Tag: Moda Fabrics

Miss Rosie’s Fan Club

In all fairness to the recent post on the Jolly Jabber by Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie’s fame, I felt I needed to explain myself. Yes I will admit that I did “nag” Carrie a bit to do 5″ charm patterns. Why? Well I thought it would be wonderful to line the halls of moda with small quilts documenting the fabric designers and their collections. My previous idea was just to make miniatures of the project sheets. Can you imagine the Portobello Market Project sheet in miniature? Well I couldn’t either. So selfishly I hounded Carrie for patterns.
I am the President of the Miss Rosie’s fan club. Not really, but should be. I am making every single one of her Schnibbles. I am bummed if I do not get a charm pack to make with the collection and have to substitute. However,it is cool to see the other colorways. I have started hoarding the patterns and charm packs. I slide the pattern in the wrapper of the charm pack until I am ready for it. What you don’t see in the picture is the stack of Schnibbles that are all cut and organized waiting to be sewn. I cut several out at a time when I am in the cutting mood. Then when I am in the sewing mood and don’t want to start something new, I pull one of these out. ( Boy, I sound like a moody person)
Much to my surprise I received a package during the Holidays. It was full of the original pincushions from Tuffets pincushion pattern. What a treasure! How did she know I had started a pin cushion collection?!
I know this is a life long goal to have made all of these quilts. I hate to admit that I am also making all of Pam Buda’s, Heartspun Quilts charm patterns. What an addiction, geez!
There are no Schnibbles lining the walls of moda yet. Someday!
I know all my buddies have already blogged about the new Moda Bake Shop blog , but I am also mentioning it. Kudos to Angela Yosten for working so hard on developing it. Thank you to Joanna, Camille, Monica, Laurie and Leigh Ann for getting us started with some fun projects. We have lots more coming. Feel free to leave me a comment on things you would like to see featured on the Moda Bake Shop.

I’m A Quilter!!

Jump in and sing the Anthem that American Patchwork & Quilting has started. I am a Quilter and Proud of it. What can you tell about yourself ? Make an 9×12″ quilt that tells your story in fabric, then post a photo of your quilt and your smiling face. It is fun to see the difference between the Editors‘ quilts and their stories. Every quilt…….. no matter how big or small …….does tell a story. Be sure and check out Lisa Schumacher’s quilt. She pieced fabric together to form her own fabric. I am hoping to get mine posted ( that is if the middle child in me can decide what describes me as a quilter) Hope to see your quilt there also.
I think this is step 1 in the 12 step program.
Step 1 I am a quilter and proud of it.
Step 2 is you must confess it to all.
Step 3 take therapy for the addiction by sewing more and more
Step 4 go to as many shows and classes as needed to discusss the addiction
Step 5 store fabric in your freezer, under the beds, in the closets, anywhere necessary for quick retrival when you need a quick fix
Step 6 go get a job at a fabric company
Step 7 need I go on? Afterall I do not want to be cured of this addiction so I guess 6 steps will do instead of the normal 12.

Surprise! Surprise! An early Christmas

Well the winner is in at Thimbleblossoms! Go to http://www.camilleroskelley.typepad.com/ to read all about it. My news is that I told Camille pick 2 winners and I would make a quilt for the second place. She kept asking me did I want to pick. I said , No silly girl, you choose. After looking at all the work she did to determine the winner I hate to say but I have it easy.
But Camille did pick someone that commented on my blog so I am posting Wendy as the winner- runner -up. Is there such a thing ? Is that like a participation trophy?
Wendy, do you want a W on the quilt instead of an M for moda?

I am honored to be making the following quilt for Wendy!
See comments below on Camille’s blog

“Hi! I’m from Utah, but I’ve been transplanted to Massachusetts. I love New England, but boy do I miss the mountains! I love love love your Wallflower pattern, and I would count myself extremely lucky to have a Camille original!!!! I can’t think of a strange compliment I’ve received, but something unique about me is that I could snap my fingers when I was six months old (cross my heart – at least that’s what my mom claims) I also wanted to tell you how much I love your photography! You have a great artistic eye!”
was Lissa’s 109th commenter, and just happens to be…

The part of Quilt Market no one talks about…

The funny thing about Market is that no one seems to talk about what happens before or after. I guess that is due to how fun the during is!
I can compare it to is childbirth. Ya, it is fun making “them”, but then you have stretch marks, lack of sleep, poopy diapers…..need I say more?

I thought I would show you some of the after pictures of our booth area. (thanks, Jen)
I was glad she did not have her camera when I was stuck on the crate full of uprights and table covers! Once the salesmen have gone! the quilts are taken down!

A very clean shot of the area……………the trashy side is out of picture range

The moda crates. We pack and ship 2- 18 wheelers full of TREASURES! 110 chairs and chaircovers, 40 some odd tables, water and snacks to make sure our salesreps are nourished. Sometimes we don’t even let them go to the bathroom. (Note to self: Pack an outhouse to go behind the uprights)

Some of the quilt samples ready to be packed up!
The most amazing thing about it all is………… it takes us 2 very long days to set it up and less than four hours to take it down. This year we had some help from our Australian friends, Patrick and Shane, so we finished in record time, 2 hours and 45 minutes. Kuddos to the crew…..you know who you are!!
I use to be obsessed about winning a prize for the best booth but I soon learned to it hard to keep a neat, cute booth with 40 salespeople with 40 trash cans!! Imagine 40 people in your house for a weekend. Opps that makes me think of the upcoming Thanksgiving at my house!
So officially I give myself a prize according to the following:
Did all “the kids” get along?
Did anyone have to go to the hospital? we were close this time only 1 wheelchair was involved but no ambulance. thank you nurse, Amy
So, I officially can say WE won “the prize”.

Seworities of Moda Fabrics

The salesforce of moda fabrics arrived at the Dallas offices for meetings before Quilt Market began. The sales force was divided into 3 SEWORITES. Well that is where the fun and games began. This is quite a competitive crew and we did not know what the sewority moms Amy Matheny, Kathy Bauer and Debbie Duckworth had in store. It was no time at all when the Beta Omega Ombres (BOO) pulled out of their bags “Togas” made from moda muslin or the hotel sheets. Couldn’t tell for sure. This left the two other seworites with some work to do. The Lambda Lambda Wools tried to remain above it all, but we soon saw signs all over the offices and warehouse BAAAAHHH! The Delta Delta Dotties (DDD) as know in their college days were a feisty bunch. However, BOO quickly took over any innocent bystander. Our fearless leader, Mark Dunn had been toga-ed by the Ombres. He took their shenanigans all in stride.

The salesforce had a day full of classes just like we do when we have a moda U retreat for shop owners. The highlight was the sales team sewing their Sweet Treat Bags. Several of the office staff demoed the newest notions and gadgets. They also had classes on many of the continuing advances in technology. Angela Yosten showed everyone all the added patterns and fabrics on Fabricmatcher. Pranks for each of the groups happened throughout the day. This was just day 1 of the meetings. They had not even seen all the new moda fabrics, quilts, books, patterns, and notions.

Al Lamborn and Ed Wilson study their instructions before they start sewing on their Purse. Later named, MEURSE (Man-Purse) Thank you to Mary Ann Yeager for supplying all the featherweight machines for the reps to sew on. I have heard through the grapevine that one of the reps has since taken up quilting. (Don’t worry John your secret is safe with me)
Pat Roberts and Angela Worrell demo some of the new notions for Tom&Cindy Williams. Ron Wiggins and Jospeh Galza learn about Learn to Sew kits and paper hexagons from Jen McLean and Alison Scully.

Did I say I have the greatest job in the world? I do!