week I added the quarantine merit badge stickers designed by Michelle White. During the past several weeks we have all been experiencing the new kind of normal and yes I have cut my own bangs 5 times and it shows. I have a couple of sets of stickers that I would like to share. Leave a comment and share one thing you learned or have tried during the pandemic and I will pick at random a few people to receive a set of stickers and a few goodies.

Visit each of the designers listed below for their take on the Hen & Chicks block

Be sure to check out the Block Heads Facebook Group and look for Block Heads 3 on Instagram – #modablockheads and #modablockheads3.





  1. Belinda Jones says:

    One thing that I have tried during the pandemic is to use fabric that I have on hand. I completed a mystery quilt using fabric that I had purchased six or seven years ago. I felt successful for both accomplishments–completing a mystery quilt (I like to see everything up front) and using only fabric from my stash.
    I also learned to make face masks. Who would have thought I’d ever need THAT skill?!

    • modalissa says:

      FACE MASKS!! Yes I have made a few hundred for a local United Way organization. I certainly look at fabric completely different now. Will it make a good face mask? Crazy times for sure.

  2. Helen Grieve says:

    I love your block and the different quilt variations you shared. I wouldn’t have thought about putting the star border on that quilt, but I like it.

  3. Bobbie Harris says:

    I learned to make masks ! Went back toa YoYo project from many yrs. past.
    Have learned real well how to order product online. But, the biggest thing I have learned is I’m not ready for hubby to retire yet !!! ❤️

    • modalissa says:

      I hear ya!! I walk the park by your old house each morning and think of you and your sweet, sweet family!
      Once Robert retires maybe you can get a job out of the house!

  4. Karen N. says:

    Like a lot of people, I learned how to make face masks. Wasn’t as productive as you! =:) Also have a new appreciation for people who are required to wear them all the time!!

    • modalissa says:

      Next thing we will deal with is the rash we all get on our faces for wearing masks too long! Stay safe, my friend!

  5. Kristi Castanette says:

    I learned that I can stay home and be perfectly happy. I do miss my extended family and friends but I can keep busy with my quilting and mask-making (like everyone else)!
    I also learned to be thankful for and make do with what I already have.

  6. Michelle Lafayette says:

    I started blockheads during covid and love learning so many new skills. I did try paper piecing yesterday and was very unhappy with my results.


    • modalissa says:

      That paper piecing is tricky for sure. It is like you have to reverse everything in your mind but keep practicing. It dies get easier and make such precision points!

  7. Jodi Andrews says:

    During the shelter in place, I really worked on mindful sewing, slowing down. And pacing myself. I have for the last 2 weeks been educating myself about injustice based on skin color. I live in Minneapolis and my emotions ran all over and still are, sad mad scared and angry all in one day. Sewed masks for peaceful protesting my daughter passed out.

    • modalissa says:

      We all have so much work to do! Putting our skills to work by making masks has certainly consumed lots of my time as well.

  8. Pam says:

    Working in a senior assisted living community I learn new things every day. Our residents are amazing and share that they’ve lived through tougher times than this.
    Michelle’s badges are wonderful! We miss her in Colorado!
    Thank you for sharing such great blocks!

  9. Keri F. says:

    I have been trying my hand at pickling onions and different recipes! it has been a fun little project. They are great on salads and grilled meat. I’m doing Keto (luv it) so #nosourdoughloafshere. Oh yeah, I’m the mask maker in my hood so that has been ongoing but worthwhile project.

  10. Lynn Jarzombeck says:

    Wow, love the 2 quilts you showed with Laurie’s block. Ideas are endless. I want to turn the first one into a scrappy adaptation sticking to your color scheme of a couple shades of pink, a blue and a white background. During this crazy time, I have learned some new strategy games so I can play online with my children. We turn on the sound and chat and play games such as 7 Wonders. Thanks for all your wonderful inspiration, love everything you do!

  11. Karen S says:

    What a great quilt with Laurie’s block – and the star border is perfection! I cut my husband’s hair during the quarantine. Yikes!! Can’t wait until he can get a “real” haircut!!

  12. Sarah P says:

    My husband and I have learned about ordering produce, and meat from local farmers. It gets delivered to the door, and has much more flavor!

  13. Sharon says:

    Closing of businesses and restrictions have enabled me to find more ways to spend family time, help out my neighbors, do more sewing and with more time, learn something new…tackle new sewing techniques

  14. Kaye Hlavaty says:

    I have learned that my life was too busy and have enjoyed this slowing down process. It will be very interesting to see the long term effect not only in omitting things in my own life but in the life’s of others. For example, do I need to play bridge twice a week? (No). Do I really need to belong to four quilt guilds? (Yes!). I dropped my gym membership and are faithfully walking and doing yoga via YouTube with great results!

    I have also completed a lot of quilts, pillow shams, table toppers, and, of course masks!

  15. Dortha says:

    I have been trying to just sew my stash. Who would have known that white fabric would sell out. Yeast, can’t find yeast. So can’t try bread making. Such small little things compared to the whole picture. I have learned some perspective. Wishing all health and safety.

  16. Karen Smith says:

    The quarantine gave me time to do more things with my family and for my neighbors. Tried new recipes instead of eating out, sharpened knitting skills, and read much more than usual. In general, life slowed to an enjoyable pace. Did miss the quilt shop though!

  17. Shawn says:

    I have made masks and have learned to relax and enjoy being home. I really don’t need to be on the go all the time. I have completed four quilts so far.

  18. Karen Seitz says:

    I’m still going into the office every day while the rest of my teammates are able to work from home. The past three months have been so challenging at work, not to mention the challenges all of us are facing in the world at large. I’ve learned to be grateful for the small things that I would miss if I were able to protect myself by staying home — a great parking space every day, the blooming meadow that I pass on my commute, the low traffic volume where I am usually stopped on the highway during rush hour. And, of course, I am grateful to keep receiving a paycheck. Thanks for the continuing inspiration and for the giveaway offer!

  19. Susan S says:

    I learned how to use Zoom! It was a great way to stay in touch with groups of friends! i made masks for family and friends too.

  20. Lisa C says:

    One thing that I am great full for during this whole pandemic is the wholesome time I have had to spend with my grandkids and family. I work in the healthcare industry and it can be stressful. So just to be able to spend more “at home” time with family has been my savings grace. I have even started teaching all of my grandkids to sew. We are working all together on a village quilt that each one has help design and sew. It will be a special quilt when it is all done and bring back memories of 2020 and how important it is to always pull together as family and show kindness every chance we get.

  21. Kathleen King says:

    Hi there Lissa, always appreciate your posts (and books!) – the regular doses of amazing quilting inspiration. Was nice for all of us to ‘meet you’ when you visited FQS and did a live stream with Kimberly – was fun to watch. During quarantine, I have learned to make a tote bag (quilted!), a drawstring bag, dresden plate blocks, and a giant starflower block quilt/wall hanging too. Thanks for all you do! – Kathie

  22. Glenna Denman says:

    I am learning to open up to new possibilities with every block rather than making the first one that comes to mind. There are so many different versions of each block, so many creative quilters sharing their ideas.

  23. Maryanne Richards says:

    I have been working from home since March and as the bulletin editor of our church bulletin I needed access to my files. Our bulletin publisher sent us instructions for downloading and using Google Chrome Remote Desktop. I not only am able to access my office from home but I have been using Zoom for many meetings, workshops and prayer groups. This is a huge deal, especially from someone who has a wall phone in the kitchen and no IPhone. My nieces are so proud of my accomplishment.

  24. Juls E says:

    I have learned I was using trips to the store to combat boredom. Now that I am out of that habit, I don’t miss grocery shopping at all! I have rediscovered how much I enjoy baking, at the expense of my waistline. And, my ufo pile is diminishing!

  25. Kathleen chenoweth says:

    I’ve been walking first thing in the morning around our new neighborhood, before the sun comes up over the rooftops. And then i come inside and SEW❤️

  26. Jeanine Waal says:

    I, too, have made masks. I have made over 200 of them, most for our local hospital and the rest for family and friends.

  27. Jill McCaughey says:

    I have learned that I don’t need to continually be producing to be valuable…it is okay to sit down and enjoy the moment! I have hauled out books I put away to read “when there isn’t anything else that needs to be done”, and remembered how easy it was to get lost in a good book. Several UFOs have surfaced, some are being finished, others were fondled and put back to age a bit more! This is a strange time for so many who have been on the life treadmill for years…we all can learn something from this.
    Thanks for all your great blogs, Jill in Phoenix/Calgary

  28. Sharon says:

    I have cleaned my machine following Sherri’s tips, made sourdough using a starter that a friend shared and sorted my stash into ‘colour’ boxes as I learn & grow with my scrappy block choices.

  29. Tammy says:

    I learned how to sew face masks, but this was not a fun kind of sewing. Instead, it was rather depressing at first. I much preferred beginning some of the quilt projects that have been waiting on my shelves : ) Those are fun quarantine stickers!

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