In all fairness to the recent post on the Jolly Jabber by Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie’s fame, I felt I needed to explain myself. Yes I will admit that I did “nag” Carrie a bit to do 5″ charm patterns. Why? Well I thought it would be wonderful to line the halls of moda with small quilts documenting the fabric designers and their collections. My previous idea was just to make miniatures of the project sheets. Can you imagine the Portobello Market Project sheet in miniature? Well I couldn’t either. So selfishly I hounded Carrie for patterns.

I am the President of the Miss Rosie’s fan club. Not really, but should be. I am making every single one of her Schnibbles. I am bummed if I do not get a charm pack to make with the collection and have to substitute. However,it is cool to see the other colorways. I have started hoarding the patterns and charm packs. I slide the pattern in the wrapper of the charm pack until I am ready for it. What you don’t see in the picture is the stack of Schnibbles that are all cut and organized waiting to be sewn. I cut several out at a time when I am in the cutting mood. Then when I am in the sewing mood and don’t want to start something new, I pull one of these out. ( Boy, I sound like a moody person)

I know this is a life long goal to have made all of these quilts. I hate to admit that I am also making all of Pam Buda’s, Heartspun Quilts charm patterns. What an addiction, geez!
There are no Schnibbles lining the walls of moda yet. Someday!
I know all my buddies have already blogged about the new Moda Bake Shop blog , but I am also mentioning it. Kudos to Angela Yosten for working so hard on developing it. Thank you to Joanna, Camille, Monica, Laurie and Leigh Ann for getting us started with some fun projects. We have lots more coming. Feel free to leave me a comment on things you would like to see featured on the Moda Bake Shop.
yes we all seem obsessed with this new moda bake shop blog…i’ve spent waaay too many hours there today! oh and your lovely pincusions are to die for!
Um, can I please have that basket full of charm packs and Schnibbles?? Or at least the Neptune one… *green jealousy monster squealing with envy* I promise I will love them all!
I LOVE the new Bakeshop blog (just found it yesterday)! And I’m mildly obsessed with Schnibbles patterns as well…I have her new “State Fair” ready to go! It is hard sometimes, though since the fabrics aren’t always available when the patterns come out…but I’m learning to get over that! Oh , and as for ideas for the bakeshop…more of what is there…simple quick projects for use around the house! Thanks again!
Very cute and thanks! I hope it is as big of a hit as we hope it to be! I will have to check out these schnibbles… never seen them before… where have I been, right?
I have never made one of the schnibbles patterns. There are a few I’ve had my eyes on though! I would like to see ideas for honey buns and Turnovers in the bake shop. I love buying jelly rolls and layer cakes and I’m excited for these two new things.
I love Carrie. I’ve been a fan a long time. I have most (if not all) of her patterns and have a Celebrate Spring “A Little Bit Country” next to my desk. Thank you for the Bake Shop Blog. I am a huge fan of precuts!
The Moda Bake Shop is a fabulous idea…thank you for linking to it. I now subscribe to the feed.
Carrie is just wonderful…Love her! And I Love Schnibbles! MODA Bake Shop is just so much fun! Thanks Lissa…I’ve decided you NEVER sleep.
I love the Moda Bake Shop. Just keep the great projects coming!
Love the Moda Bake Shop too! And I love charm packs, so I was so excited to read about the Schnibbles over at Jolly Jabber the other day!
I’m glad I found your blog and it lead me to the Moda Bake Shop….I’ve marked both in favorites. I’m very envious of your basket of Schnibbles matched with the actual charm packets. It would be nice to see a regular “pairing” of these in quilt shops since I’m always drawn to the pattern because of her great choice of fabric. You are one lucky gal to be with Moda….a dream job (did I say job…LOL)
Oh, if there is a Miss Rosie fan club, count me in! That Carrie, boy is she ever talented! Those tuffets are adorable, you lucky girl. I’ve made a few of her projects, and have a list of about 20 more that I want to get to. If only she would stop designing such great stuff…
Great work over at the Moda Bake Shop. I think it is safe to say it’s a hit. I don’t know how you do it all, Lissa. You are amazing!
Oh Lissa,
I too am addicted to Carrie’s Schnibbles. Maybe she and I share the same name therefore I have to love her Schnibbles? It seems as good an excuse as any. Seeing how I am never going to get all of her designs done, and my own too! Every time I see a new one, I buy it and a couple of charm packs too. It is sick I know— I don’t need to buy more fabric– I love to buy it!
I feel comforted knowing you too have teh same addiction to her cute Scnibbles!
Love ya!
Kari- Fresh Cut Quilts
I've been smitten with Carrie's patterns (Schnibbles & others) since before she was famous. 🙂
If you are president of Carrie’s Miss Rosie fan club, I must be the vice pres!! Vote for US!! Yea right!! I am a huge fan of the charms and all Schnibbles, too, except that it reminds me of nibbles and I feel like snacking every time I hear the word!! Somebody slap me back to reality!! Linda xo
Hi Lissa,
I just wanted to tell you I loved your quilt in the McCalls magazine. I love those colors! Thanks for sharing!
I love your blog! I too am a Miss Rosie fan, and the Moda bake shop is fantastic!
the Material Girls Quilts
The little pincushions are ADORABLE!! Love them!!
The Bake Shop Blog is fabulous! Great tutorials from some great gals. We {heart}Moda! I love the word Schnibbles! LOL. The pin cushions are fabulous. And I love the idea of putting the pattern with the pack. I’m excited for 2009. I have already seen some great things in Blog Land and I have some fun projects in the works too. I just get the warm fuzzies when I get a sip of all these creative juices. Happy New Year!
Cannot say enough about Carrie and everything she does. She is a real gem. Lissa, I was watching that football game yesterday and was thumbing through my magazines (which I was way behind on. I had quite a stack!) and wanted to say I was KNOCKED OUT by your quilt in the latest McCall’s. It is LOVELY. When I see a quilt that is so well put together I have lots of questions. The first one is did you work with a design wall? I’ll have more questions later. See you next month.
I’ll have to try out the Schnibbles! And I agree w/Laurie’s comment…your quilt in McCall’s is fantastic!
I just wanted to say that i saw your quilt in the new McCall’s issue and I started doing it the other day. I love it!! Thanks for the breathtaking pattern, And the quilts on the cover are to dye for, love at first sight!!!
Oh, those Schnibbles and Tuffets…I love em. I’m working on my first Schnibbles pattern now. I can’t find the Tuffet patterns around here so I guess I’ll order them online. Okay, now about your quilt on the cover of McCall’s. It is so beautiful. I think Stacey said it best with ‘breathtaking’. It will be a definite “Must Do” for me. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful pattern with us.
oh i love the moda bake shop!!!
and of course i heart moda!!!
Hey! I don’t really know what you do but some of your pictures of the quilts you made were really nice. And I just wanted to tell you that. Keep up the good work,