Seworities of Moda Fabrics

The salesforce had a day full of classes just like we do when we have a moda U retreat for shop owners. The highlight was the sales team sewing their Sweet Treat Bags. Several of the office staff demoed the newest notions and gadgets. They also had classes on many of the continuing advances in technology. Angela Yosten showed everyone all the added patterns and fabrics on Fabricmatcher. Pranks for each of the groups happened throughout the day. This was just day 1 of the meetings. They had not even seen all the new moda fabrics, quilts, books, patterns, and notions.
Al Lamborn and Ed Wilson study their instructions before they start sewing on their Purse. Later named, MEURSE (Man-Purse) Thank you to Mary Ann Yeager for supplying all the featherweight machines for the reps to sew on. I have heard through the grapevine that one of the reps has since taken up quilting. (Don’t worry John your secret is safe with me)
Pat Roberts and Angela Worrell demo some of the new notions for Tom&Cindy Williams.
Ron Wiggins and Jospeh Galza learn about Learn to Sew kits and paper hexagons from Jen McLean and Alison Scully.

Did I say I have the greatest job in the world? I do!
How fun to work for an amazing company. Any openings??? :o)
Ron (the rep for my area) showed me the "meurse" that he had made. . . He was so proud! (& cute!) Now I want to make one. . . (or two. . . or. . .)
xo, Bren
I would love to have been there for sure!
LOVE IT!!!! That day was so much fun! Can’t wait for next market… wait… let’s breathe for a minute… okay… ready!
I would love to know “how do I get one of those catalog’s”???
Welcome to blogging Lissa. I am excited to keep up with what you are doing. I know it will be fun, interesting and very, very moda!!
You crack me up. All of you! I don’t know how you get so much done and still have so much fun! Still laughing over your secret keeping…
Welcome to blogland my crazy MODA friend. Those togas are quite stylish especially on Jim and Mr. Dunn…. hey, where’s yours??
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
I know you have the greatest job in the world!!!
Hi Lissa!!! I saw Jim’s Sweet Treat Bag. It was hillarious!!