It must be that time in my life. Everyone around me is having babies or grand babies. (Don’t get any idea, kids) My niece and nephew, Daniel & Emily Tardy are due to have her first child (we know it is a girl) next week. Their nursery has a light fabric with a wonderful big paisley full of greens and blues. I didn’t have any of the fabric to be able to match a quilt to, yet I trudged on. I love the Denyse Schmidt style of quilts, so I thought I would sew some wacky log cabin or something nice and graphic. Changed my mind mid stream. At market, Quiltsmart had a pattern to make an orange peel and I thought this design would be perfect. Viola!
Easy, easy. easy and fun! With quiltsmart the templates are printed on lightweight fusible interfacing. First cut the interfacing, sew them to the fabric pieces and turn like a pillow. The exposed side of the interfacing is fusible so no or little pinning is required. Iron it in place and sew it down with whatever method you prefer. You can leave the interfacing in or cut it out from the back side of the quilt. Viola! Viola!
You may notice the petal shapes above have printed lines across the middle. For my baby quilt I wanted smaller petals than the quiltsmart interfacing featured. I reduced the shape 50% and traced it on to the interfacing. I only used a little bit of the interfacing for this project, so I will have plenty left to also make this quilt full size using scrappy prints.
Normally, you would sew these petals on to squares and then assemble the blocks. I didn’t want all the petals to line up (intentionally or not! ?) so I am appliqueing the petals on the background as a whole piece.
I am going to add the name and date running across the borders as soon as I know. So far,
I have (name goes here) Tardy, Feb (date) 2009 ready to applique as soon as I hear the news. Quilt it and ship it!!
Savannah Lynn Tardy has been born. I’ve got to get to work on the borders.
OH MY HEAVENS! must make that quilt!!!!
It's beautiful and now on my list! I love the colors you picked. Great Job! What a lucky baby (and parents)>
I think that I am going to have to try them. The petals are perfect and I love the color combinbations!
Thanks for sharing!
That quilt is darling, are you putting on a border? CUTE!
The quilt is fabulous. And that stuff seems like it would really be fun to work with! Will most definitely have to try it. ooxx`jodi
Love this as a baby quilt
oh what beautiful solids!
An Orange Peel quilt has been on my “to-do” list for about 30 years. This is lovely! I love the idea that I could make the peels like you did and then hand applique – and then I can cut out the interfacing from the back. Fabulous! Great colors!
what a lovely quilt! the colors are gorgeous
I just love your orange peel quilt and how you make the blocks with the solid colors.
It is lovely!! The colors are fantastic!! And thanks for the tip on applique.
I love this Lissa! I soooo want to make one too. I love your solids/color choices too! Madly in love with this quilt of yours – and I’m eyeing my jelly rolls and charm parks with your quilt in mind! How are you ever going to part with it?!
WOW… so cute! I love how easy this is… will have to try this one in the future.
I LOVE quilt smart! I am making a double wedding ring and I have made a lone star and a pinwheel spin. I love how easy it is! Your quilt looks great. Make sure to show us a picture when it’s quilted and bound!
How did you choose to applique it to the top? Do you do hand applique or use machine? If machine, what kind of stich and length did you choose? It looks SO GOOD! I love the colors and I’ve always loved this curvy design. Thanks for making it look so easy. You make me feel like I can actually attempt it! Thanks for sharing on your blog.
I love this. Thanks for showing us how to do it.
Love this quilt and OMG that Quiltsmart stuff sure looks like it makes it easy! Might have to try it!
oh, i love this!!
Love those colors!
What a fun project.
I was thinking exactly what Elizabeth said! . . . Those are great colors! – So soothing! Ooooo!
xo, Bren
I cant wait to see the finished product! I love the colors
Ooooh…. Love everything about this! The Bella Solids are perfect in it. Can you PLEASE stop with the projects? There are just too many I want to make, and not nearly enough hours in the day. Really the big question is: HOW do you do it all???
I was thinking exactly what Camille said!
Yay on the new baby! and on such a sweet quilt! I love that method of applique ….it always makes me look good! (cause my needleturn doesn’t !)
A new baby is such a precious gift. It always touches my heart to hear that a new little one has arrived. The quilt is beautiful, I adore the colors. I’m a relatively new quilter and I haven’t tried applique’ yet but I was taught this method in the class I took and the finished pieces I saw were wonderful.
Oh!! thanks for that great idea!!! I’m expecting and don’t knew what could I make… Now I know, LOL.
However, could you let me know about this interfacing. Maybe, I can’t find it here, so if you could help me telling me the exactly name or where can I buy it, I would be grateful for a long time, Sure…
oh i love this quilt!!!
SUPER cute!!!
i love the bella solids!!!
and congrats on being an auntie!!!
I love this quilt. I have seen it done on blocks but what a great idea just to do it on a big piece of fabric.
Love love this quilt! A source of inspiration for me and my daughter – thanks!
Have you finished it? If so, would you be so kind as to post a picture?