Today is my day on Kathy’s blog hop.
I love quilts that are repetitive graphic quilts that you have to take a second look at to see how they are constructed.
My favorite from the book has probably got to be Supponsibilites.
It is a great quilt but it is a wonderful story as well. (see book for story)

a comment and tell me how much you really want this book and that you have a jillion million fat quarters just watiting to be made into quilts.
I will pick a random
winner on the last day of the blog hop. June 25th. The winner will
receive an E-book directly from Martingale.
a comment and tell me how much you really want this book and that you have a jillion million fat quarters just watiting to be made into quilts.
I will pick a random
winner on the last day of the blog hop. June 25th. The winner will
receive an E-book directly from Martingale.
Be sure and check out all the stops on the blog tour to see their favorite quilt and for more chances to win.
June 17th- Sew Unique
Creations –
Creations –
June 18- Pam
Kitty Morning –
Kitty Morning –
June 19 – Spun Sugar
Quilts –
Quilts –
20 – Martingale –
20 – Martingale –
June 21 – Modalissa –
June 22- Silver Thimble
Quilt Co –
Quilt Co –
June 23 – Jaybird
Quilts –
Quilts –
June 24 – PS I
Quilt –
Quilt –
June 25th – Teacher’s Pet –
I really, really want this book! Thanks for the chance to win!
Bless your heart, I really need this book to make a wedding quilt for a very sweet Southern Girl in Sc! Have a Blessed Day!
I really really and truly want this book for myself. I have at least a zillion fat quarters to use up. I want to make every single pattern that is shown in this book. I can do this, but I need to be a winner. Thank you for the chance to win.
Sandi Timmons
I DO really have a billion fat quarters that need some kind of direction. They have been asking for some good patterns, and this book looks like it would be the one 🙂
I really, really would love to have this book And I have oodles of fat quarters just sitting patiently waiting to be cut up!
I don't know what it is about fat quarter stacks that make me just want to admire them instead of cutting them! I need this book to push me to make them into something. I once read a quote about fabric being too pretty to be just sitting in your stash. Help me transform the hundred or so FQ beauties into quilts!
I would really like to have this book. Most of the quilts look easy enough for a beginner like me. I don't have a jillon fat quarters as I tend to buy yardage instead. I do have a shoe box full of fat quarters. Thanks for the chance to win.
senstrings (@) yahoo dot com
Now I really want to read the story about "Supponsibilites!"
I so want this book. I have 3 of the tall Ikea bookshelf that hold cds but mine are filled with fat quarters. I need to free up some space. This book would help.
I love quilt books & this one is a winner. I've been collecting batik fat quarters for about 5 years, and my plastic bins are running over. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would really love to have this book…I love scrappy quilts and I have a ton of fat quarters to use up and this book would be great to have. Thank you for the chance to win.
I really want this book and I have a trillion million FQ's!! (not really!)
Yes, I have a jillion fat quarters and I would really like this book! 🙂
I like the cutting diagrams from the book. I'd love to win it so I can use some of my zillions of fat quarters.
I really want this book and I have a jillion million fat quarters just watiting to be made into quilts! I love e books and patterns
I do, I do! Caribbean Cooler would be first on my list to make. I like unique shapes and secondary patterns. I don't have a million jillion fat quarters, but I have a plastic drawer full and I'm enjoying learning how to use them!
I would really like this book! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love your choice. I have lots of FQ and am always looking for ways to use them
I have a kajillion million FQs just dying to become a beautiful quilt in a pattern from that wonderful book. Fingers crossed! Thanks!!
I have many, many fat 1/4s. The book would help put a dent in them!
I have the stack of fatties, I have the Fat Quarter Cutter. I have the urge to serge & the coffee pot set to brew. The only thing missing is patterns in the iPad, what to do, what to do?
Thank you for the chance to win. Congratulations to Kathy Brown for another superb collection. She is such a nice person to have in the shops showing her trunk show. If she rolls into your town, don't miss it!
This book looks great.Love your fabrics choice and the pattern.I don`t have many fabrics but love to look ways to your the one I have.Thanks for the chance!
Snugglepot and Cuddlypie! Now where is my copy? Our 3 kids were endowed with a copy way back when.They were just not that into but I loved it! The hexagon technique looks easy peassy when you show how. Would love to win the book, Thanks
My husband says I really need this book to help cut down on the gazillions of fat quarters I have stashed away in closets and in dressers. Doesn't he know that after depleting the supply, I'll have to buy more fat quarters?
I want this book more than I want cookies. I have DRAWERS full of fat quarters ready to go!
With a jillion million fat quarters just watiting to be made into quilts, I not only WANT this book, I NEED this book. FQ's are like chocolate, one is never enough.
Oooooh! ooooooh! oooooh! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! I have 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 fatquarters!!!! I need this book, or rather my fatquarters need this book!! Otherwise I will never cut them and make them into beautiful quilts!! Please help me by letting me win!!
I really need this book, because I do have 2 large sweater bags full of fat quarters that I need to use. So I can buy more, of course! This book has some really great patterns. Thanks or the chance!
I really need and want this book. I just bought 63 new fat quarters yesterday!!
I just so very need this book to make a small dent in my FQ stash! Seriously.
tks fr the wonderful chance! x
I really need this book……..I am drowning in fat quarters.
I need this book so much to clear all these Moda fat quarters out of my sewing room and make room for more!
Only a jillion million fat quarters? You haven't seen my stash! This is a great quilt, and this book would be perfect for using up a few thousand of them!
I would really love to have this book, I'm needing to make a couple of baby quilts that I already have fat quarters picked out for it!
I actually DO have fat quarters to use up…just got finished organizing them. Yay! i'd love to win that book!
I have lots of fat quarters that would love to see this book come into my house. They are tired of sitting on the shelf!
HI-I love the word "quickie"! I need to make some quick quilts with my fat quarters. Instant gratification!Thanks
I have really just begun my quilting journey and have a ton of FQ's and only 3 patterns. I am in desperate need of some different patterns becuase my friends and family are sick of the same old quilts!
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This book looks very useful. It would be fun to win it. I have many pieces to be call fat quarters what can be used.
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