A few random after Market items!

I love what  Karla, Lisa and Susan from Sweetwater  create. They came up to me at the end of Market and handed me this wonderful print that had all the names of every collection and designer from Market. The print was tied with a polka dot ribbon and a moda charm. How did they know I love words, polka dots and moda? One gift that covers it all! Super. Did you know you can order labels from Sweetwater? I ordered some and I love them.  I sew them on anything and everything I make.
Check out all the cool designs. You can even join a monthly club of labels.
When you go to Market twice a year you get to see and catch up with your old friends. I saw Jan Patek in the aisle during set up. She said congratulations on being a cover girl. I politely thanked her and went about my business. I hadn’t seen Jan for months and I just assumed she was talking about APQ October.

Well Jan had just returned from France where she was a guest teacher for Quiltmania. She had already seen issue no. 83 of Quiltmania. Guess what! There was my quilt. You can’t begin to believe the amount of time that  passes from the date you complete your quilt to the date it is published. I feel as if I have sent one of my children off to boarding school and they finally have come home all grown up. Actually I had forgotten all about them having the quilt. Reminds me of when we forgot Travis at the baseball field.That is another story, he made it home safe and so will my quilt. Anyhow I was surprised and delighted!

I love this quilt. It is a double irish chain that has a watercolor or blended feel. I used lots of big prints from French Generals Pom Pom De Paris line. I even cut up the big stripe and used it as a background square.
When i start something like this that is “out of my comfort zone”, I never know how it is going to come together. I am pleased with this one. I am glad Quiltmanina liked it as well.  Thank you Carol!

The only change I would make is that you got to travel with your quilt when you sent it to France.
By the way Quiltmania magazine is available at quilt stores.

During the Memorial day weekend, I was perusing through the stack of books from Market. One of my new favs is Red White and Something Blue from That Patchwork Place. Those are 3 of my favorite colors along with brown, aqua, grey and on and on and on.

Then I come to this masterpiece!  Just kidding! There was one of my quilts that McCall’s had published. The entire book is a collection of quilts from past issues. So if you missed it then now is your chance.

I couldn’t believe this quilt also featured French General fabrics. I didn’t know how l much loved working with this line.

And last but not least I got to drool over something else that was a year and a half in the making. I had a very small part in this but I know several people that worked very hard on making it all happen.Thank you to Angela, Susanne, Jenny, John Natalia, Vanessa, Vickie, Rachel, Julie, Roslyn, Melissa, Amanda jean, Monica, Sweetwater, and Kimberly.

Vanessaa’s project. Which is cuter the quilt or the kid? Of course the kid wins every time!
Moda and Stash books sponsored a schoolhouse at Market. We all had lots of fun.
We had all worked long distance on the project, so it was nice getting to meet many of the chef in person,
Check out the moda bake shop for lists of book signings in your area.
I don’t know about you but I am tired of talking about myself. Toddles for now!

what can google do for you?

I am a google junkie. It is another one of those words that is a noun and a verb! Here are a few reasons you should become a google junkie also.

Google Documents
Google has created several ways to create documents that can be edited from any web browser. Google docs can be used to create customer questionnaires, surveys, pattern illustrations, and many other types of forms. Google documents can easily be added to your website. To read more, go to docs.google.com

Google Images
Do you have a newsletter deadline looming? Stumped what clip art to use? Visit google images for tons of free images. Many of the images are copyright free, but please do not use the ones that have restrictions.

The following two items I encourage every shop owner to spend a few minutes checking out.

Google Maps
With the summer vacation season starting, you will want to make sure you are represented on Google Maps.
Using your business phone number, google adds you to the biggest yellow pages in the world. It doesn’t stop there. Add your website, store hours, pictures and videos. If you are offering children’s sewing or quilting classes be sure and post that in your description. How many moms will be looking for things to keep the young ones entertained this summer? This is a great way for potential customers to learn more about you and what you have to offer. This is FREE! FREE! FREE! and takes about 15 minutes.

Google Alerts
I have talked about this before but it bears repeating. Have you ever wondered what people are saying about you and your store? Google Alerts will find out for you. When you create a google alert, you select the keywords that you want to be included. The keywords could be anything from the name of your store, our own name, etc. Each time it appears on the web, google will send an e-mail with a link to the mention. Alerts include web entries, blog posts, news articles and consumer reviews. I have my alerts to come once a day in one e-mail per topic. You can quickly scan the posts to stay on top of what is being said about your store.
Alerts are available for any topic. Do you have a favorite designer? Set up an alert for them.

I have a google alert for Quilt Market. This allows me to keep up with all the new things happening before during and after Quilt market. You may have an event that happens in your area, for example Outdoor quilt show, add that to your google alerts and  watch the buzz. I even have a google alert set up for myself. I have an usual spelling so I thought my name would be a rarity. There is at least one other Lissa Alexander. She is much more prolific with her words than I am. I now  know there is someone else that spells their name with 2-s’s.

These are just a few of the many Google tools to implement for your business.

How many times have you said, “Just google it?”

Dessert Personality Test

My husband, Gary, or as we call him DB (Dancing Bear), sent me this e-mail.
It is an interesting read before you plan your Memorial Day Dessert choices.
Pick your favorite dessert from the ones listed below.
This is very interesting.
No cheating.
If all of the eight desserts listed below were sitting in front of you, which would you choose (sorry, you can only pick one)! Pick your dessert, and then look to see what psychiatrists think about your pick as it relates to you.

REMEMBER – Make your choice before you check the meaning. After taking this dessert personality test, leave a comment with which dessert you are.

Here are your choices:
1. Angel Food Cake
2. Brownies
3. Lemon Meringue Pie
4. Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Icing
5. Strawberry Short Cake
6. Chocolate Cake With Chocolate Icing
7. Ice Cream
8. Carrot Cake

No, you can’t change your mind once you scroll down, so think carefully about what your choice will be.

Keep scrolling.

Now that you’ve made your choice, this is what the researchers say about you…… SCROLL DOWN—No Cheating. Have a great memorial weekend.

1. ANGEL FOOD CAKE — Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times.. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and immature at times.

2. BROWNIES — You are adventurous, love new ideas, and are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.

3. LEMON MERINGUE — Smooth, fun, & articulate with your hands, you are an excellent caregiver and a good teacher…. But don’t try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, you set your own style because you do your own thing. You shine when it comes to helping others and have many friends.

4. VANILLA CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE ICING — Fun-loving, sassy, humorous, not very grounded in life; very indecisive and lacking motivation… Everyone enjoys being around you, but you are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in making you mad? However, you are a friend for life…

5. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE — Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people, can be counted on in a pinch and expect the same in return. Intuitively keen. You can be very emotional at times but a true person in every way. You like to do things for yourself and help others learn about themselves.

6. CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE ICING– vivacious, always ready to give and receive. Very creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances. Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.

7. ICE CREAM — You like sports, whether it is baseball, football, basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but you enjoy watching sports.. You don’t like to give up the remote control. You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.

8. CARROT CAKE — You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with… People like to hang out with you. You are a very warm hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal friends. You were meant to lead and teach others. A wonderful role model.

Leave me a comment on which is your favorite dessert.

No matter which dessert you picked, I think you are all sweet!


I am a statistic

Has anyone ever done a statistic on how many people apologize for not posting regularly? If so I should be included in that number. Jan Patek sent me this video a while back. I thought it described what it is like doing a market.
Lots of helpers
everyone in good spirit
rounding up and coraling all the salesreps
hard work
A wonderful final project
job well done
View the video to the end!
Thank you to all the moda team!

All nighter

Each season before market I pull an all nighter. It is never planned, it just happens. I get on a roll, loose track of time and ta da it is morning. I thought this was going to happen the other night when I had a big bag of m&m’s and monster energy drink standing by. I drank the monster and had a handful of “Quilters vitamins” as my Facebook friends call the candy coated chocolates. I was in bed by midnight.

I was recently in london where all the buzz of the pending nupitals was already in full throttle.

I loved this when Diana got married and I wont miss seeing Kate get married. William and Andrew are the same age of my two oldest sons. My oldest son is marrying his princess this year, so I will be on the lookout for wedding ideas. Hmmm! Should I wear a hat?

Well tonight is the big night (no Gary, I am not talking to you) it is the scheduled all nighter and wedding viewing party.

I have my sewing projects lined up. I am actually making a quilt for William and Kate. (that’s how I roll) Of course they will have to wait until after market to receive it. No sneak peeks! The Royal military are guarding my blog and sewing room (actually dining room/sewing room).

Not my sewing room, just a pretty picture…
Lots of bobbins wound with auriful thread, stack of Moda fabrics ready, let the wedding begin.


Dots and sock monkeys

I apologize in advance for not the greatest pictures.
I was trying to figure out a new twist on the old fashioned quilt as you go meets foundation piece project.
Cut 3 strips of cuddle cloth (Moda’s super soft flannel solids) 13″ x wof.
Using your favorite fabrics in a variety of widths, foundation piece strips leaving extra on each edge. This is good project for scraps, just make sure the strips are about 15″ long so they can be sewn at angles and still cover the width of the flannel foundation.Flip and sew as you work your way up the strip of flannel. Trim excess fabric a generous 1/4″ away from the flannel as shown in the picture below.

Repeat this process for the 3 flannel pieces. Choose backing fabrics. I used 3 different flannels from the funky monkey collections. (3/8 yd of each will do it but get 1/2 yd to make sure) Cut backing fabrics 13″ x WOF.

This next part is touch to explain and tough to take 3D pictures.

Step 1: Lay two stripped pieced sections right sides together.
Step 2: Lay two backing fabric right sides together.
Step 3: Lay the backing sections to the back side of the dot sections. You will have 6 layers of fabrics stacked together if you count the flannel foundations.
Step 4: Sew 1/4″ seam sewing through 4 layers of fabric. (you won’t sew through the foundation flannel but you will sew right up next to it)
Picture below is the four layers stacked up in order.

The picture below is after the 2 rows are sewn.

The picture below shows what your quilt will look like when you open the sections that were just sewn.

Closeup of what the inner seam looks like.

Repeat with row 3 adding it to the center strip. Lay stripped section right side together to center strip. Lay backing fabric right side together to backing fabric. Sew 1/4″ along the edge.

This completes your quilt top and quilting all at once. Press to eliminate bulk. Trim if necessary to square up edges. Additional quilting can be added if wanted during this step. Baste around edges and binding accordingly.
Stitch in the ditch where the rows are joined for added stability and reducing bulk.

I wanted a big chunky binding that would like a border so I did it a little different that a traditional binding.

And I actually used the back side of a printed fabric to get the color I wanted. The quilt washed wonderfully using the flannel as the batting and backing.


I love it. It is the kind of quilt that can be washed and washed and washed. I think it will get cozier with every wash.


Guest Blog Post- PAT SLOAN

If there were to be a reality quilting show, Pat Sloan would certainly be the one I would bet on. I always say she is the hardest working woman in the cotton business. Find out about Pat and her newest book using Novelty prints. Thanks for stopping by.

There are endless reasons I love a ‘Novelty’ print.  Often it is the image…
Who can resist Aneela Hoey’s Sherbet Pips? 
Or a great Sock Monkey fabric.. this is a quilt in my book


And let’s not forget the 12 days of Christmas (I adore KateSpain!)!

After chatting to a zillion and one quilters about WHY a novelty print is used the same way a floral it, I wrote a book.
A book with 12 quilts that showcase these prints I love!
Not only that.. I give you a fun formula for adding a triple border to any panel..
can you say instant quilt?
Just the other day I had a baby quilt to make… I share the process using
a layer cake of Meadow Friends and the “Pair of Winners” Quilt.


and blog post 2


Come visit all the sites where each blogger is featuring a quilt! AND leave comments at each site, we are giving away 2 copies from each blogger’s comments!

And if someone wants it Autographed I have them at my site! -PAT SLOAN

Thank you Pat for stopping by and sharing your creativity with all of us. We can’t wait to see what all you have up your sleeve as new projects.


to do lists

I am a big believer of to do lists. Write it down and CROSS IT OFF especially during this time of year.
April 29- the big wedding– William and Kate
(To do- buy hat and fancy tea cups)
Next weekend – Easter
Next Weekend – Mother’s Day
Next Weekend- QUILT MARKET
(the above are not listed in order of the length of the lists)
I have saved this post from Maria Kalman of the New York Times titled CAN DO.
It is a little story about Benjamin Franklin.
Maria writes, He believed in doing good everyday.
He made charts and had daily goals.
The picture below is his daily schedule.
(5:00 am to 1:00 am)
More from Maria’s post:
He saw a dirty street and created a sanitation dept.
He saw a house on fire and created a fire dept.
He saw sick people and founded a hospital.
Read all of maria’s post here.
I will keep this post short and get back to work on my mother’s day gift, oops I mean Quilt Market.
The moral to Maria’s blog post and mine also is time is relative, especially when you consider what you do with your time and what Ben Franklin did with his.
Get started
Make your to do list.
Go out there and create something great!
See you in Salt Lake with all your greatness.
One quick side bar- Don’t ever write down all your UFO’s (unfinished quilt projects) on a piece of paper  titled TO DO: and post it by your sewing machine.
Your husband may come by and add in Bright Blue Marker

it’s Friday, Friday, Friday

It’s Friday, Friday Friday

No matter whether you like this song or not, it does get stuck in your head.
My niece has gotten me hooked on it. I sing it any day of the week because we are all still looking forward to the weekend even if today is only Monday, Monday, looking forward to the weekend.
Have a great weekend, oops I mean week and then weekend.