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“Used with permission from American Patchwork & Quilting® magazine. ©2013 Meredith Corporation. All rights reserved.” |
In works
I wanted to post a picture of my cutting table with several projects in the works. What is it about the new year that makes me think I need to start a bunch of new projects?
The piles in no particular order are:
1. An opened back of chocolate drizzled kettle corn. I made it my personal mission over the holiday to sample every brand and flavor of kettle corn I could kind. My mission has lead me to an addiction for that sweet and salty stuff. (If any of my family members are in my sewing room while I am gone, please do me a favor and get rid of any remaining kettle corn in the house.)
2. A box of letters that my sister wrote in college some 28-30 years ago. I am working on scanning in all the letters and making them into books for her 3 sons. Many of these letters also talk about when she met and married their wonderful father. Letter writing is a lost art so theses glimpses into history are priceless to me and I know her sons will treasure them.
3. A pile of crap, I mean scraps in the corner.
4. Some small nine patch blocks ( just a few small ones right under the light) that will be part of a future post about strip piecing nine patches.
5. A nine patch quilt I am working on using Avalon by Fig Tree and a future line from Bonnie and Camille. I am loving the royal blue that is showing up in some lines now. If Pantone had contacted me I would have predicted some shade of royal blue to be the color of 2013. I guess I may be ahead of my time and Pantone will choose my choice for 2014. I certainly am buying any and all of royals that I can find. Love love love it.
6. My I spy hexagon quilt. It is a work in progress and will be a future post as well. QuiltJane makes the most adorable hexagons templates. I will be sharing more info with you. Don’t tell my kids but I think the first grand baby may get this quilt. Obviously no one is pregnant so there is no rush to finish it. Also a thanks to a few of my friends that have been sharing their small 2 1/2″ novelty prints for this project.
7. My blocks in progress for Open Gate’s quilt along BOM. Check back here on
Feb 1st to see the second set of blocks.
I am writing to you from my hotel room in Paris France. I know it sounds odd but we have zipped over here for a quick weekend to attend maison de objet show. I am traveling with moda’s designer director as she scours the globe for trends and colors. Maybe I will run into those Pantone people and mention by color pick for 2014.
I will give you an update on my trip and my cutting table projects next week.
Au revoir,
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Friday Funny
my Newest Favorite thing
Bloggers girls quilt along
as well as fantastic precision piecing with the use of Monique’s rulers.

border and will also sprinkle it throughout some of my quilt blocks.
Thelma from Cupcakes ‘n Daisies ~ cupcakesndaisies.blogspot.com
Lissa from Moda Lissa ~ ModaLissa.blogspot.com
Denise from Quilter’s Window ~ Quilterswindow.com/blog/
Nicole from Sister’s Choice ~ sisterschoice.typepad.com
Lisa from Stashmaster ~ The-Stashmaster.blogspot.com
I hope you enjoy this project as much as I have already enjoyed being a part of it.
Upload your block pictures on the Blogger Girls Flickr site.
I look forward to seeing your block progress.
What I learned on my Christmas break
Each year on the first day of school I always had to write a paper titled “What I did on my summer vacation.”
This morning as the house is quite and thoughts of the new year are swirling around in my head, I started thinking about the things I learned on my Christmas vacation. The list does not include the obvious things about how thankful and blessed I am to have and be a part of a wonderful family.
Here is the list in no particular order.
1. If an early lunch with an old friend lasts all day, maybe we need to get together more often.
2. Picking out just 6 fabrics for a quilt is very hard.
3. No Internet is a very detoxing and therapeutic experience.
4. Baking soda facial helps close those nasty pores. Thank you Pinterest.
5. A simple Christmas meal is just as wonderful as one with all the hoopla.
6. No matter which family member is missing the holiday is not the same.
7. The pounds I have lost….. I have found and they brought friends.
8. Surprising someone with a handmade gift that brings tears to their eyes is so gratifying.
9. Snow in Texas on Christmas is beautiful.
10. My moms vegetable soup is just as good as I remember.
11. My happiness journal brought back great memories from 2012.
12. I am excited for 2013.
Hope each of you had a wonderful holiday and here’s to a blessed 2013.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
BOM coming soon
Girls Block of the Month
Monique Dillard from Open Gate – opengate.blogspot.com
Sherri from A Quilting Life – aquiltinglife.blogspot.com
from Cupcakes ‘n Daisies ~ cupcakesndaisies.blogspot.com
Denise from
Quilter’s Window ~ Quilterswindow.com/blog/
from Sister’s Choice ~ sisterschoice.typepad.com
from Stashmaster ~ The-Stashmaster.blogspot.com
6 block quilt or make 2 of each block and make the 12 block quilt. There will also be a set of instructions with the finishing options to make either size quilt.
Travel Pillowcases
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look close at the words on picture |
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thank you Carolyn Tover for the machine embroidery |
Ombre Jelly Roll quilt
I know I have.
Vanessa has ombre mini jelly rolls that include only her ombre fabrics.
The jelly rolls are a little misleading because at first glance they look like a nice
little set of spring colors. Once the jelly roll is opened, the colors burst as the
ombre colors flow creating a full pop of color. The quilt shown below
was made from 1 ombre jelly roll and a bella solid background.
Now for the backing…
Just as colorful as the front.
Of course I had to use fat quarters from the Simply color collections for my quilt back.
Are you nervouse about just chopping up a bunch of fabrics to piece your backings?
Lynne Wilson has come up with patterns to help you through the process.
Each of the patterns will make a backing up to a certain size.
What a great way to use up your stash! OR use new fabrics like I did!! Ha ha!
I have a reversible quilt that is full of color!
The pattern line is BACK IT UP.
Friday Funny
Enough Said!!
Hope you all have this much energy this weekend!