I am back from Quilt Market and a day of Festival. Wow! What a great time! Everyone I met was such a delight! Lots of shopping, visiting and fellowship amongst the quilters!

Kelli Trimble and Melody Busch at Sample Spree

magazine is picking it up for a future publication! Yeah!
Six Degrees of Separation
You’ve probably heard of the Six Degrees of Separation concept. Any one person is connected to any other person through six or fewer relationships, because it’s a small world. There is a movie and a game devoted to this concept. The Kevin Bacon Game. ( for hours of mindless fun go here and test your movie trivia)
You’ve probably heard of the Six Degrees of Separation concept. Any one person is connected to any other person through six or fewer relationships, because it’s a small world. There is a movie and a game devoted to this concept. The Kevin Bacon Game. ( for hours of mindless fun go here and test your movie trivia)
Due to the power of the Internet and social medias, the saying is quickly turning to 3 degrees of separation. Knowing someone is not actually ever meeting them in person, right?!
Well I wanted to introduce you to some of my 3 degrees of separations that I can now say I have met instead of just knowing them through the world wide web.
Elise and Carry from our distributor in the Netherlands. They came to visit us between Market and Festival. I took them to visit Ft. Worth to see some “Texas Cowboy Stuff”. We couldn’t resist stopping by Cabbage Rose Quilt shop. I just had to take their picture
in front of the Texas flag door!

in front of the Texas flag door!

I have had the pleasure of meeting Larisa and Rimma about a year ago, but was excited to see them again.

I could go on and on about this young man. He is actually standing in front of the quilt he made for us. He is amazing! Remember his name because you will seeing it often in the future.
Also I have to mention his mother, Elaine. Good job, ma’am.
Also I have to mention his mother, Elaine. Good job, ma’am.

Vicki from Mid-Ohio Knitter, Rachel from P.S. I Quilt, Julie from JaybirdQuilts

And as my girl scout training taught me,
Make new friends but the keep the old.

and for my random picture……..
Just like every quilt shop has a holding area for the guys, we had a holding area for
Just like every quilt shop has a holding area for the guys, we had a holding area for
Pep , Bruce and Hassen to watch all the activity.
Until next time…..
I love your Martinique quilt…it's just gorgeous! I think Martinique and Rural Jardin must be the two lines I most want to see after reading all the market posts! And yes, can't wait to get my hands on one of those new Bakeshop Sampler boxes!
Lissa it was wonderful to meet you….thanks for EVERYTHING…look forward to the future..
Love the MBS sampler box! I was able to snag one at sample spree. You look like you had a fantastic time. I know that I enjoyed myself and love seeing it through others eyes. Can't wait to see you quilt in the magazine.
sooo cute! Love all the pics!
It was a great show wasn't it?
Sounds like the show was a blast. Glad everyone enjoyed themselves so much. A Sampler box of 2 1/2 inch squares – how marvellous!
Sorry I missed it but I will be there in the spring! can't wait for all my new Moda goodies!