APQ beats SI anyday of the week

Many of you know that I am a mother of 5, so that means I have been pregnant for 45 months of my life. During one of my pregnancies we had a friend of my husband’s living with us.  Everyday the guys would ask, “Did Sports Illustrated come today?”  Of course it was the Swimsuit issue that they were so excited about.(not the issue shown here)

During this same time I worked the graveyard shift at the local grocery store. Lo and behold, there set the brand new issue of the SI Swimsuit. (one side note before I finish the story- these are the same 2 guys that say people go to Hooter’s for the wings, not because of the waitresses in tight fitting clothes.)
I decided to perform an experiment. I marched home with the new SI so excited I could barely stand it. I then proceeded to cut my face out of any pictures I could find. Ever so strategically I taped my picture onto each and every swimsuit model in the entire magazine. I quietly snuck the magazine into the mailbox along with the other mail so the guys would be the first to stumble across the much anticipated issue. The guys flipped through the magazine 3 or 4 times and DID NOT notice my picture on a single model. AHA!My experiment worked, they do not go to hooter’s for the wings.

Flash ahead 25 years!! Now, I am the one going to the mailbox inquisitively asking, “Did my American Patchwork and Quilting come yet?”  I see why the guys were so excited (well not really) for their much anticipated reading material. No one in my house was chasing down the mailman or running to the quilt store to look for a copy. Did they not understand? This was as big as my picture (head only- not body) being taped throughout Sports Illustrated so many years before. My quilt was going to be on the cover of October’s issue of American Patchwork and Quilting. Alas, my magazine(S) have arrived. I am sure that the cover quilt does not make the evening news like the cover model of SI does. I am sure my Dad would be proud that I didn’t have to take off any clothes to  make the cover.
In May, I had the pleasure and honor of attending American Patchwork and Quilting’s Creative Circle 2010. You can read all about this in the October issue of APQ so I will not fill you in too much of the details. (BACK PAGE) Also it was so great that I cannot even put it into words.

While on the tour of Meredith Corporation, we learned how the magazine was created and laid out. (Yes that is THE Eleanor Burns standing right next to me.) I was standing along one wall when Monica from Happy Zombie pointed out my quilt on the pages pinned to the storyboard. I was trying so hard to contain my excitement which of course is hard when Happy Zombie is pointing at you.

Senior Editor, Jennifer Keltner show us how each issue is laid out, making sure the entire issue is consistent and flows throughout. .

 We continued on the tour visiting the incredible Better Homes and Garden’s test garden. Breathtaking! As we were leaving I was told, “Oh ya. Lissa your quilt was photographed right over there. Do you want have your picture made in the same spot your quilt was photographed?” Well I am kind of shy, but I jumped at the chance.

Okay, Okay enough about me.
Run and pick up your own copy of the October, American Patchwork and Quilting.
Read about Jean Wells, Tara Lynn Darr, Lisa DeBee Schiller, Tonye Belinda Phillips, Pat Sloan,
In honor of my quilt and all the crew at APQ, I am doing a give away. Some lucky comment leaving person will win a shoebox full of 1 1/2 ” strips all different lengths. These strips will probably not make your own version of this quilt but it will get you started.
Also, do not miss what Jennifer Keltner is featuring on page 4. I have one now. You will want one too.
If you want to make this quilt you will need “a bunch of 1 1/2″ strips” the magazine instructions and your choice of brown tonals. here are a few moda choices. Collections for a Cause-Hope, Stock # 46088-14, Sandy’s Solids 7521-418 or Bella Solid 9900-71.


  1. Carol says:

    Oh! am I the first commenter??? love that quilt as well as all the others you have had published. I remember you from your days at The Old Craft Store. Love your blog!

  2. HRH Gigi says:

    Congratulations! I heard about that tour from Eleanor Burns and it sounded like so much fun! (No, we aren't friends, I was at Quilt in a Day for a presentation and she talked about it then.) How exciting to get a sneak peek at the process when you are featured.

  3. Mikia says:

    Haha love the magazine experiment. Did you ever tell them? And how exciting with your quilt on the cover. I almost thought you were gonna tell us the guys put another quilt on it as a tease. Have good awesome day.

  4. Congratulations on the cover, GREAT QUILT!!! Love, love, love scrappy quilts. Glad you had such a great time at publishing headquarters. You look cute as a button on that bench, and the SI story was hilarious by the way!!! Looking forward to getting my own copy of APQ with your quilt on the cover. Cyndi

  5. Sherrill says:

    Ooo, such a beautiful quilt! And how CLEVER of you to insert your face on the models' bodies–funny those goofy guys didn't notice. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  6. Susan D says:

    A whole bunch of strips– ones that I haven't looked at 100 times ( my stash bag) sound like so much fun! I love love love scrap quilts– absolute favorite. Now I'm on the lookout for my issue, too!

  7. Sherri says:

    Fun post to read…love your SI experiment…and Congrats on being a cover girl! I will be checking my mailbox every day waiting for this issue. What a fascinating opportunity it must have been to visit and learn all about the magazine production…not to mention your quilt is stunning…have a great day! (Oh, and of course I'd love to win the fabric strips)!

  8. Barb says:

    I would much rather have my quilt be the covergirl than me LOL–congratulations. I love the look of your scrappy quilt. I wonder if I have enough scraps to make it–hmmm

  9. Becky says:

    Oh gosh. Now I have to start watching the mailbox for my issue of APQ. I love that magazine. Congrats on making the cover!!!!! That's truly exciting. A friend of mine made a quilt on Saturday with strips (1 and 1/2 inches). I'm planning on making one, too:) Loved her quilt. Would love to have your strips to begin my project. Again, congrats!!!!!

  10. Helen says:

    Congratulations on having your quilt featured on the cover! I have been checking my mailbox for my next issue of APQ to arrive and now I am even more excited. I can't wait to see your quilt. I can already tell I'm going to love that pattern because it is in all my favorites–Moda fabric my favorite colors.

  11. Vickie E says:

    Cover of APQ rocks..but it's more fun to see someone of your quilt 'caliber' being excited about that. To me you are a quilt rock star…someone everyone should want on the cover.
    I knew happy zombie was going to D.M. but I didn't know you were..I am green here. My brother lives in D.M. Iowa. Anyhow, maybe someday I will be as cool as you and get invited to see how it's all done at BH&G….yeah maybe someday. 🙂

  12. Amy R says:

    Congrats for being at Meredith and for having your quilt published! Gush away. . . we understand totally and are all cheering for your out here in blogland.

  13. Congrats Lissa!!!! It's a good day when we make the cover of anything with our clothes on ;)!! I would settle for Laundry Weelky or something! Your quilt is fabulous – like always! How awesome is that!

  14. Congratulations. I had heard about the photo and now I am happy to see it! Your creativity always amazes me from the Moda booth at market to quilts that you make. Your success is well deserved!

  15. happy zombie says:

    Mamma Mia, Mamma Mia!!!I loved your SI story! Love your quilt. Love we got to see The Spot where your quilt was shot. Love that you made the cover. Love that we got to spend that wonderful, amazing adventure together. Love that you're the sharpest shooter in the bunch. Most of all… I love you!

  16. I just loved your SI story! Someday you will tell your grandkids that you were in SI :0)

    Thanks for sharing your strips with us. You know how much we love scrappy! Hey, now you can tell everyone that you "strip"!


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