Friday Funny- It’s a quickie

happy Friday to all,

 Today I wanted to share this video from my talented, creative son. I know it was him because I see the muscle milk in the picture and he was probably on the way to the gym.
I have been slowly moving my sewing room back into a bedroom that was inhabited by daughter. It is a work in progress and I was not ready to show it to the world BUT then my son found this APP, made a movie and sent it.

I couldn’t embed the movie, so here is a link.

The app is Action Movie FX by Bad Robot Interactive. The free app is enough to keep you entertained and amuse your family with missile attacks,  car smashes, and demolition rocks. Of course there are more features for a price.

Do you need a new car, send your husband a video using car smashes. Need a new machine, copy what my son did to my machine. The possibilities are endless and quite therapeutic. Imagine the fun to demolition your house instead of cleaning it. Right? How about sending a missle to that pile of laundry?

have fun with the app and have a great weekend.


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