Sweet Celebrations blog hop

Welcome Welcome. I am honored to be one of the stops on the tour along with such talented people. Sweet Celebrations features projects from 21 designers or as we call them chefs.
 Chef is code word so that our families think we are spending more time in the kitchen than in the sewing room.
Why I am on the hop? Because I had the honor of compiling this project. However I did not do it alone. I had lots of help from Angela Yosten and Jenny Garland who helped hatch the entire project.
I also wanted to give a shout out to Chelair Etter who took care of making sure each chef had the ingredients necessary to complete their project. Thanks also to the great crew at Stash Books for putting together such a great book that can be used throughout the year.
The book was started a year and a half ago so to see the actual book and the great projects inside is such a great surprise to see how it all came together.

Throughout the hop you will see a few of the projects in the book so I am not going to duplicate those images. However I am going to show you the pages titled, Celebrate the Designers. That is really what this blog hop is all about, celebrating the designers and all the work they put into this project. I am lucky enough to have my hands on an early copy of the book. I also have many pages flagged for the projects that I want to make!

If you are a storeowner, you can meet some of the chefs at market. They will be there doing a book signing in the United Notions booth.

If you are coming to Quilt Festival in Houston, there will be a Moda Bake Shop booth, showcasing some of the projects from the book as well as all the projects online at the bakeshop.

 Leave a comment telling me what your favorite part of quilting is and I will draw a winner for this little bag of treats that includes 8 different 2 1/2″ charm packs called Moda Candy.

My recipe is from a friend of mine, Debbie Outlaw. The recipe has been around for so long no one knew what it’s original name was…………so I took the liberty to rename it, Outlaw’s Pumpkin Muffins.

here is a link to the recipe.

Hop on over to Little Miss Shabby to see what she is saying today about Sweet Celebrations.


  1. Alexis says:

    I love watching each square come together and the top gradually growing. The recipe looks delicious. I'm definitely going to make that one. Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. Rae R says:

    I like hand quilting, but I like putting on the binding because it means I'm almost done and can start using the quilt. Thanks for the givaway. raybanfandango at hotmail dot com

  3. kath in ohio says:

    Favorite part…whichever part I'm currently doing. I have to admit I like doing smaller projects and would never tackle a quilt with a zillion half square triangles like some friends have…so I stick with projects I know I will enjoy!kmfosnaugh@gmail.com

  4. Wendy B says:

    can you have just ONE favourite part of the quilting process??? mmmmm….stitching the last bit of binding on and the quilt label??? and handing it over to the appreciative recipient! but really…..I love it all!
    xox sugary hugs
    Wendy :O)

  5. Liz says:

    I am a fabric junkie, so the fabric selection and design are my favorite part, but the sense of accomplishment and enjoyment of seeing it come together are a close second.

  6. Anonymous says:

    My favorite part of quilting is piecing the top of the quilt. Love putting together fabrics and seeing the pattern come to life.
    tamiquilts at att dot net

  7. Judith says:

    My favorite is picking out the fabric. When I have a pattern in front of me, I am blank until I search for the perfect fabric. Thanks for sharing…Judith, Texas

  8. B Greene says:

    My favorite part is the piecing itself! The quilting might be second now – I am enjoying it more and more. Congratulations on the wonderful book and thanks for the chance to win!

  9. Malinda says:

    I like piecing the best, although there is great satisfaction in snipping the last thread and pulling the quilted quilt off the frame and see the whole thing in its quilted, 99%-done state for the first time!

  10. Nati says:

    my favourite part of quilting is the design process and then when I get to go running to my husband with the finished quilt! Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Lynn says:

    I think I like planning the best, getting out my fabrics, looking online for new fabrics, playing with my stash. It's all about the fabric!!

  12. jenni says:

    My favorite part of quilting is hand sewing the binding. There is something wonderful about feeling the fabric all put together and looking closely at all the little pieces. Using a needle and thread and thimble reminds me so much of my sweet grandma. Most of my quilts are machined pieced but they are all bound by hand!

  13. brooke says:

    I think that I love the quilting the most. But I'm still really new to it, so there's not a whole lot of variety in my quilting…straight line and stipple with some loops for good measure!


  14. Beeshebags says:

    I actually enjoy hand sewing the binding down….possibly because I believe it looks way nicer than machine stitched but mainly because that really is the home stretch…lol


  15. Siobhán says:

    My favorite part of quilting is definitely the fabric selection/hoarding! It's probably easiest to say my least favorite parts, which would be basting and then binding.

    Thanks for the recipe! They look good. My Irish DH can't understand the fascination my kids & I have with all things pumpkin–I told him it's an American thing. 😉

  16. Silent Words says:

    I'm new to quilting, and most of my designs are fairly simple; but my favourite part about quilting so far is when I lay out blocks side by side and I can start to see the finished product!

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