BlockHeads- ZEST

We were working on our Blockheads blocks back in December, which seems so long ago. I watched the Gringe with my grandkids many times over the holidays, and we often talked about having a big heart. I named the block ZEST for great enthusiasm and energy and, of course, a big heart.

Here is the link to the pattern download. But wait, there is more past the download!

This block is so simple that I had to play around with all kinds of options.
My 4″ block is half and half.

As I have done in my other blockheads’ posts, I have featured a few of my treasures. This week I am showing two pins, modalissa and Moda certified. But one of my favorite treasures is this pin that was in my stocking many years ago. That year, after all the gifts were open, bellies were full, and kids were down for naps, my mom brought out a huge sack for my sister and me.

Each item was individually wrapped and had a handwritten explanation about the history of the treasure. My sister and I spent the rest of the afternoon going through the makeshift stocking while mom told us all about the goods. This reminds me of how we all tell the stories about the meaning behind our quilts and the messages they leave behind.

I couldn’t help but incorporate my family into this quilt, combining 4 of the 4″ hearts to represent my three grandsons and one granddaughter.

To represent my four boys and one girl, I did the same but made them as 8″ blocks and will add this to my quilt somewhere. Every quilt tells a story, and mine would not be complete without adding these.

I was in the process of photographing these two blocks, and it gave me an idea!

I made a heart in a heart version combining the 4″ block and the 8″ block.

This is probably not the most efficient way to make this, but sometimes you just have to roll with it. Here are my notes to make your own.

Using the math from the blockheads 8″ Zest heart block, layout as shown above.

One ruler I am obsessed with is Simple Folded Corners by Antler Quilt Designs.

Cutting away the extra leaving seam allowances makes this process quick and accurate.

Here is half of the block. Join the two sides together.

When I told Doug I was going to be using his ruler, he graciously let me give away a few!!

So I have 3 of the mini Simple Folded Corners. Who wants one?

Leave a comment, and I will contact three winners directly for your shipping info.

Visit each of the designers listed below for their take on the ZEST  block:

Be sure to check out the Block Heads Facebook Group and look for Block Heads 3 on Instagram – #modablockheads and #modablockheads3.






  1. Lomda says:

    Good morning Lissa. Thank you for this block and the story you included. The simple heart with a heart inside is great. I can’t wait to put this together. That ruler looks intriguing. Have a super fantastic day.

  2. Marcia Wood says:

    I love that you played with the simple idea of the heart and that your ideas evolved. I look forward to coming up with my own version as I play with the idea this week.
    I have 3 grands. Humm. How will I play with that idea.
    I always love new rulers/ tools. Would love to play with the Mini Simple Folded Corner Ruler. Blessings.

  3. Cathy Hepburn says:

    Love the double heart you made with the reds! Really reminds me of when the Grinch’s heart grew to understand that Christmas could come without packages, presents, and decorations. And then to find out you are giving away a ruler that I’ve not heard of nor used, amazing.

  4. Sandra Gregoire says:

    I enjoyed reading your story Lisa and all the different ideas you gave us. You can always pick out a quilt made with heart so your quilt block will just add extra heart to mine. Thank you so much.

  5. Terri says:

    When I saw the large block next to the smaller block I first thought the block was larger with an extended piece that included another heart. Then I saw what you saw. The possibility of a heart in a heart. Great minds and all. Fun blog thanks for sharing.

  6. Elizabeth Shorb says:

    Thank you for sharing a very warm story. I love hearing the stories that go with a quilt. It makes it so special. And thank you for the beautiful block.

  7. Darlene Wegrynowski says:

    Would love to try out one of the new rulers.

    Thank you for the heart block and different ways you sewed them together.

  8. Christy Crowe says:

    I love this Block. Especially the heart in a heart. When I sign my grandsons cards I always draw a heart in a heart representing my heart hugging their heart. One time I forgot to draw the hearts and they let me know. So I had to go back and draw our hearts for them. When ever they send me a letter or card they include the hearts. Now they will be included on every quilt I make.

  9. Jessie Meteer says:

    I’ve been wanting to try Doug’s ruler!!!! I love your story about the grinch and family treasures. My kids are obsessed with the Grinch and this last summer we lost both our Grandma and Grandpa on my husbands side within a month of each other. Those little treasures we have from them are so dear to us. Love this ❤️

  10. Deb Cook says:

    Thank you for sharing your story along with the heart block. I am obsessed with hearts & try to incorporate a heart in most of the quilts , even if it’s just a heart with info tag. Definitely making heart in a heart ❤️

  11. Lisa says:

    I love your meaning of how you picked your ♥️’s. I have a son and a daughter. My son has three boys and my daughter she is expecting a girl in June! I love all my grandsons , I will even go out and play in the mud with them. But there is something about your baby girl having a baby of her own. And to top it off a girl! When I scrolled down and saw how you put the heart inside the heart! Well! I’m going to have to make a baby quilt! Problem is, I haven’t been quilting a year so I’m still learning. Thank you so much! Just love this block! Many blessings to you! Lisa

  12. Lynn says:

    Thank you for this cute heart block! I love how you are incorporating your family into your quilt with your grandkids hearts. What a great idea! I’d love to try making this block using the Simple Folded Corners ruler.

  13. Bonnie Borntrager says:

    Nice to have an “easy” block after #6. Appreciate the variations shown. Would love to try the Simple Folded Corner ruler.

  14. Beryl Snell says:

    Love that you will include for your 4 grandchildren and 5 children in your quilt. I would need to include 11 for my grand children and 4 for my children. Thinking about how I can do this.

  15. Becky S says:

    I love all of your different blocks and the stories behind them! I have been wanting to try the Simple Folded Corner ruler-thanks for the chance to win!

  16. Rosalie says:

    Love the heart in heart! Not the usual, would love to win a ruler. I will use the stocking idea with my granddaughter. Thanks for the inspiration.

  17. Kimberly Keappler says:

    I love rulers my husband does not understand why I have so many. I love to play with fabrics and the tools that make my blocks so good. Notice I did not say perfect. I can’t wait to get home to make your block! I’m so excited

  18. Jacquelyn Bush says:

    Thank you for your ZEST heart block. You said it was “so simple . . .” yet it is the universal symbol of love! ❤️

  19. Carol says:

    I love this block! And the way you made the ones of your kids and grandkids. I may have to use that idea to. Great store about the treasures your Mom gave you and your sister!

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