I am giving away a book!

Did my title peek your interest?

Today is my day for The Teacher’s Pet
Strip-Smart Quilts Book Blog Tour
I have known Kathy for many years. She holds a special place in my heart for many reasons.
One is that she is Cajun and talks funnier than I do.
My husband
 thinks he is Cajun
 due to the time he spent with an
X-girlfriend that was Cajun but that is another story.
Every time I talk to Kathy she makes me think of my time spent crabbing, making Gumbo
(minus the okra) and Boudin. Kathy has included her recipe for Grits in the book which is
tame compared to the other things she could
be cooking up?

Yesterday you visited Elizabeth at Late Bloomers.We both chose the same quilt from the book. I would say great minds think alike. Right, Elizabeth?!

Well Kathy has cooked up some delightful patterns in her new book using 2 1/2 strips or
yardages cut into strips.
When Kathy asked me to be included in this Hop, I quickly agreed. I was to pick out my favorite quilt and tell why. Now rremember I am a middle child, so I had a hard time deciding on my “Favorite”.
 I like them all.
I studied and studied.  I couldn’t decide if I liked the quilt design or the fabrics used in the quilt the best.
Each of the fabrics Kathy choose for the quilts were perfect. I tried to choose something different than what she had pictured which was even a tougher task.

Hometown in stores August, Ruby in stores September
I choose a jelly roll from Sweetwater called Hometown. I mixed it with a teeny tiny grey white polka dot from Ruby by Bonnie & Camille for my background. 
I could use an entire bolt of this grey dot. Love it!

This is what I made. I may have to finish it up for perfect Father’s Day gift for my X Cajun man.
Yes the header said I am giving away a book.
 Leave a comment on my blog and Kathy will be using a
random generator to pick a winner each day.
Each winner will be receiving a book and ruler which will
 be shipped at the end of the blog tour.
Tomorrow visit Vickie at Sugar Spun quilts to see her favorite
project and get another chance to win!
A Cajun gal told me there will be a grand prize also drawn for at the end of the book tour. 
If Kathy share more of her recipes, beware! Have you ever had aligator? It tastes like chicken.


  1. Oh my gosh, I have been trying to decide what to make out of Hometown (when I can finally get my hands on it!) and that quilt would be perfect. I would love to win this book. Thanks for the chance!

  2. Lori L says:

    Looked for this book and ruler yesterday at 2 quilt shops and couldn't find them. I guess that I will have to win them if I want to make these quilts. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  3. Sherry says:

    I love the way your blocks are coming out. . . I'm sure your DH will love the quilt.

    As for alligator it must be the new "in" thing. . .there were several chefs on Master Chef that used it in their dishes.

    Sherry @ crazyquiltpatcher AT yahoo DOT com

  4. Jana says:

    I would love to win a copy of the book and interesting looking ruler! I really like the hourglass quilt and the fabric you have chosen.
    Jana, Czech Republic

  5. Aggiequilter says:

    I met Kathy at IQF-Houston and she's a warm funny lady! Her new book looks great! Now I want the Hometown fabrics too!
    I've been married to a wonderful Cajun guy for 25 yrs and I've had alligator, frog legs etc Funny thing is he doesn't even LIKE crawfish! He prefers shrimp and fish.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Deb says:

    The quilt that you started is beautiful. I'm sure enjoying the book tour. Thanks for the chance to win but not to eat alligator! 🙂

  7. First off I have tried alligator – it does NOT taste like chicken! 🙂
    Oh I want that book and ruler so bad. Oh I love the looks of the quilts I've seen so far. And that ruler is just too fun!
    But now I want that grey polka dot fabric too! I love the blocks you made! The colors are great!

  8. Caroline says:

    Okay, so I loved the one block on Elizabeth's blog yesterday, but all put together this quilt is FABULOUS!!! Oh, I really REALLY want to make one now!

  9. Bumme says:

    One thing I'm loving about this blog tour is seeing how different quilters do up the pattern – seeing the fabric and color combos. It's so inspiring!

  10. Nancy says:

    I am so happy to find someone else who is not fond (or hates? I do!) any vegetable that has hair/fur. Ooh yuck! As for the blocks, those I can get right behind. :o)

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