Cabbage and Roses Lone Star

This has been one of my favorite quilts ever ever. The collection was chocolat by 3 sisters.
Yummy, rich fabrics that were good enough to eat. Get it the name of the group-Chocolat
The quilt pattern was named, Truffles.
Debbi Duckworth made the quilt and no picture can do it justice. 
I got to thinking
about this quilt
 and this fabric.

This line has yummy linen/cotton solids in it. I wish blogs would let you touch the fabric but until then you will just have to believe me.So I set forth to use the denim linen as my background. I love how it turned out!
Did I tell you that I don’t do the “A” word? Applique.
So here is my version of the quilt above.

I have included a link to the chocolat pattern if you want to give this project a try.

Northcote Range by Cabbages and Roses will be in stores September.

FWQAL week 2

Oh my, What fabrics would a Farmer’s Wife use? I thought this collection looks like overalls and dirt.
Not really! Here is a sneak peek of the new Blueberry Crumb Cake line by Blackbird Designs
 (in stores November)
 ( in stores any second)
Then I had to start mixing it up, right? Are you supposed to use your scraps. No time to get off the farm and go into town to get new fabric. So I added some bunny hill greys, barbara brackman red and deep dark purples. Then I was ready to start week 2 of the FWQAL class.

This week we talked about Marti Michell templates and showed how you combined different templates to get additional shapes. I MUST ADMIT I am a strip piece kind of girl. I don’t use many templates. BUT, I am a convert. I will show you the entire process after Week 3 of classes. Just wait until you see what Marti has done for us all to make this so easy!

These gals in class are such troopers by letting me take their pictures and post them on the www.

I may have spoken to soon. Can you say paparazzi?
Yes she is a real farmers wife of United Notions
The funnest part of the class is the show n tell.
Sometimes it is the excuses why they didn’t get all 2 of their blocks done in a week. But that is okay. These are busy farmers wives with cows to mill and chicks to feed.
Kelli is using batiks and prints
Eladia- Shabby Chic
Outlaw- red white and blue
Mariza-earth colors
Holly- Aqua, orange and green, grey
Jamie- Bright modern
Michelle- civil war
Sarah- vintage modern
Nancy- classic blues and aquas
Ducky- Blackbird
This is just a few of the people. It is so interesting to see all the different looks all in one place.
DISCLAIMER: This is quite a competitve group of gals. They are already trying to one up each other. Anything from making more blocks than assigned, bringing their fabric in the latest and greatest storage systems to branding their notebook like chelair pictured below.
Of course the inside of the notebook is even more impressive than the outside full of
marti michell templates and who know what all else.

no class is complete without a sonic cup in the background

eladia and mariza

And look what someone did for me!!
Took my book and had it wire bound. Ask at staples, office maxx, office depot
or kinko’s. The price varies but well worth the $5.00 to $7.00. Thank you Outlaw and Stiff!
Tune in weekly for our progress. We have a few surprises in store for you.

Summer House Project

A layer cake of Summer House byLily Ashbury was distracting me. I wanted to make something but did not know quite what. This color palette is not my normal look but I just had to make something, anything!

Then I  remembered Cynthia Lammon’s project on the moda bake shop shown above. I was immediately inspired. When I have this ” quilt fever” sometimes I am not good at reading the directions, I just jump right on in. Somewhere I missed that Cynthia did this project with a charm pack instead of a layer cake. By then it was too late, I had already matched up my fabrics in sets of two and  was pretty determined to cut and sew on Summer House immediately! And I did!

 1 layer cake of your choice.
3/4 yard sashing and inner border
outer border 1 1/4 yds.
5 blocks across by 5 blocks down
(I used 25 of the layer cakes)
62″ square
Step 1:  Pair 2 prints, right side up.
Cut  a 2 3/4 strip and a 5 1/2 strip. This will also leave you a 2″ strip which will have used
all 10″ of the layer cake.  Set aside the outer strips so you can make additional cut on the center section.
This is where the martenelli rotary mat comes in so handy. Just turn the mat to make your next cuts.
*The diagrams above are just an example of the sizes you can cut the layer cakes. Any measurements will work and create a more free form look. All the blocks will eventually be trimmed to 9″ squares. have fun and create your own varieties.I would love to see your projects.

Move the center square to the back of the set of 2 fabrics as shown below. Sew together. 

The layer cake is 10″ so you will have a bit extra once you put the blocks together. Trim to 9″ squares.
Block finishes at 8 1/2″

Each set with make 2 blocks- positive and negative.
A moda layer cake has 42 squares so this method will yield 42 blocks. I only used 25.
Cut 20 sashing strips, 9″ x 1 3/4″ and  join the blocks together. Measure the length of the row and cut strips 1 3/4″ x length. Repeat until all 5 rows are sewn together.
Measure the height of the quilt and cut 2 side strips length x 1 3/4″. Add to the sides creating
a small outer border.
Cut border 6 1/2″ wide.
This collection has wonderful large scale prints so a larger border could be added. This quilt could be made quite a bit larger using the remaining layer cakes. This one is a perfect size for a picnic.
 thank you Cynthia for your inspiration.
Check out the Lily Ashbury blog for these adorable printables that match her fabric!
thanks for stopping by

fabric cooking

On Friday, I started a campaign on my Facebook Page
to save energy.
No Laundry
No Cooking
over the weekend.
Well I tried, but I did get into the kitchen and decided to cook up something.
I have a super top secret project I am working on.
 I want the fabrics to be just as individual and unique as the project itself. I am trying to achieve a “worn”   “loved” look including the look similar to vintage sheets.
I need a range of scale and prints.
 I got out a big pot of water, a jug of bleach and started to play.
hello betty
I know bleaching fabric is probably not the best thing to do for textiles. It will probably rot away in 50 years or less. This project is not a museum piece but will have a special place in my heart.There will not be anything like it anywhere else in the world. In fact if it does last for 50 years and some tries to date it, they won’t be able to. Many one of a kind pieces will be used. I will let Barbara Brackman know what
 I am doing so she will be able to document it for a museum someday.

Name this group. An oldie but a goodie.

I dug out pieces from past collections and threw them in the pot. My family knows that from time to time I am “Cooking” fabric and not to dip a spoon in the “stitcher’s cauldron.”
Rooftop Garden just came in and it is an rich bright jewel tone group,
 BUT I had toDUNK it just to see
There is no exact science for this experiment so be sure and play with items
you don’t mind “messing up”.
Some of these colors are really “weird” No store owner would buy an entire bolt of
some of the shades. But there is something so unique about the pieces that you can’t
 help but fall in love with their “special aged characteristics.” Bleaching fabric or Rit color remover
works just like baking cookies. Once you take the cookies out of the oven they continue
to cook. The fabric continues to fade so remove in time to let it keep cooking.
Also anything wet such as the fabric appears darker. It will be lighter when dried.
You can always bleach it more.
You can NEVER add the color back.
These pictures are some of the dots. (Did you know I love dots?) They are lined up next to the fabric that was bleached. It created a wonderful range of colors. (Picture above-Love the 2nd from the bottom-
grey with cheddar dots- just in case you love it to- Rooftop Garden stock # 32432 32, also comes as a small dot, 4th one up, stock #32434 32) So vintage and yet so modern!
Heaven-  Dk.Grey, Cheddar, Dots- I need a moment.
Always keep a piece of the original before dying so you can see the change. I cut layer
cakes and charm squares in half.
Now look how quirky these colors are. I love them and I am happy to have a piece that is 5″ x 10″ just in case I need a clash factor piece that looks as if it had been on the prairie for 50 years.
 NOTE: If you ever get a chance to take a class from Barb and Alma of  Blackbird Designson fabric dying, do it! They remove color and overdye and have a great time.
Some fabrics changed so much that I couldn’t match it up to the original without matching the
 actual pattern shapes to each other.
I bleached a bunch of fabrics but I left them in the dryer.
I guess the only energy I was interested in conserving was my own.
I sure hope some one in my family is doing laundry……
 because I have lots of new fabrics to sew with.
Opps here I go again, Can’t cook or clean!

Today I am Rich!

 I received this in the mail.
 I opened and found a wonderful piece of art from Sandy Gervais that I will treasure for many reasons.
My cup runneth over or maybe more appropriate is…
 I am a stuffed pig! I mean that in a good way.
Thank you, Sandy!
You may remember this as one of the pieces of art in the series from the Pillow Talk blog hop. Sandy was the featured designer on day 22 of the blog hop. Sandy shares a bit of history… not just a bit, she listed every fabric line she has created! AMAZING!
Well Guess what? The Moda designers are all busy working on an upcoming blog hop.
Sandy Gervais will be starting the hop on Sept. 6th. So Mark your calenders and see what interesting tidbits these designers have to share with you.
I know many of them may whine and complain about the things I make them do
the questions I make them answer.
Have no fear, I will just sit here and
know that I am as
“happy as a pig in mud”
or something like that.
Follow me and I will keep you up to date with the details!

Toddles for now!

Saturday morning with the nicest niece

It isn’t too often but it is FUN when it happens.
My niece Kennedy dropped by to spend a few nights with us before the summer was over.
Saturday mornings in a house full of teenagers is a very quite place to be. Kennedy, not wanting to miss a thing, stays up late with the older crew but is still a fairly early riser to see what “Izzy” is up to.
(that’s me!)
She is into fashion like any 12 year old and  she is also
her wardrobe to include the junior high colors.
You know how they say what goes around comes around?
Bows?  Hair Bows?
I haven’t made hair bows in 20 years, so these arthritic hands had to limber up and
 I had to hold my tongue just right, but we proceeded to update her wardrobe.
Kennedy is quite crafty herself.
She taught me how to make duct tape flowers pen toppers.
She learned this craft in camp. Yes her camp was in Texas. If you are not from Texas, you may not understand that Duct Tape is a “staple in this neck of the woods”.
It is available in all different widths and colors.
(NOTE TO SELF: Get some Duct tape for Grant and Misty’s wedding gift.)
 A quick google and you will find these any more uses for the handy tape. The list could go on forever.
 I have listed a few and highlighted my favs in red.
Hanging posters.
Decorative book cover.
Fix broken tail light on vehicle.
Twist a long piece into rope
Tape wires down on floor or out of the way.
Reattach rear view mirror.
Repair cracked windshield/window.
Patch ripped clothing.
Hide unsightly wallpaper seams. ( or use as wallpaper)
Repair broken hoses.
Use as art medium.
Band-Aid for really big cuts.
Attach leg splint to broken leg.
Toilet paper.
Taping annoying people to walls, floor, ceiling, or bed.
Holding together computer cases.
Make lawn furniture.
Roll into a ball for hockey practice.
Use to pull unsightly hair.
An entire roll can be used in place of a bedroom door to keep someone in for hours.
Wrapped around newspaper to make a dog chew toy.
Mute function for humans.
Climbing rope.
Shoe designs.
Replacement for airplane glue.
For store owners: great way to keep the wigs on mannequins.
Seat belts that will REALLY keep the kids still.
Putting up Christmas lights (easy removal).
Add several layers to your car’s bumpers for a much safer ride or to hold your bumper in place.
Lift and separate when you don’t want to wear a bra or can’t have straps showing.
Make a wallet out of it.
Patch hole in canoe.
Make letter for letter jacket.
Hold your letter to your letter jacket.
Hold batteries in remote control.
Use instead of nail polish.
Wrap your ankle for sports.
Write term paper on it.
Graduation present.
Can be used to put back together a shredded term paper.
Stop your jeans from fraying.
Hair ties.
Remove lint from clothes.
Makes great bumper stickers with a sharpie!
Cook a baked potato in it.
Hold car door shut.
Put it on your lawn and paint it green. Say good-bye to mowing.
Patch a hole in your swimming pool.
Make a swing for your kids.
Fix holes in your sock.
Home security system – tape up doors and windows.
Attach it to the end of a yard stick (sticky side out) as a way to get pennies out from behind the couch.
Surgical bandage.
A clothesline when you’re out in the middle of nowhere. (Peace Corps favorite.)
Wrap freshmen up in it.
Use to make the lines in the middle of the road.
Write on it and stick to some one’s back.
Tape Tupperware containers together in a way that you can stack them on top of each other for more storage space.
Tape Nerf basketball hoop to the back of a door because they just don’t stay on their own.
Repair smashed pumpkin.
Resurface your trampoline.
Can be used to clean the floor when no vacuum is available.
Make a ball.
Patch up fish tank.
Halloween costume.
Wrapping Christmas presents.
Blister repair.
What is your favorite use for Duct Tape? Sorry I didn’t have a finally picture of the Duct Tape Pen toppers. The teenagers woke up and they were hungry.
See ya next time, Kennedy!

Grocery rant

Guess what Costco has?
64 count PK. of toilet paper

56 oz. Plain or peanut m & m’s
36 ct. Dr. Peppers

Breakfast croissants
Awesome ice cream bars in the deli
Beautiful flowers
Jumbo vitamins and razor blade refills

Self check out lanes!!!!

Yes self check out lanes.
I have a Costco 4 miles from my house and a Sam’s 4.5 miles the opposite direction from me. So it is not about location, but rather brand preferences. Prices and selections are pretty similar. I prefer Costco because you wheel your cart to the check out lane, a staffer loads your jumbo bulk items on the belt, and with the ease of a single swipe of a plastic and your items are boxed and bagged ready to take home.
Now they have self check out lanes just like all the grocery stores. I must confess I am a bit critical of the grocery store experience. At 15, I was a cashier at a major grocery store chain. We actually had to push buttons on a register and even multiply in our heads sometimes! We did everything but deliver the groceries to our customers home and unload them! All through school I worked the graveyard shift. There was no self check out. Back then, I wish there was a self check out, so I did not have to strategically plan my nightly trip to the restroom when the store was empty. I still today remember all the produce codes and can scan an item better than the next guy.
A friend of mine is on a gluten free diet. She told me she orders all her special diet foods through She has a standing order delivered to her front door weekly.
I love technology and probably couldn’t do without it. However I do miss the days of the good ole’ fashioned milkman.

Have a good week. I have to go unload all my groceries.

– Posted using IPAD


A month long interactive art project! Really? That is pretty incredible that writing a letter has
 become a piece of art.
Here is the excerpt from their post.
A good old fashioned letter will always have a special charm that cannot be duplicated. Unfortunately, it’s so much easier to open your inbox and compose a message the modern way. Ivan Cash started a project that keeps the art of letter writing alive…at least for a few weeks. Save yourself the trouble of finding attractive stationery, the right pen and a stamp because Snail Mail My Email is a month long, interactive art project transforming people’s emails to handwritten letters that are physically mailed, completely free of charge. Your personal ghost writer will even add a little piece of artwork to your correspondence. $FREE
Yes it is Free! and mailed Free all in the name of art.
I can see Santa needing a ghost writer to answer all of his letters or does he have the elves just send an
e-mail form letter now? 
I have all my mom and dad’s letters from when they were first married. My dad was on the road traveling and he would write home to “Ruthie”. In our world of instant communication, these letters talk about the weather, where he stopped along the road to eat, people he met and of course how much he missed his favorite child (ME). This was also the time of no cell phones! Tonight I am going to read through the letters and write some of my own artistic letters and send them through snail mail.

Have a good one.
