Sweet Celebrations blog hop

Welcome Welcome. I am honored to be one of the stops on the tour along with such talented people. Sweet Celebrations features projects from 21 designers or as we call them chefs.
 Chef is code word so that our families think we are spending more time in the kitchen than in the sewing room.
Why I am on the hop? Because I had the honor of compiling this project. However I did not do it alone. I had lots of help from Angela Yosten and Jenny Garland who helped hatch the entire project.
I also wanted to give a shout out to Chelair Etter who took care of making sure each chef had the ingredients necessary to complete their project. Thanks also to the great crew at Stash Books for putting together such a great book that can be used throughout the year.
The book was started a year and a half ago so to see the actual book and the great projects inside is such a great surprise to see how it all came together.

Throughout the hop you will see a few of the projects in the book so I am not going to duplicate those images. However I am going to show you the pages titled, Celebrate the Designers. That is really what this blog hop is all about, celebrating the designers and all the work they put into this project. I am lucky enough to have my hands on an early copy of the book. I also have many pages flagged for the projects that I want to make!

If you are a storeowner, you can meet some of the chefs at market. They will be there doing a book signing in the United Notions booth.

If you are coming to Quilt Festival in Houston, there will be a Moda Bake Shop booth, showcasing some of the projects from the book as well as all the projects online at the bakeshop.

 Leave a comment telling me what your favorite part of quilting is and I will draw a winner for this little bag of treats that includes 8 different 2 1/2″ charm packs called Moda Candy.

My recipe is from a friend of mine, Debbie Outlaw. The recipe has been around for so long no one knew what it’s original name was…………so I took the liberty to rename it, Outlaw’s Pumpkin Muffins.

here is a link to the recipe.

Hop on over to Little Miss Shabby to see what she is saying today about Sweet Celebrations.


  1. Luned says:

    The part when you put the finished quilt on the bed and settle down for a long sleep. Before that, hard to choose between choosing the fabrics, hand applique or hand quilting, but I think hand quilting wins.

  2. maggi says:

    My favorite part of quilting is the final stitches of the binding! HA! Actually, I really enjoy choosing fabrics; trying to decide what goes where and how you want the quilt to look!

  3. Hildy says:

    I love choosing the fabric and the sewing. And ten, honestly, my tops tent to lay around a while before I quilt them … let's just say my quilting skills are upgradeable;-) Thanks and greetings from germany, Hildy

  4. Deb Cline says:

    I love seeing the designs come together. After choosing the fabrics, I always think I know what something will look like, but it's almost always better! And completing the blocks is so satisfying.

  5. Luv-2-Quilt says:

    My Favorite part of Quilting is stash diving.
    My husband tolerates me, but every
    bit of avaiable surface area is
    covered in fabrics so can be
    assureed just the right ones are
    used and so i can make a list of additional fabric I need to buy.

  6. Shar says:

    I love the designing of the quilts. Pulling fabrics together is a blast. I can put fabric together that people would never think of using.and people just love them.

  7. Jackie says:

    I love the coming together part! And choosing fabrics, and finishing that binding, I think what I enjoy is free motion quilting. Mmmmm there is quite a lot I like about quilting!

  8. Gwen says:

    Planning is the most fun, I think! I love just imagining how different patterns would look in different fabrics– have lost many hours of sleep doing such "imagining"! LOL

    Thank you so much for this fun hop! I'm loving all the yummy recipes– both edible and not! 🙂 Outlaw's Pumpkin Mini Muffins sound delicious– and I love that they're so quick and easy to make! I'm saving this recipe– I think it will be my contribution to our family's Thanksgiving dessert table this year! 🙂

  9. My favorite part of quilting besides the actual motions of doing so, is the satisfaction I get when I'm able to say, "I did that." I created that beautiful quilt that could possibly last for generations. But also because quilting is therapeutic for me, I find solace in the petting and cutting of beautiful soft fabrics, and the hum of my sewing machine.

    Thank you for giving us the chance to win!

  10. Mary says:

    Your recipe sounds delicious and I can't wait to try it!

    My favorite part of quilting is hard to name because I enjoy the whole process. I'm designing a baby quilt right now around fabric that my daughter chose. I loved shopping with her. And I'll enjoy putting it together and quilting it. I just like the whole process!

  11. Thanks so much for the recipe and giveaway! I've been on the hunt for a new pumpkin recipe, and who doesn't love things in "mini!" My favorite part of quilting is watching the idea go from my head, to design wall, to real thing! LOVE watching it all come together!

  12. mouse says:

    Whatever part I'm working on at the moment tends to be my favorite part–except the cutting I'm not a huge fan of. I also enjoy the relaxing-ness of hand quilting.

  13. Mommarock says:

    My favorite part of quilting is hand piecing. I love to stitch the pieces together while I am watching television in the evenings. I also love color combinations and just looking at all of the lovely fabrics. I could easily become a fabric hoarder. EASILY!

  14. GO STARS! says:

    My favorite part of quilting is getting that first block finished. Then I can see if my color and pattern choices are going to give the results I was hoping for. Sometimes I'm surprised by what shows up

  15. mama dub says:

    I think my favorite part of quilting is the piecing together of a quilt. I like seeing a quilt come together piece by piece. Thanks for the giveaway and the recipe.

  16. Quiltluver says:

    My favorite part of quilting is the process of cutting up pieces of fabric into little pieces only to sew them back together into something wonderful! It is so relaxing and for someone that has a stressful job sewing is the best medicine!

  17. Susan C says:

    My favorite parts of quilting are the beginning (choosing a pattern and selecting fabrics) and the end (admiring and enjoying the finished project). Of course, I also enjoy the I between!

  18. Suzan says:

    Honestly, my very favorite part of the quilting process (after the shopping!) is the quilting. I am a machine quilter and I love to quilt.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  19. Well got to admit the best part is getting an idea and then shopping for the fabrics for it! Least amont of work! But do like the rest of it too, its supposed to be fun not work and most of the time is. So many great fabrics out now, too much to choose from. Love the book, thanks for the chance.

  20. quilterseig says:

    I think my favorite part of quilting is the variety. When I tire of cutting I can sit and piece for a while and then quilt if piecing begins to wear on me. That's why I have several projects going at once in various stages of development! I love Moda and would love to be entered in the giveaway!

  21. My favorite part of quilting is how on the days my body allows me to sew, the very second I walk into my sewing room to start working on whatever is on the agenda that day, or fondle a new fabric, or just absorb myself in looking at patterns, every trouble, all the stress of life, everything that has to do with the Scleroderma that has taken up residence in my body…is forgotten. I completely relax and I never look at a clock, nor worry about time. I don't need pain meds, or meds to settle down the battle going on inside me. I just pull out parts of my meager stash (I've only been quilting 4 years, since I lost the ability to do the intricate handwork I loved so much)) and dream of projects I will do with the fabrics I have. It is my refuge from the little vicissitudes of life as I know it and I love every thing about it. Big hugs and I have to wish good luck to everyone because we are all hoping and to win some of this wonderful quilting treasure and no matter who it goes to, it will bring some "Happy" with it! Thanks for the chance. Big Hugs…

  22. Lisa says:

    I like to pick my next pattern and the fabrics, but I love using my sewing machine! Guiding the pieces through gives me peace and satisfaction.

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