The 2011 Best In Show Trophy was awarded to “GCH Foxcliffe Hickory Wind”
a.k.a. “Hickory,” a Scottish Deerhound.
What is a Scottish Deerhound?
Characterized as “the most perfect creature” by Sir Walter Scott, where do we find the essence of this graceful and stately sighthound? Great stature with greyhound-like curves and a natural, wiry coat with shaggy beard and brows give him a wise appearance and reinforce his natural dignity. Keenness, great speed, and endurance make him formidable in the field. A Deerhound breeder once said that Deerhounds steadfastly believe the best of their humans. Their quiet dignity, readiness to forgive injury and remember kindness, sudden fits of irresponsible gaiety, wistful expression, and unfaltering friendship are their hallmarks.
In honor of the Best of show- Hickory I thought I would post something from my newest Kevin Leman book I am reading. You may know what a fan of Kevin and his birth order books. His latest one is,
Have a New You by Friday. Today is Friday and I have read the book…..
Great book and it does cover birth order and personailites but from a completely different perspective.
Which of the following breeds best describes your strengths?

want to be noticed, appreciated
tell good stories
animated, bubbly personality
act spontaneous
naive optimism
Great Dane
Take charge
make snappy (usually correct) judgements
high self confidence
daring, adventurous
persuasive, strong willed
Standard Poodle
do things the “right way”
highly analytical
live by high standards and ideals
skilled at setting long term goals
very organized, orderly
respectful of others
faithful, loyal
love deep discussions
Irish Setter
keep the peace ( a calming influence)
can solve problems objectively
have a balanced, pleasing personality
patient,obliging, friendly
loyal, good at listening
content, adaptable
tolerant and diplomatic
don’t make impulsive decisions
stick to the end of a project
(even if it takes a while to complete it)
I won’t tell you which dog I am most like but my husband is a YORKIE, through and through
However I am the most like David Letterman as described in the book.
DISCLAMIER: This has nothing to do with which breed you look like. that is an entirely different post.
Thank you for sharing that very interesting topic. I think the Yorkie in this picture looks like cousin It. lol. We have a mini poodle and he is so agile, intelligent and loving. I have three other males in the house and I am not allowed to cut Jasper Carrot in that pom pom look.
Pre-retirement, I was a great dane.
Post-retirement, I am an irish setter.
I guess I am a mutt. Part great dane, part irish setter.
Looks like I'm a poodle! LOL
I've read pieces of some of Kevin Leman's books & know he is a great author. Reading these descriptions, I'm a Yorkie-Poo with an Irish Setter Grandmother (I've heard everyone has an Irish Grandmother). I'm a lot like about half the traits on each of those three. Oh, maybe I'm just a mutt? LOL!
I'm totally cracking up at the thought of "Have a New husband by Friday!" Not sure why that struck me so funny!
I have a little of all of them, but mostly the poodle. Intrigued by having a New Husband by Friday!
I am sooooo a Yorkie!=)
You left out Jack Russells!!
I would love to be like my sweet Bella!
A new husband by Friday would be nice. Kind of sounds like an old episode of "Bewitched".
I'm an Irish Setter, married to a Great Dane
I'm a Great Dane, married to an Irish Setter.
Or maybe I should say I'm a Great Dane with yorkie tendencies.
Well, there's a sentence I never thought I'd type. lol