Where was this book 20 years ago when my boys were little and obsessed by all things mobile? Now they are in their 20’s and 30’s and obsessed by all things mobile but the only difference is that it is a phone now.
Angela’s quest for boy themed projects is certainly showcased here in her new book,
Stop. Go. Quilt. Sew! Make 12 Fun projects for Boys to Enjoy.
Angela creates her own fabric for appliques by piecing various strips together. In the book she talks about creating scrap applique. This technique is perfect whether you are using scraps or jelly rolls.
I am giving away a basic jelly roll (off white bella solid) in case you are interested in
creating your own scrap applique. ( see below for info)
While we are talking street signs, I thought I would show you a few local street signs in my neck of the woods. The first sign will not actually be found on any map or google site. It is a street sign that the employees at Moda/United Notions gave to the boss. I happened to catch the moda van parked by the sign which makes it much more official.
The sign below is an actual street sign that I had never seen before until one of my kids sent me the pic.
How great is this?
Angela asked us if we had to design our own street sign , what would it say.
Of course mine is in the shape of a hexagon
but isn’t red because that would mean
and that is the last
thing on my mind.
Angela is giving away a
and I am going to throw in a
Basic Jelly Roll.
Leave a comment and tell me what would your
street sign would say for a chance to win the book
or the jelly roll.
2 prizes, 2 chances to win.
This week my sign is definitely 'Please can I have just 5 minutes peace?'
Only 3 more weeks of school holidays to go!
Thanks for sharing a neat giveaway!
Such a fun book.
Mine would say "Carpe Diem"
My husband would probably suggest that the sign say "Watch for pins"
Thanks for the giveaway!
My sign would say, "Caution Stitcher in the Ditch". 🙂
Mine would be "Have Fun" thanks!
My mom has a sign in her kitchen that I covet that reads, "Because Nice Matters". That would probably be my sign. Thanks for the chance to win.
Insert a letter and add a word to sign
Thanks for the Jelly Roll and the book.
My sign would say children at play because that's my life and I LOVE it!!! eatkin85@yahoo.com
Today my sign would say "Cuteness ahead" – because of my adorable twin boys.
Yesterday it might have been something more like "Buy one, get one free" – because of my crazy twin boys.
Just kidding. Nobody gets to buy my twins.
Home is Where the Navy sends you, that's my sign. It's too long, so LIVE LOVE SEW. shuttermom77 at gmail dot com
my sign would say "enjoy life" just after having 2 grandsons for 4 days!!
my sign would say watch for falling fabric, love the new book, great projects for boys, can't wait to make some for my grandson, thanks for the giveaway
Minha placa..?Seria:VÁ costurar e deixe seu neto brincar.tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com
My sign would say 'Yield'!!
Hello, my name is Joshua Provoste … Looking fashionable clothes and things I was here for a while … I liked your pictures … I wish you much success with all …
ropa publicitaria
Greetings from Chile! 🙂
Actually, designing your own street sign is fine, Lissa, as long as it is for the good of everyone. If you plan on adding a little humor to the message, just make sure it is still safe, okay? 🙂 Also, choose the color of your signboard wisely. Know the meaning of each colors on the road and which ones are more likely to catch the attention of people.
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