Loose ends!!
One of the odd things about working at Moda is the Christmas holidays. We work on Holiday 2009 while also trying to accomplish Christmas 2008 at home. ( I am sworn to secrecy about Holiday 2009 but it is going to be GREAT!) We took a break from work and went to lunch on Friday.We had our annual ornament exchange. Pictured below are a few of the people in marketing, sampling and new product development. I think Rudolph bit Outlaw in the rear. Guess which one is Outlaw?
With that being said I felt like I should follow-up on some loose ends.
One of the odd things about working at Moda is the Christmas holidays. We work on Holiday 2009 while also trying to accomplish Christmas 2008 at home. ( I am sworn to secrecy about Holiday 2009 but it is going to be GREAT!) We took a break from work and went to lunch on Friday.We had our annual ornament exchange. Pictured below are a few of the people in marketing, sampling and new product development. I think Rudolph bit Outlaw in the rear. Guess which one is Outlaw?

Thimbleblossoms drawing.
I am delighted to be working on a quilt for Wendy! She won a drawing on Camille’s blog. Never did I expect to receive such a wonderful surprise in the mail. Camille sent me a selection of her patterns, a stocking full of chocolate and a James Taylor Christmas Cd. I have enjoyed sewing and snacking. the problem is I have also started a couple of her other patterns also. This quilting addiction is crazy! ( thank you, Camille)
I told you that I would post how to do English Paper Pieced hexagons by machine. I use the same technique that Blackbird Designs uses to do all of their applique quilts. Leaving the paper in, butt two of the hexagons together and sew. I use a fine zig zag stitch. The key is to use good quality nylon thread. Not the cheap stuff that is almost like fish line! The stitches almost disappear once the paper is removed. Join hexagons in sets of 2 and repeat. When you line up the next set of two slip the hexagons under the first set. This helps hold them in place as you chain piece. If you are doing the traditional hexagon flower you will have to pay close attention to fabric placement. I am doing a striped border of hexagons so mine are all constructed in rows.
Do not worry about taking out the paper or the basting stitches until you have sewn several of the sides together to hold them in place.
Here are several rows sewn together. How long would this take by hand?
Once the rows and or sections are arranged you can continue to join the sections using the same technique. You do not have to have an entire section down to start sewing them together. More can be added section by section. 
A section sewn together!

Enjoy, try it and let me know if you have any questions.
I love this artist.
You amaze me Lissa! . . . so many projects going on!. . . !
I'm taking a break from working on 'you know what'. . . but I must pop in & say thank you for your hexagon tutorial. . .! Maybe with this technique. . . I can get my own hexagon quilt done someday!
( . . & I'm cracking up over Debbie's expression! She's so cute!)
Merry Christmas Lissa!
xo, Bren
Thanks for the tutorial
I may just have to try this!
So do we get to see some of the ornaments from the exchange?
Have a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends.
That is amazing…thanks for the tutorial…I may have to give that a try…I could maybe get a hexagon quilt done in my lifetime.
Hmm, now I am seeing a possible light at the end of my life long hand sewn flower garden quilt!.
thanks for the tips!
might need to dig out that project and finish in 2009
Hey Lissa,
Thanks for the tutorial on hexigons. I got a bee in my bonnet awhile ago and decided I needed to make my very own Grandmothers Flower Garden quilt. I am now at the sewing the hexigons together part so thanks for the nice little tip!
Merry Christmas
Love that technique. I’ve been wondering if that’s how you’d do it. Super cool. Merry Christmas right back at you!
Glad my little package found you! I’d love to see what you are working on. You work WAY too quickly, crazy girl- you put us all to shame! I’ve been working on my hexagons for about 2 years, and I think you are now further along than I am. I think a change in technique is in order. Love the stripes and fabric too! You know I’m a huge Shangri-fan. 😉 Love it, love it…
Merry Merry Christmas to you too!
Hmmm what happened to “I’ll Photoshop myself in”?
Merry Christmas!
I have my fabrics on order, paper pieces are on the UPS truck somewhere in snow land here. I really forgot how much fun these little guys can be. Guess I don’t have an excuse now to use my invisible thread.
Wow! Thanks for the hex tutorial! I’ll have to think twice about working with hexagons now! That looks pretty slick! Can’t wait to see what’s in store for Christmas 2009!
Either Rudolph bit Outlaw or Santa goosed her! What a funny picture of her! I am trying the hexagon thing right away. Who knew (besides Blackbird) that we could speed those things up?
Thanks for the tutorial and Happy Holidays to you and yours.
For the first time, I can actually see a reason to own a sewing machine that has a zigzag stitch. My trusty little Featherweight will be so jealous. The best of both worlds….. lots of handwork to carry along (basting the fabric on the paper) and then a speedy finish. Fab O Liss. Merry Christmas
Hi Lissa,
thanks for posting the hexagon piccies…this method definitely a great time saver. I have a little tip for you: if you baste only through the fabric you can leave the basting stitches in the top & avoid the tedious removing part ;o).
Have fun piecing & quilting….Merry Christmas,
I just love the name of your blog…it makes me smile! I am glad to see you use your machine for those hexagons. I love to applique with my machine….so many projects…so little time! Thanks for sharing the tutorial! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to the coolest gal I know – Have a wonderful and restful time at home for a couple days – what better gift is that. Hope to see you before market
Best always
Oh wow! I have a renewed interest in my hexes again!!! I like piecing them by hand but feellike I will never finish a whole quilt anytime soon so thanks for the tutorial! I will have to get some nylon thread tomorrow at my LQS….is there a particular one you like better?
Thanks again for sharing and Happy New Year!
hexagons: can you use the paper again or is it too shredded? I buy my hexagons from somewhere and they are made out of a cardstock type paper. I reuse them over and over again. wondering if that would still be the case or should i just stock up on thousands of paper hexagons…………….brilliant!
Love to try this to see the outcome since I am nuts about hexagons. Thanks a millions
This is brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve always wanted to make a hexagon quilt, but completely dislike handwork. I will have to make a goal this year to make a hexagon quilt now!
I can’t wait to try this! Thanks so much for showing us how!
Yay!! I knew this could be done. I have hexagons all cut up from my Grandmother. I am going to make a *real* Grandmother’s quilt.
Thanks ever so much for the tutorial!!
Hi Lissa,
I had the same idea yesterday. I have demonstrated in wrapping paper hexagons in fabric, but afterwards it was so heavy to piece the hexagons together since I have fibromyalgia. So this is great to see my idea in action and maybe I will piece my hexagons together this year 🙂
Best wishes Babette.
OM MY!!! I saw this through sharing via Bonnie Hunter (quiltville's page @ facebook) !!!! my my–this takes EPP hexies to a whole new level….glad I saw this–thanks for sharing *~*CAROLE*~*
would you happen to have a close up of the stitch work that we could see – would love to see what it looks like up close – saw on Bonnie's facebook also
I am in amazement at how quickly those hexagons go together. I have a hexagonal project that is on going. Mainly because I am sewing them by hand. Your technique shows how easy it is to assemble them.