Did that catch your eye?

I just recieved a copy of the new Holiday Issue of McCall’s quilting December 2009 issue. I was excited to see my quilt made the cover, AGAIN… folded and stacked with designers such as Chloe and Colleen from Toadusew, Sarah and Delores from Homestead Hearth and a dear friend, Gerri Robinson from Planted Seed Designs. And of course much more inside.

Rounneries by French General for moda fabrics!!
I do not know if you know of the MANQUILTER, but he is who quilted this quilt so I thought I would give him a shout out also. Isn’t that a great word, Manquilter? Of course you have to say it in a deep voice for the full effect.
Yes I said giveaway… keep reading.
The gals at McCall’s are so clever. They did a quilt option using the same pattern but did it in 30’s fabrics and used embroidered tea towels as the centers. Just that idea alone is worth running to the store to pick up your own copy. (pg 64)
Also there is an ad on page 49 from moda about something new available in stores late October. Clue- Fanfare Gift Wrap. Check it out.
Here’s the deal. Thanks for reading to the end.
The giveaway is for a magazine and my scraps from this collection. Scraps?! I have good scraps and after all it is a free giveaway. Rounneries will be in stores soon, so once you win my scraps you can order all kinds of yardage from your favorite shop.
I mean run to the stores this group is going to go fast!
Just make a nice comment and you will be entered. Drawing will be September 30th.
Just realised this is an old post so any other way I can get this pattern?????
I love the FABRIC!!!! The quilt is awesome. I am having trouble finding the complete collection. Any suggestions???? I hope I win, ha, like everyone, eigh.