BlockHeads- ZEST

We were working on our Blockheads blocks back in December, which seems so long ago. I watched the Gringe with my grandkids many times over the holidays, and we often talked about having a big heart. I named the block ZEST for great enthusiasm and energy and, of course, a big heart.

Here is the link to the pattern download. But wait, there is more past the download!

This block is so simple that I had to play around with all kinds of options.
My 4″ block is half and half.

As I have done in my other blockheads’ posts, I have featured a few of my treasures. This week I am showing two pins, modalissa and Moda certified. But one of my favorite treasures is this pin that was in my stocking many years ago. That year, after all the gifts were open, bellies were full, and kids were down for naps, my mom brought out a huge sack for my sister and me.

Each item was individually wrapped and had a handwritten explanation about the history of the treasure. My sister and I spent the rest of the afternoon going through the makeshift stocking while mom told us all about the goods. This reminds me of how we all tell the stories about the meaning behind our quilts and the messages they leave behind.

I couldn’t help but incorporate my family into this quilt, combining 4 of the 4″ hearts to represent my three grandsons and one granddaughter.

To represent my four boys and one girl, I did the same but made them as 8″ blocks and will add this to my quilt somewhere. Every quilt tells a story, and mine would not be complete without adding these.

I was in the process of photographing these two blocks, and it gave me an idea!

I made a heart in a heart version combining the 4″ block and the 8″ block.

This is probably not the most efficient way to make this, but sometimes you just have to roll with it. Here are my notes to make your own.

Using the math from the blockheads 8″ Zest heart block, layout as shown above.

One ruler I am obsessed with is Simple Folded Corners by Antler Quilt Designs.

Cutting away the extra leaving seam allowances makes this process quick and accurate.

Here is half of the block. Join the two sides together.

When I told Doug I was going to be using his ruler, he graciously let me give away a few!!

So I have 3 of the mini Simple Folded Corners. Who wants one?

Leave a comment, and I will contact three winners directly for your shipping info.

Visit each of the designers listed below for their take on the ZEST  block:

Be sure to check out the Block Heads Facebook Group and look for Block Heads 3 on Instagram – #modablockheads and #modablockheads3.






  1. Carol Nichols says:

    The heart blocks are great and I love the idea of representing children and grandchildren with them! Also like the idea of using the new ruler and would love to win it!

  2. Araceli Jimenez says:

    Thanks for your beautiful block it represents to me Heart mom,s and baby,s heart. I would like to participate in the giveaway.

  3. Lori Oyer says:

    I used to sew for my girls when they were young years ago (my baby is 32). Then I moved on to interior: drapes, pillows, etc. I finally got around to making a quilt about 15 years ago from fabric from a friend in exchange for some wallpapering I did for her. I was hooked but then life got in the way. I had to return to a full time job, my darling grandson (age 6) was born, I’ve lost both parents and my wonderful mother
    in law. I’m now preparing a room and supplies to finally start in again. I enjoy this group: the stories, the photos, and especially the encouragement from one another. Your blocks are incredible. I’m not striving for perfection, just the enjoyment of quilting again.

  4. Valerie Brown says:

    That heart in a heart is just perfect for a quilt label. I can’t wait to add it to the back of this quilt as well as use the block within the quilt itself.

    Thanks for sharing your creativity with us!

  5. Kathy Upton says:

    I LOVE your heart block! With 3 daughters and 4 grandbitties of my own I’m thinking of how I can use to block to exemplify my zesty family! lol….I would also love to win one of the rulers. Fingers crossed!

  6. Karen Seitz says:

    I have been procrastinating forever on getting one of the simple corners rulers. It would be wonderful to win one. Thanks for an easy and fun block this week!

  7. Peggy says:

    I absolutely love your heart in a heart block, very inspiring indeed. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a ruler (Thanks Doug as well) and for sharing your story of the items your Mom gifted you. I definitely remember those thermometers with pins and love that the info is written on the back for future generations to share in. Delightful post. Peg

  8. Linda Clemmons says:

    Love the choices this week. As easy or difficult as you want. Cute block and I’m sure I will use it again and again. Thank you for doing this. I appreciate all the designers work for Moda.

  9. Chris John says:

    Such a lovely simple block with so many possibilities. Thank you for the design but even more so for your great instructions and ideas.

  10. Christina Carlsen says:

    Beautiful sharing story and lovely heart in heart block. Thank you for the opportunity to have a new ruler to work with.

  11. Mary Topolski says:

    What a super cute block!! It’s fun and I really like the colors that you used. I’m all about your ruler giveaway!!


  12. Amy Eckrich says:

    The 2018 Kaffe Fassett Mystery Quilt had tons of snowballs and a lot of people were asking about a ruler for them on the Facebook group. We’ll know now!

  13. Jennifer says:

    Thank you for your super cute heart block! I can’t wait to try it!! And the nifty ruler would be a handy addition to my collection. Thank you so much for your generosity!!

  14. Janelle L Bucher says:

    Definitely like the heart within a heart. May have to use that in my blocks. Thanks for the opportunity to win a ruler.

  15. Denise Pattee says:

    Such a cute block. I love the stories that’s what make quilters and quilting so unique. Love what I believe the ruler can do. Happy Designing

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