20 questions

Here is a list of 20 questions from the moda designers pillow talk blog hop. Just in case you did not read all the posts, here is a link to each of them in no particular order. Cotton Way, Thimbleblossoms, Fig Tree Quilts, Laundry Basket Quilts, Deb Strain, Sandy Gervais, Barbara Brackman, Jan Patek, Kate Spain, Kathy Schmitz, Bunny Hill Designs, Aneela Hoey, Blackbird Designs, Me and My Sister,
I believe the  comments are closed on many of the posts but still stop by and follow them, add them to your blog roll, add them to twitter or whatever makes you remember to check out this talented group of ladies on a regular basis.
Yes I am going to give a prize to the winner, BUT I am not going to tell you what it is. You will have to trust me and want it really bad. 

1.How many years has Bonnie from Cotton Way been in business?
2. What designers binds quilts to relax and unwind?
3. What button covering tool did Joanna use to make her pillow?
4. Who is the newest designer to the moda family?

5. Who would like to have a pillow fight with Heath Ledger?
6. What designer has started attending ZUMBA classes?

 7. Who is this designer with the stuffed animal she slept with as a child?
8. Who has a masters in Theology?
9. Name 2 designers that did not “sew” a pillow? They used other mediums to make it happen.
10. Name 2 designers that hand paint all of their fabrics, including all the coordinates? (this is a trick question because their are more than 2 correct answers)
11. Who gave away a quilt on their pillow talk post? Did you miss a chance at this one?
12. What designer folded patterns for her mom and is now helping her mom create the patterns?
13. Name a mother daughter teams? EASY, there are several to choose from.
14. Who has the newest blog? There can be 2 answers here also.
15. Who has painted a picture a day for all 22 days?
16. Who gave away an Oliso iron as a prize?
17. How many “new friends(blogs)” did you make on the blog hop?
18. Tell us one little known fact about yourself.
19. Whose pillow post spanned 2 days? She stated, “I’m never able to follow the rules correctly. I accept my personality disorder and hope you will too.”
20.Thank you to all the designers for letting us get to know them a little bit better.
The final question……..Who’s the greatest? (answer- the moda designers)
drawing for final prize will be Feb 28th
Not all designers were able to participate in this blog hop. To see the entire list of moda designers, visit moda’s website.
GUESS WHAT? Debbie answered all the questions so everyone else save your brain power and leave a comment. you will still be eligible for a prize.
(send me your shipping information)
A box of treasures, including a large assortment of charms from my collection, auriful threads, spinning star papers, omnigrid ruler, notepad, chocoalets and candy.
BUT …..I know the questions were hard and you told me so.
SO… I have drawn a total of 20 names. Send me your info by March 6th.
Stacey- for being the first to comment I have a goody for you. Send me your info.
and Nicole from Fulton, MS
and Stitched with Prayer
and Judith Hogan
and Wanda Fish
and Deb from Mountain Musings
and Sharrieboberry (love that name)
and Cyn from Central Maryland
and Becky from Lilburn Georgia
and Wendy from Florence Montana
and Miss Jean from Central California
and Laura T from Redmond, Wa.
and Punkie Pie from Scotland CT
and Dorian from Far North California
and Kris gray
and slfranks4
and james and bess from Kentucky
Debra from MD
jen from Roseville CA
Don’t forget March 6th, I am shipping on March 7th
and thank you again to everyone for choosing moda.


  1. Janet says:

    Wow – you sure expect us to have a good memory!! It was a very fun blog hop and I enjoyed it very much.
    1. 21 years
    2. Aneela Hoey – I find that relaxing too :0)
    3. i-TOP
    4. Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings
    5. Alma Allen
    6. Camille Roskelley
    7. Lauri Simpson
    8. Joanna Figueroa
    9. Barbara Brackman and Deb Strain
    10.Sandy Gervais, Deb Strain
    11. Me and My Sister designs – their post was SO funny!
    12. Lisa of Sweetwater
    13. Lauren and Jessi Jung
    14. Laundry Basket Quilts
    15. Sandy Gervais
    16. Anne Sutton
    17. Lots – I had been to many of the blogs before but found some wonderful new ones.
    18. I put myself through University by working ten years at McDonald's
    19. Alma Allen – Blackbird Designs
    20. Moda designers are the best! Thanks a bunch for a great blog hop :0)

  2. This has been so much fun and I loved getting to know the Moda Designers better. Thank you for doing this.

    Here are my answers:
    1:) 21 years
    2:) Aneela Hoey
    3:) i-Top
    4:) Lisa Bongean
    5:) Blackbird Designs
    6:) Camille Roskelly
    7:) Laurie from Minnick & Simpson
    8:) Joanna Figueroa
    9:) Barbara Brackman used Photo Shop
    Deb Strain drew hers
    Me & My Sister had theirs appliqued by a
    Oliver & S used a tunic
    10:) Sandy Gervais and Deb Strain
    11:) Me & My Sister
    12:) Lisa at Sweetwater
    13:) Lauren and Jessi Jung
    14:) Deb Strain
    15:) Sandy Gervais
    16:) Anne Sutton
    17:) I made a multitude of new blog friends and
    it makes me so happy. Thank you.
    18:) I would love to have my own blog but have
    not yet taken the steps to do it.
    19:) Blackbird Designs
    20:) The MODA DESIGNERS are the best! Thank you
    so much for this terrific way to get to know
    them all better.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Martha B.

  3. piece peace says:

    Thanks to Debbie and your suggestion, i am saving my brain power:
    1. 21 yrs
    2. Aneela Hoey
    3. i-TOP tool
    4. Lisa Bongean
    5. Alma
    6. Camille Roskelley
    7. Laurie Simpson
    8. Joanna Figueroa
    9. Barbara Brackman or Deb Strain
    10. Deb Strain & Sandy Gervais
    11. Me & My Sisters Designs
    12. Lisa (Sweetwater)
    13. Bonnie & Camille
    14. Edyta( Laundry Basket Quilts)
    15. Sandy Gervais
    16. Anne Sutton- love the pink Featherweight)!
    17. 4
    18. My secret desire is to host a quilting and sewing show on TV.
    19. Alma Allen
    20. The greatest MODA designer STARS.

    My #18 is to host a quilting and sewing show on TV.
    THanks for having this Blog Hop. I learned alot and really enjoyed it.

  4. Lizzie says:

    I'm so glad I can save my brain power on this one. I've really enjoyed the pillow talk hop, it's been a great insight into what makes the designers tick….

  5. Barb says:

    I had fun reviewing all the blogs to double check my answers, so here goes 😀
    1. 21 yrs this mnth
    2. Aneela Hoey
    3. she wished she had used the i-TOP
    4. Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings
    5. Blackbird Designs
    6. Camille of Thimbleblossoms
    7. Laurie Simpson
    8. Joanna Figueroa
    9. Barbara Brackman and Leisl of Oliver + S who used a previously made tunic to dress the pillow
    10. Deb Strain and Sandy Gervais
    11. Me and My Sister Designs
    12. Lisa of Sweetwater
    13. Lauren and Jessi Jung
    14. Laundry Basket Quilts
    15. Sandy Gervais
    16. Bunny Hill Designs
    17. added 3 blogs to reader (most were already there)
    18. I have climbed Mt. Antero in Colorado.
    19. Blackbird Designs
    20. the moda designers

  6. VickiT says:

    Oh my gosh, I started going back through all the links to find all the answers and then decided to scroll down to see how many questions there were and saw your note. LOL BUT, I totally agree with the last question/answer!!!!!!

    the Moda designers are THE BEST! I'm new to following fabric designers and have to admit that all my purchases so far except for one have been from Moda designers. I think the one thing that got me to start purchasing instead of just reading and wishing was that someone who'd won the online quilting class being done by the Missouri Quilt Company was super sweet and gifted that to me. It's been a great class and she uses charm packs in her class so I started buying them and I LOVE the Moda charms the most and actually ALL the charm packs I've bought to date have all been from Moda. Thanks for such a great blog hop. I had fun reading more about all the wonderful designers and learning more about each of them. You sure can't get that type of stuff about who designed your fabrics from the box stores. 😉 Thanks again.
    vburr at charter dot net

  7. Linda says:

    Thanks for organizing this Lissa. It's been fun reading about the different designers and finding some new blogs to follow. I'm a fan of many of them and I love Moda fabric! (basically I collect it, especially pre-cuts)

  8. Karen says:

    Wow, thanks Debbie for saving us the trouble. I've got a migraine today so it would hurt too much to try to answer although I know I read all of the answers over the last few weeks. I just want to say thank you to Lissa – great job organizing this and to Sandy for all those cute paintings. This was a lot of fun. Now I have to go nurse this headache.

  9. Jen says:

    I spent my whole lunch time looking for all the answers, then I read that Debbie got them all! That's okay!

    1. 33 years
    2. Kathy Schmitz, Aneela Hoey
    3. iTop tool
    4. Aneela and Lisa
    5. Alma
    6. Camille
    7. Laurie
    8. Joanna
    9. Barbara (that was hilarious, BTW), and I couldn't figure out who else!
    10. Sandy and Deb
    11. Me and My Sister
    12. Lisa
    13. Bonnie and Camille, Lauren and Jessie
    14. Oh geez, I missed one!
    15. Sandy (weren't those amazing!)
    16. Anne
    17. Lots!
    18. I always sneeze 3x in a row
    19. Blackbird Designs
    20. The Moda designers are the greatest!

    Thanks so much for this awesome blog hop! I had a great time!

  10. Tiffany says:

    Oh man, I was all ready to go and find all the answers! Good for Debbie – she beat us all to it. I guess I will just have to agree that Moda designers ARE the greatest! I think my favorite post of the whole blog hop was the one from Me and My Sisters. They are hilarious!!

  11. Thanks for saving my brain power – I need to save all I can. I love Moda – it's my favorite! I'd love to win a prize (I never win anything!) but if not, I still had a great time on the blog hop. Thanks.

  12. Mary says:

    Thank you to Debbie and all the others who answered the questions. This blog hop has been a joy and I hate to see it end. Thanks for getting this all together – the questions you had each designer answer really made it fun. I can't wait to see what you guys at Moda come up with next.

  13. Sharon W says:

    This has been a great blog hop. I enjoyed getting to know more about the designers. I especially enjoyed Sandy Gervais' paintings each day. Moda designers are the BEST!!

  14. Amy says:

    I'm glad Debbie got all the answers right because I am brain dead right now!! I have really enjoyed the blog hop and getting to know the designers better. Such creativity and talent!!

  15. ladybug says:

    Thank you so much for the many chances to win, and the many interesting blogs posts to read – and for sharing the creativity of so many designers! I've completely enjoyed this hop!

  16. Laurie says:

    I so enjoyed following along this blog hop! It was great fun to learn new and interesting facts about some of my favorite designers. The pillows were all awesome. Thanks for a chance to win a goodie 🙂 and have a great day – Laurie

    llsbaskets at comcast dot net

  17. Jeanne (RED) says:

    Whoa, Lissa, I just loved meeting all the Moda designers! I already followed a few, but now have more to follow. This was truly a great idea! I bought patterns and a book along the way, and it was so exciting to see the different fabrics! Thank you to all the designers for a chance to win their give-a-ways, and thank you, Moda Lissa, for this great idea! Now, if I could just win something….8-}

  18. Myra says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed this blog hop. I loved learning more about the designers and their process and seeing all the lovely eye candy. Thank you so much for a delightful hop!

  19. Phew I am certainly glad Deb took care of that before I got here…I don't think I had it in me tonight! I really enjoyed the blog hop. It was fun. I have to say Sandy's little paintings were a nice touch too.

  20. SueB says:

    So enjoyed reading all the designers blogs and seeing their unique pillows! Moda designers are wonderful. Thank you for organizing this great event.

  21. phartubatech says:

    Really enjoyed the blog hop. I enjoyed hearing the stories about the designers and seeing their creations but the best part was that I was introduced to new fabric lines. Loved what I saw and learned. Thanks to all the designers for sharing with us.

  22. Sandy says:

    Well, I Really, really liked this blog hop. Thanks, Lissa, for organizing it! Hoping you do another on real soon! Congrats to Debbie for answering all the questions right.=)

  23. kshackabq says:

    Thanks, Debbie, for all your answers! And thanks, Lissa, for such a fun and interesting blog hop! And thanks to Moda for all the wonderful fabric we get to sew with!!!

  24. Helen says:

    This was fun! Kudos to Debbie for answering all the questions correctly. The pillows are great and it was fun to see what Sandy came up with for her little paintings. Helen

  25. Laura says:

    this blog hop has been so much fun. I've really enjoyed reading blogs I hadn't visited before and loved getting to know a little more about the moda designers.

  26. Edna says:

    Thanks to all the designers that participated in the pillow talk blog hop. It was a lot of fun each day following along and Sandy's mini paintings were the greatest. ~Finally, thank you Moda.~

  27. SheilaS says:

    Whew! I thought I was going to have to spend HOURS going back over all the designers to find the answers. Thanks Debbie, I was getting tired just thinking of it. This was fun and the first thing I did each morning was to check the various designer's blogs. I enjoyed the designers stories, the pillows and the whole blog hop.

  28. Janan says:

    Oh my gosh, this pillow talk blog hop has been such fun! It was great to get to know tidbits about every one. Thanks for all you do, I love MODA fabrics!

  29. Jeanne says:

    Enjoyed visiting all the blogs on the blog hop
    and meeting all the Moda designers. It was a lot of fun and found blogs I will be visiting again.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  30. Becky says:

    I'm giggling. Didn't expect a reading comprehension test at the end of the blog hop:) Can you tell I'm an educator? Thanks for organizing and hosting this fun blog hop! Moda designers are the beest!

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