Book Club

I may not be Oprah, but I am going to be part of a 
book club 
to celebrate 
on August 9th, 2013
Join us as a few people from the quilting industry share the
 book that inspired them to start quilting.
 Also what is our favorite book right now!!
Visit the moda blog on August 9th for full details.
Follow Moda Fabrics on FB for the latest happenings.
Wouldn’t it be great if Oprah choose a quilt book for her club?

PIckledish Progress

Remember when I said I would never make a double wedding ring, but a pickle dish would be different? I have always been enamored with Aneela Hoey’s Pickledish quilt along so I jumped in and gave it a try.
I have been collecting Greys and yellows for a while now.
I thought these were the perfect collection of 
 to use in my pickle dish quilt.
The technique that Aneela uses is absolutely brilliant.
And as always it makes me happy to use a bunch
of different Moda designers fabrics in one project.
Believe it or not there is a Deb Strain valentines fabric mixed with Kate Spain.
Add in some Eric and Julie Comstock with Zen Chic. Throw in some V and Co. Zig Zags.
You know I also used any grey or yellow dots
I could get my hands on.
Fun Fun Fun

The piecing of the arch’s went together beautifully.
I made a practice melon to test my skills at curved piecing.
Not bad.
Pin it and they fit together like a glove.
Another interesting thing that Aneela did was to construct these as blocks
 instead of rings with alot of partial seams. 
At first I thought I would tackle this differently,
she was right. 
Piece it as blocks and join the blocks together does makes it a breeze.
Also the block finish fairly large so the quilt gets big fast.
I was also able to use the tiny tiny grey pin dot  as my background that 
I had been hoarding Bonnie and Camille.
Jump in and give this a try. If you do be sure and send me pics. 
I  have already started collecting oranges and blues for a variation of this quilt in my future.
Things change so I don’t think I will ever being saying NEVER again.

Never Say Never

I have always said there are two quilts I would never make.
Grandmother’s Flower Garden
Double Wedding Ring
The pattern I am making this from is actually named Pickledish,
 so I think this counts as still not making a 
double wedding ring. (more on this quilt next week)
Since I have started many hexagon quilts, but never a true Grandmother’s flower garden, I think I am still good for my word. Let me rephrase that…. 
I have made
hexagons but not finished a quilt yet. 
I may need to consult Barbara Brackman for this bit of 
historical info, but I am willing to wager that 
grandmothers flower garden quilts/tops are the most 
collected item “in pieces” at 
garage sales, estate sales, auctions, etc.
What is a quilt that you are nervous about tackling?

Hashtag quilt finished

my Hashtag quilt is COMPLETE!
  I am so into the color ORANGE that I had to use
one of orange 
prints from  the Scrumptious line.
Scrumptious will be in stores October 2013
 Who would have thought of a hashtag quilt before twitter
came along? This quilt was a class that
Camille Roskelley
taught on Craftsy.
As soon as Camille told me she was doing this, 
I had to sign up since I am a fan.
These 2 pics are from my instagram. Sorry for any duplication.

When sewing on the binding, I like to add a piece of the
 selvedge so I can 
remember what collection I used to make the quilt.

My friend Julie Hardgrave is a fantastic calligrapher. 
She makes hand drawn labels for me!!
Call me lazy or smart, but I add my label in as I 
add the binding.
That is when I remember to put on a label!
 The quilting is yummy!!
Now the dilemma? Wash or not? 
Don’t laugh, I know that is a silly question. 
Eventually it will have to be washed. Normally I do 
not wash my quilts until 
they have actually been used. 
Most of the time I am making a quilt for market 
and I never want to run the risk of the 
quilt being 
 for the show. 
What would you do?

Friday Yummy

Friday Funny
 has been temporarily 
renamed to 
Friday Yummy.

The Dallas Sprinkles has this machine now. 
Thanks goodness because the lines at that 
store are out of control. 
I hope there are not any news stories where the 
ACM machine
“automated cupcake machines”
 are held up for red velvet. 
Have a sweet weekend.

sewing thimbles

I recently went on a retreat.
Took several projects to work on but did not FINISH anything.
Then I succumbed to peer pressure and started a little thimble quilt.
Everyone else was.
The problem with this was everyone one else was happy sewing a pack or 
two together, adding borders and FINISHING something.
 But NO, 
 I thought it would be fun to buy a new set of thimbles
each time I go to a show.  
I could keep adding on to make a bigger quilt.
At this rate, how many packs do you think it would
take to make a
thimble quilt.
If you want to make one small quilt or just start
collecting like me, 
hollar at
Primitive Gatherings.

If interested in ordering these go to
are under FABRIC, Then
So once again I have another project started. The upside is that
I have something
 to shop for at every quilt show 
 for YEARS to come.
It is amazing the trouble that peer pressure
causes no matter your age!

Solid hexagons

My love of hexagons continues.
Seems like odd colors right? A friend of mine sent a note with a cute graphic that inspired me. 
from wit and whistle
The card was from Wit and Whistle. Isn’t it adorable?
I grabbed my accuquilt and proceeded to cut hexies. 
The die has three different sizes, so I could play with various colors and sizes.
I sewed all of these together by machine. It was soo much fun.
Now, I am just trying to decide whether to keep it simple
 or add some of the smaller 
hexies as layers on top. 
Oh the possibilities.

Blogger Girls Quilt Along

The final month of the Blogger Girls Quilt Along.

Border and Sashing

Can’t live without these rulers now.

When Monique first showed us this quilt I was intrigued by the setting.

There are a lot of sampler style quilts on the market but the setting on this quilt really sets it apart.

I decided to use 3 different fabrics is the sashing to create a secondary design. 
What looked hard was quite easy.

in progress

I told you I am not very good at choosing a controlled amount of fabrics. I guess I get bored easily.
As I worked on this each month I added more fabrics. some good choices, some not so much. 

Stop by and see the color options at the other blogger girls.

Monique From Open Gate Quilts –

Sherri from A Quilting Life –
Thelma from Cupcakes ‘n Daisies ~
Lissa from Moda  Lissa  ~
Denise from Quilter’s  Window ~
Nicole from Sister’s Choice  ~
Lisa from Stashmaster ~
Get the pattern at Open Gate
for a limited time.