Gudruns’ 10th anniversary

Welcome to day 8 of the anniversary event.
 We have been celebrating Gudrun’s 10 years in this country and 10
years of GE Designs.
What does Fast and Furious mean to you? 
Is it the movie starring Vin Diesel and Paul Walker? 
Or is it Gundrun’s books?

In each of the books she gives instructions and techniques to make
adorable projects fast. Once you have made any of the projects,
you will be
that you have not tried them before.
I don’t know for sure that is how she came up with the titles,
but makes perfect sense to me.

 I am completely intrigued by the curved piecing projects.

I looked for years for a round kitchen table. Once I saw these place mats,
I thought  this was sheer brilliance.

 Jump in and make any of the table runners with precuts.
Fast, Fast, Fast

Time does go by so fast.
I remember meeting Gudrun at her first quilt market,
 so I am thrilled to be a part of her celebration.
Leave a comment here and Gudrun has supplied a
copy of her new book,
 Fast and Furious Home
as a giveaway.
I will throw in a moda goody bag also.
Drawing for the winner from this post
will be listed here on August 15th.
BUT, guess what?
There’s more.

The quilt on the cover will be given away as the
 Grand Prize
during the blog  tour
on Gudrun’s site on August 15th.

Be sure to visit all the sites on the blog tour for lots more
fun, inspiration and giveaways!

 To learn more about Gudrun, follow along on her blog.

Here are the participating blogs:
Aug. 5th-14th Gudrun Erla
Aug. 5th Terry
Aug. 6th Bonnie
Aug. 8th Carrie
Aug. 9th Jodie
Aug. 10th Fat
Quarter Shop
Aug. 11th Pat
Aug. 12th Lissa
Aug. 13th Julie
Aug. 14th Quilting Gallery

it’s okay…..

by Mary Ellen Hopkins
Many Christmases ago I received a gift from my sister in law. 
This gift was life changing. 
The gift consisted of a rotary mat and this book, 
along with a a little note saying that the 3rd part of the gift 
would be here soon. 
I could NOT figure out how this book and this big green mat 
were suppose to be used together.
I was a bit puzzled because I could not figure out what the 3rd part was. At this point in the game I already knew how to quilt, the old fashioned template way.
Can you guess what the 3rd part was?
About 3 weeks later, my very first 
rotary cutter arrived in the mail.
That was the life changing part. 
I had made a few quilts from THE SAMPLER QUILT by Diane Leone
 tracing all the pattern pieces  to templates, 
then to fabric and
 then cutting with scissors.
(along with my trusted mat and rotary cutter)
came along was I truly inspire to quilt every single day.
Fast forward 32 years and 300 quilts later and I still love a good quilt book.
I am fortune to have been involved with the making of 
many books along with  
having good friends that are talented authors.
But my brand newest, 
most favorite book 
as of right now today is,  
The sub title says, Family, Friends, Foods  & Quilts. 
Because I love it so much, I am going to give one away.
Tell me why you need this book and I will draw a winner at random on 
SUNDAY, August 11th.
I will post the winner late in the evening.
Stop by all the other blogs on the book club hop today!
PLUS… the generous crew at United Notions has a special giveaway for 6 books to add to your own
collection on Moda’s Book Club Day here…

Book Club

I may not be Oprah, but I am going to be part of a 
book club 
to celebrate 
on August 9th, 2013
Join us as a few people from the quilting industry share the
 book that inspired them to start quilting.
 Also what is our favorite book right now!!
Visit the moda blog on August 9th for full details.
Follow Moda Fabrics on FB for the latest happenings.
Wouldn’t it be great if Oprah choose a quilt book for her club?

PIckledish Progress

Remember when I said I would never make a double wedding ring, but a pickle dish would be different? I have always been enamored with Aneela Hoey’s Pickledish quilt along so I jumped in and gave it a try.
I have been collecting Greys and yellows for a while now.
I thought these were the perfect collection of 
 to use in my pickle dish quilt.
The technique that Aneela uses is absolutely brilliant.
And as always it makes me happy to use a bunch
of different Moda designers fabrics in one project.
Believe it or not there is a Deb Strain valentines fabric mixed with Kate Spain.
Add in some Eric and Julie Comstock with Zen Chic. Throw in some V and Co. Zig Zags.
You know I also used any grey or yellow dots
I could get my hands on.
Fun Fun Fun

The piecing of the arch’s went together beautifully.
I made a practice melon to test my skills at curved piecing.
Not bad.
Pin it and they fit together like a glove.
Another interesting thing that Aneela did was to construct these as blocks
 instead of rings with alot of partial seams. 
At first I thought I would tackle this differently,
she was right. 
Piece it as blocks and join the blocks together does makes it a breeze.
Also the block finish fairly large so the quilt gets big fast.
I was also able to use the tiny tiny grey pin dot  as my background that 
I had been hoarding Bonnie and Camille.
Jump in and give this a try. If you do be sure and send me pics. 
I  have already started collecting oranges and blues for a variation of this quilt in my future.
Things change so I don’t think I will ever being saying NEVER again.