Quilt Aid USA 2010

Several months ago, I met with Helen from Pattern Press in Australia. She told me about a wonderful project that several Australian designers had been involved with. It had been such a great success she wanted to expand the project to America and include an American charity. Read all about the quilt project and the charities, here.

Quilt Aid (USA)…
helping the world, one quilt at a time
12 designers join with 6 shops to bring you a wonderful quilt.
Visit each of the 6 stores, purchase 2 block kits from each
of the stores to total 12 blocks. Each of the stores will also have a finished
quilt pictured. Choice your favorite layout and purchase
the finishing kit to complete the project.

 To read more about the designer’s, visit here.
The blocks are made featuring Collections for a Cause- Hope by Howard Marcus. Visit moda’s website to read about all of the Collections for a Cause fabrics and the charities they support.
Blocks went on sale beginning November 1st and qtys are limited.

Mistletoe Make and Bake 2010

I am  super excited to be included with  these talented people in the
Mistletoe Make and Bake 2010.
Join us as we share recipes and projects for the holidays along with giveaways!
Mark your calender and spread the word by sharing the fun on
your blog, Twitter, and Facebook.
Each designer will feature a project on the following days.
Leave a comment to be eligble for the GRAND PRIZE drawing.
November 15
November 16
November 17
November 18
(yeah- that’s me- I feel like I have made it to the BIG TIME)
November 19
November 20
Vickie Eapen-Spun Sugar Quilt

Fashion stops at the knee..

There is a saying at the quilt trade shows,
Fashion stops at the knee.
What this means is you better have comfortable shoes because
you are going to walking all day on hard concrete floors.
It is not the walking, it is the walking then standing in one place that turns your legs into cement anchors.
SHOES…. are a very important part of the trade show ensemble. Very rarely will you see anyone in spiked platform heels. Anne Sutton from Bunny Hill did a blog post last Market about all the shoes
she “auditioned.”
Barb and Mary from Me and My Sister also did a hilarious blog post about shoes. Barb said she was buying shoes because it was the only thing she didn’t need to buy in a larger size.

So you can see even though the shoes do not have to be the
height of fashion, they are very important.

The owner of Moda Fabrics is very well known for his fashion
and his shoes. He is often approached at market just to see what he is
wearing! Those of you that know him, am I right?
When Cheryl and I were
we came across the greatest thing ever.
The fish really looked like it was swimming around.
We were really trying to think of why we needed to buy these.
 Possibly a Christmas present for the boss?
We laughed and laughed.
So I began to “audition” shoes I would NOT be wearing to Quilt Market.
Possibly? Denim goes with everything.
Oops, over the heel height restrictions.
How cool are these?  Gucci?  Jessica Simpson?
 I don’t think any shoe that starts with Granny in the name should be considered.
(Granny boots in case you are too young to know about these.)
I could add some wheels to these and have a perfect pair of skates for the show.
Hey I think I am on to something. You better not steal my idea.
It is amazing what all can be found at the antique shops!!
I have no idea what shoes I will be wearing
but they will be
Market- 1 week….. to late to break in a new pair. Pack the blister bandaids.

Hard to find a good model

 Making the quilt is one thing, right?
Choosing fabrics, time to piece it, quilt it, tie it or pay someone to quilt
for you. (thanks, Maggi!)  Of course, if you are going to blog about it, you will need a picture.
You know the drill, timing is everything when taking a picture.

 I have been working on

many things but I cannot show them yet!! (MARKET!)
So while I was waiting for the new moda fabrics to arrive, I completed
many (a few) of my UFO’s.
This quilt is the first in a series of “giant blocks” quilts I am working on.
This pattern came from allpeoplequilt.com’s
website as one of the 2010 quarterly challenges.
 I really wanted some great place to photograph this quilt. The photography
is  the most intimidating part of having a blog.
Camille always encourages me! She never laughs at me when
I ask her a stupid question. Thanks, Camille!
It is so fun and it is made
from all Dots! Yes I am a moda-dot-alot. Give me alot of dots from moda!
  I solicited one of my sons (# 2 on the pecking order, but he says #1 in my heart)
 He had food in his mouth and wouldn’t stop eating long enough to “Model.”
 Then he started “bullfighting” with the dog.
Even Kobie the dog was bored and wandered off.
 Maybe his whimpy arm muscles would not hold up the “heavy” quilt.

And finally a quilt picture …..with legs!
A couple more of the other U.F.O.’s that I have finished.
The Owl quilt that Holly Hickman designed from Spring Market.
I put snuggles on the back. Love it! More about quilt backs in a future post.
 I finally finished this jelly roll quilt. All of us at work make this
pattern from almost every collection. It is our go to pattern. This quilt is
made using Botany by Lauren and Jessi Jung
They say in “sew business” that it is tough to work with kids and pets. 
Both my son and dog seemed bored with the whole event. Next time, maybe I will wait to feed them until after the “photo shoot.”
Off to sew another top-secret market project.

Sew Business

Market is just around the corner!! This time of year we bring in lunches just to make sure the team is nourished. I can only imagine if they went out to lunch and were in some sort of accident.
Okay, I am a mother, I worry!
Look what else is right around the corner. Literally! I thought these were great for us to just hunker down and sleep right on the premises as if we were movie stars.  Each door marked with a star and our name to ensure the paparazzi knows which door to stake out.
Even parking signs for all the crew and the extras that we need to put the “SHOW”,
I mean “Market” together.
 What about a robot to help with laundry, cooking and cleaning? I love this place!
 Maybe I was dreaming or hallucinating. The robot was at the State Fair of Texas. Technology is everywhere. The car manufacturers replaced some of the cute, sexy models with a funny robot. He even stopped to pose when he saw me pointing the camera his way.
And as far as the celebrity dressing rooms, they really are just around the corner.
The warehouse next door is where the new series, Chase is being filmed. http://tv.msn.com/tv/series/chase.3/
I love this tag line from the Chase site.
Chase – Fall TV Sneak Peek: NBC’s Butt-Kicking Babes
I could easily describe the staff here the exact same way.
 (If any one from the Chase series is reading this…… if you need any fabric or quilts for your series, give me a holler!)
Seriously, wanted to show you a few sneak peeks that the butt kicking babes here are working on.

 Stacks of capsets for the most talented sales team in sew business. ( guess whose fabric collection?)
 A cart full of capsets from Aneela Hoey’s, break out line Sherbet Pips.
She will soon have her own star on the fabric walk of fame.

Waiting in the wings…. American Jane always poised for any appearance.

Time for another commercial break. (insert the Geiko lizard here.)

Gotta run…………Check back for more market peeks……………………..

happenings at Des Moines quilt show

Moda Fabrics, Handi Quilter, and Tracey’s Tables were some of the sponsors of the
Dream Studio Giveaway. Imagine new sewing tables, new machine and over 3,000 of moda to stock your room!

Des Moines is the home of Better Homes & Gardens, American Patchwork & Quilting, Quilts & More, All People Quilt website, Quilt Sampler, and many many more of your favorite titles.

Jennifer and Meredith handing out “I Love Fabric.” pins.
I am sure they ran out because who doesn’t love fabric.

Of course the Million Pillowcase challenge was in full force.
Brenda Lesch was busy prepping the pillowcases to be sewn.

Jodi sewing away on a pillowcase. (opps, look it, happens to be a moda fabric) Love that Deb Strain.

The Des Moines quilt show also had a Kid’s Korner.
Moda was a sponsor of this event.  The display consisted of quilts from the State Fair 2010.

Here is an impressive graphic showing how many different states were represented at the state fair. They even had quilters from Greece, Australia, Ireland, Germany, Japan and Ecuador.

This was the cutest couple wearing matching outfits.
Quilting is the greatest “sport.”

A girl has got to eat

I have done a couple of posts about the Des Moines Quilt show. I know you are worried about me keeping up my energy so I thought a post about food would be warranted. Day 2 we had to do strenuous work on New product development which usually means shopping. We spotted Smokey D’s bbq right next to the Harley Davidson Shop. ( no we did not shop at the Harley store)
Smokey D’s very own Shad and Angie are this year’s winners of the BBQ pit master’s on the TLC channel. Remember in a past post how I told you I only had a zoom lens on my camera? I could not begin to take a picture of the 7′ trophy. Trophies line every wall and every aisle in the place.
The “grub” was incredible.
This is a picture of the capital from my hotel room, but if you look to the lower left hand side of the pic you will see  the white banners marking the world food festival. It was close, maybe too close!

We spent quite a bit of time here snacking on food from all kinds of ethnic groups and listening to some good tunes from some up and coming bands. I do not know if the quilt show organizers plan for the show to be during this event or not, but they should.

I have no pictures of Miyabi 9 but if you like Japanese you must visit Mike at Miyabi 9.
I did not earn this trophy but I certainly should have during my stay in Des Moines!!
I am stuffed even thinking back about the great food and fun with friends in Des Moines.

Feedsack Exhibit and more

The Des Moines Quilt Guild also had a feed sack exhibit and a very interesting Game Board exhibit.
This design was simple,cool and graphic. I can’t wait to remake it in new fabrics. What color do you  suggest?
A modern feed sack quilt! How Cool.
Really? Saved enough small pieces from feed sacks to make 1,000 pyramid quilt!

The coin quilt! A favorite from the 30’s and the 2010’s.

Game Board Exhibits

Amazing! Fabric money, fabric real estate cards, fabric dice and game pieces.
(the game pieces I think were actually crocheted)


How about a game of Checkers?!!
And to close another classic feed sack quilt. Any one up for a nine patch swap?
Back to Market prep!