The winners will be posted on the 14th.
Tuesday June 4thSinta from Pink Pincushion http://pinkpincushion.blogspot.com/
Wednesday June 5th Jodi from Pleasant Home http://www.pleasant-home.com/
Thursday June 6th Judi from Green Fairy Quilts http://greenfairyquilts.blogspot.com/
Friday June 7thLissa of ModaLissa http://modalissa.blogspot.com/
Saturday June 8th Amanda of AmandaMurphyDesign http://amandamurphydesign.blogspot.com/
Sunday June 9thAnna of Thimbleanna http://thimbleanna.com/
Monday June 10th Amy Smart of Diary of a Quilter http://www.diaryofaquilter.com/
Tuesday June 11th Kristyne of Pretty by Hand http://prettybyhand.com/
Wednesday June 12th Sherri of A Quilting Life http://www.aquiltinglife.com
Quilting is my life, I had a dream once that I got called into the Principal’s office because my son called someone a fat quarter. I did get called in at a later date for him looking up a girl’s skirt on the playground.
When I worked and taught at a quilt store, sometimes my students would call my home asking quilting questions. My family was comfortable thinking they could answer. If they were asked, about how much yardage should they buy? The standard answer was, “I think 1/2 yard would be plenty.”
I once was blamed for our foundation issues.
Well after all my fabric stash was on that side of the house.
Do you let people use your good scissors to cut paper? What about using a rotary cutter to cut pizza? you know who you are… Quilting is my life.
Quilting is my life.
I LOL'd about the foundation problems! Coulda been me! heehee
Well, it has always been just me and my dogs at home since I've been a quilter, but they definitely use my supplies to let me know when they want/need attention! They grab them and run (once they know I've seen them).
My mom is always asking for my scraps when she wants to make something small like a wallet, but they are never "right", so she then she starts going through my stash…her comment: "I need to go shopping, you have so much fabric you and don't need this little bit". Gotta love her.
I hide all my tools! When ever the husband uses a pair of my scissors, I just go buy a new pair!!
Stepping on my needles and pins in bare feet reminds everyone of my quilting activities.
I am a relatively new quilter, less than a year. After I started quilting, my grown daughter also wanted to learn, so I taught her. Talk about the blind leading the blinder. She informed me at the time that she had never even sewn on a button. But now she is on her 3rd quilt and has bought herself a sewing maching. However, she doesn't buy her own fabric. She comes to my house to "shop in my stash." LOL
One of my sons has been attempting to sew. He is constantly taking my needles, thread and pins!
I have not caught anyone using anything, sorry. Thanks for the giveaway!
(smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)
Last Christmas Son and his Girlfriend flew in to spend the holidays with us. They had to leave presents unwrapped so borrowed paper (Son knew where it was stored) and then he used my fabric scissors to cut it. While we were unwrapping the presents I mentioned that I saw he remembered where the wrapping paper was stores. Girlfriend pipes up and says and he also found your scissors by the sewing machine. I knew immediately he had used my "good" ones! LOL
I provide my daycare kids with fabric scraps from previos quilt projects to make crafts with! awolk at rogers dot com
My husband doesn't use my quilting supplies … I think he is scared to because he got in such trouble for using my kitchen tools in the garden! Thank you for the giveaway!
I think both my husband and son used my good sewing scissors to cut up cardboard and wire! I have since bought them several pairs of their own so they don't go grabbing mine 🙂 thanks for the giveaway!
I came home from work one day to the words "Andy was using your sewing machine". I guess he was tired of waiting to have something sewn for him. Thanks for the giveaway.
My children were out of the house when I started quilting and my husband knows not to touch my cutters so I don't have that problem.
My husband loves my rotary cutter to cut threads off his fireman uniform…
My scissors, needles & pins have been used on occasion. Love the book. thanks for the give-away.
My grandson uses my quilts to buildforts throughout mt house. He wanted to learn to sew so bad we bought him his own little one. So he uses my supplies and sews blocks together.
Husband was caught using fabric scissors for some work on the house he was doing and was promptly scolded. Now all my scissors are labeled for use and out of sight.
My niece just loves all my fabric. No misuse here unless you count the cat sleeping on works in progress!
My family uses my scissors but now has learned the ones with a ribbon tied on the handle are off limits
Once I was tending my small grandson and we had run out of things to do, or should I say that I had run out of energy. Anyway, I gave him a tape measure and told him to measure things and tell me which was the biggest, then we figured out by how much. Good math lesson too.
No one has used any of my sewing tools for things they shouldn't be used for! My scissors are shut away, out of reach of little hands! Although my toddler does like to play with my buttons and tape measures, but that is all and to be fair, I like to play with them too 🙂
Yes i've allowed some of the tools and stash to be used. Even a rotory cutter for helping out the local fire department cut their tickets. Of couorse I let them use the "paper blade'! LOL
I have strict rules for some of my supplies. Such as no one but me gets to use my fabric scissors unless they will be used only for fabric. A rule my mom had when growing up. My husband uses my tape measure. That's all at the moment. Soon I'm sure my sister will want to borrow supplies as well as my mom. Thank you for the chance!
My husband likes to use my scissors! It only took once before I 'set'him straight!
my first cutting board is SO hacked up (because of everyone else using it) that it is the official craft board, no longer my cutting board!
LOVE the stocking picture!! 🙂 I'd also love to win this book – all of the projects look great!
The only time that my supplies get borrowed is when some misguided soul attempts to steal my fabric scissors….. May they rest in peace, LOL.
Ha! I am very new to quilting. I have made one baby quilt and pillow and working on my second..thus I am just building my inventory of supplies and my stash of fabrics. My husband is nervous and my grandson has yet to see the wonders of a rotary cutter. I will try to keep it that way. 🙂
I'm the only female in my house so there were lots of soccer and basketball games as my son was growing up not to mention that there is pretty some sort of sport game on tv most of the time. I don't mind but there is one and hard and fast rule in my house, no one uses my sewing scissors! As far as I can tell they pretty much follow that rule.
My dear husband has "tried" to use my cloth scissors to cut paper. I really don't have any huge mishaps, thank goodness. 🙂
When I first started quilting, I told my son do not touch the rotary cutter it is very sharp. Of course, he was curious and about cut off his finger checking out the rotary cutter.
Great post!! My kids learned early on to not use my fabric scissors for anything, that there is a difference between fabric and paper scissors. Several years ago I went to a quilt show and bought a metal bowl that had a magnet to hold pins. Well a day or so later I could not find it anywhere! Guess where I discovered it, in my husband's tool chest! hehe. He was using it to hold some nuts and bolts. I let him keep it. Love hops like this as that's how I found you. New follower via BlogLovin. Sherri's book looks great, love the variety of projects.
Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.
My 2 year old grandson sat on my lap at the sewing machine while my 5 year old grandson sat nearby making a "quilt" with scraps:)
Luckily no one in my house dares touch my quilting supplies! I would loan something out if I had to….maybe. Love this book and would love to win a copy!
My grandson came over after I had bought a charm pack. He was fascinated with stacking them. He asked his mom if he could have one!
I always hid my Ginghers scissors so no one could find it. The best was when my grandson was supposed to be napping,and he got out of bed and wandered into my sewing room and was playing "drop the clothes pin in the bottle" by putting my sewing pins and seam ripper into the gallon jug of distilled water for my iron. After wasting the gallon of water, I had to discard the pins and seam ripper because they had rusty spots on it.
I am not very nice when sewing equipment gets used for non sewing activities, especially by non sewers, (and there are a few in my house!)But I love when the grandkids, DILs even sons, ask if they can shop my stash for class projects, school plays, scouts, whatever. Sadly, more often than not, I have what they need, so we have no excuse to go buy more! Thanks.
When my kids were younger they liked to play with my retractable tape measures until they broke.
my kids love to use fabric all of the time… i find it everywhere!!! They also have a habit of uncleaning everytime I clean of the sewing materials. If I can not find something… its probably in one of their rooms….
My 3 YO likes to sew with me by putting pins through stacks of fabric. I've found so many pins in the carpet, I don't like to think about it!
I think our son, the youngest, was the only one to use my sewing scissors on paper, and yes, he soon knew the 'rule'! But have shared many things and tools over the years with others as they needed…makes it twice the fun!
So far my grandnieces (and certainly my mother the resident quilting instructor) know NOT to touch my quilting notions — especially scissors. One thing they can do is to play with a stack of fabric I give them to "audition". It's cute to see them be so deliberate and thoughtful with their fabric selections.
So far my grandnieces (and certainly my mother the resident quilting instructor) know NOT to touch my quilting notions — especially scissors. One thing they can do is to play with a stack of fabric I give them to "audition". It's cute to see them be so deliberate and thoughtful with their fabric selections.