Quilts, quilts, how many quilts?

In Celebration of National Quilting Day, I thought I would play a game similar to guessing how many jelly beans are in the jar. Instead  of jelly beans, it will be how many quilts are piled on my sewing room floor?
The contest is to see who can guess how many quilts/quilt tops are stacked in the pictures below.
First, let me tell you why my treasures are in such piles and the pictures are such bad quality.
I was leaving town when I found out that there was going to be someone working
 at the house
 in the room
where all these quilts were
 I quickly moved them all into my sewing room.

Stacks and rolls.. These are just some of the quilts I have made over the years. The ones that I do not want  to be used are rolled on a dowel rod or cardboard tube. These tubes are so handy to display in the corners of your home whether nothing else really “fits.”
 If I did this when the kids were younger, they probably would have used these “tubes” as
battering rams or some sort of weapon, but I think the quilts are safe now.

Some antique ones in this stack. I use to have a bunch of antique ones but I started getting rid of those to make room for the ones I made and to have money to buy fabric.

Some oldies but goodies including the Ohio Star that was on my 29 year old sons’ bed when he was little. The quilt was actually hand quilted and is very well loved.
There was a matching one on his brothers bed also. Who knows where that one is.
I don’t even know how many quilts/quilt tops are here, but go ahead and guess. I will celebrate National Quilting Day by counting the quilts, refolding them and finding a new resting place for each of them. 
I am going to choose two winners at random that guessed the correct qty of quilts.
Prize 1
Prize 2
I will announce the winners March 30th. Please make sure I have a way of contacting you.


  1. Meg says:

    My guess is 42, since that is the answer to every question, including the meaning of life… Right? (I feel like I should give YOU a prize if you get the reference!)

  2. kathleen says:

    ohhhh, i'm guessing 64. That can't possibly be all your quilts tho! I'm still loving my quilt ladders where my quilts are stored. I got the idea from YOU all those years ago.


    me, me, call my name! please!!

    fun fun

  3. Anonymous says:

    71 quilts in that colorful pile and all around the room

    Wish I could be there to help count!


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