To Market To Market to buy a fat…. quarter

That Monica is a genius!! and so is Pam KittyMorning! This is so much fun!
By the way we are setting up a photography area in the moda booth so come on over with your buddies and snap a few pics! Of course you have to supply your own camera and poparotsy!!

Want another sneek peek about Market stuff? Read Lynne Hagmeier’s new blog!

I can’t believe Market is almsot here. It is kind of like giving birth stretch marks included!
Thanks to all, see you there!

and the winner is…….

I had my very own random generator, pick a winner. Her name is Susan Stiff, so blame her if you didn’t win, hug her if you did. She drew 2 names from the hopper.

The winner is ……………………..opps I mean the winners are John from Cary,North Carolina and
She Sews and Scraps. Send me your shiping addresses. Thanks!Enjoy!

I will be at QUILT MARKET very soon. I will Tweet, blog, facebook and have a wonderful time. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE.

Just in case you have not checked them out, read sandy gervais’s blog for a behind the scenes look at her getting the quilts done for Market.

And check out what all is happening over at Sweetwater.


For those of you that do not know this, quilt Market is 2 weeks earlier this year. In the long run this will be a good thing but in the meantime I think it is STRESSING out a few people. I have been reading designers blogs who are designing, writing, sewing, stressing. Seriously, there is not enough Chocolate or Pizza to go around this time of year. Don’t believe me, just read Sandy Gervais blog. This time of year is like Christmas, you can’t change the date. It is coming no matter what. The only thing that is stopping it is the deadline. If Market was later, we would all try and do more and more and more. Look at it this way… now there will be more time between Market, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. (Opps didn’t mean to stress you out more !)
The girls are going to kill me but I have done this any way. DISCLAIMER: It is Saturday here, No makeup and they did not know what I was going to do with these pictures. I think they will be tooooooo busy to sign on to the computer until after Market.
Here is the tutorial: When you read this you MUST follow along and do it.!

Mariza and Esperanna- Sample DeptCarolyn- Queen of everythingSTEP 2: BEND YOUR ARM BACK AND TOUCH YOUR LEFT SHOULDER.Eladia and Outlaw-Sampling and book and pattern buyerSTEP 3: PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK! GREAT JOB EVERYONE! (are you following along? Stand up and pat your self on the back. This is a tutorial you can do right now. Do it!)Sorry Outlaw but I had to use this picture. Outlaw always shuts her eyes in pictures so I clicked the camera quick to try and get her. PRICELESS!Pat someone else on the back, then laugh and have some fun! Okay back to work!!


Did that catch your eye?

I just recieved a copy of the new Holiday Issue of McCall’s quilting December 2009 issue. I was excited to see my quilt made the cover, AGAIN… folded and stacked with designers such as Chloe and Colleen from Toadusew, Sarah and Delores from Homestead Hearth and a dear friend, Gerri Robinson from Planted Seed Designs. And of course much more inside.
I do not know if you know of the MANQUILTER, but he is who quilted this quilt so I thought I would give him a shout out also. Isn’t that a great word, Manquilter? Of course you have to say it in a deep voice for the full effect.
Yes I said giveaway… keep reading.
The gals at McCall’s are so clever. They did a quilt option using the same pattern but did it in 30’s fabrics and used embroidered tea towels as the centers. Just that idea alone is worth running to the store to pick up your own copy. (pg 64)
Also there is an ad on page 49 from moda about something new available in stores late October. Clue- Fanfare Gift Wrap. Check it out.
Here’s the deal. Thanks for reading to the end.
The giveaway is for a magazine and my scraps from this collection. Scraps?! I have good scraps and after all it is a free giveaway. Rounneries will be in stores soon, so once you win my scraps you can order all kinds of yardage from your favorite shop.
I mean run to the stores this group is going to go fast!
Just make a nice comment and you will be entered. Drawing will be September 30th.


Okay, did you forget about me?
Quilt Market is less than a month to go.
24 quilts and counting.
No I don’t make them all but lots of organizing, cutting, planning, etc.
Just so you would know that I am alive I thought I just at least post something about where I wish I could go. The following is a note from Dale at The City Quilter.
If you are in the New York area or going there, check it out.
The City Quilter‘s soon-to-open “MADE IN NEW YORK: City Quilting” exhibition showcases 61 outstanding quilts, representing a wide variety of styles. Quilts are underrepresented as an art form in New York, and we believe this exhibit will help bring a bit more attention to quilting–hopefully aided by your editorial interest.The show opens on Tuesday, September 22, at the Williams Club, which is located at 24 East 39th Street. The quilts will be available for viewing from 8 am until 8 pm, seven days a week, through November 14, 2009. Quilts must have been made while the quilter was living or working in the New York metro area. The quilts were juried, the 61 selected from the more than 200 entered. As part of the show, there is a special exhibition of ten Dear Jane quilts to commemorate the 10 years of DJ classes at The City Quilter that have resulted in the growth of a considerable “Janiac” community with an urban flavor.
“Wildlife“ by Ellen Highsmith Silver
Amy Ronis’ “Kitschin’ Jane”.

More posts to come, I promise.

September 11

Just recieved this e-mail from Polly Minick.

We have a little less than one month and counting to get the word out all across this great land and into every community in the United States of America.

If you forward this email to least 11 people and each of those people do the same … you get the idea.

On Friday, September 11th, 2009, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States . Every individual should make it their duty to display an American flag on this eighth anniversary of one of our country’s worst tragedies. We do this to honor those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, friends and loved ones who continue to endure the pain, and those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms.
In the days, weeks and months following 9/11, our country was bathed in American flags as citizens mourned the incredible losses and stood shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism. Sadly, those flags have all but disappeared. Our patriotism pulled us through some tough times and it shouldn’t take another attack to galvanize us in solidarity. Our American flag is the fabric of our country.

Give Away

Mosey on over to American Quilter’s Society to find out about a huge giveaway.
Contest runs July 15th thru September 1st.

Not tempted? Just another giveaway?
Well How about this Prize Gallery?

Grand Prize
One (1) winner will receive the
Ultimate Quilting Studio package from HandiQuilter®, Tracey’s Tables and Moda to include:
One (1) HandiQuilter® Machine Quilting System to include:
HQ Sixteen™ with Table and Frame ARV including shipping $9,000.00 (US)
Training retreat provided by HandiQuilter® ARV $750.00 (US)
Estimated ARV $9,750.00 (US)
Quilting and cutting tables from Tracey’s Tables:
Estimated ARV with shipping $3,071.00 (US)
One (1) trip to the American Quilter’s Society 2009 Quilt Expo-Des Moines,
October 28 to 31, 2009,
Estimated ARV $1,000.00 (US)
See their site for exact details of the trip.
Fabric collection from a variety of Moda designers
Estimated ARV $3,000.00 (US)

Okay are you tempted to enter now? I wish I could but I can’t.. some legal mumbo jumbo about working for moda. But I hope one of you win, so go ahead and enter! Good Luck!

my own Washington Oregon Shop Hop

Last week I had the privilege of traveling with 2 of the moda sales reps that cover parts of Washington and Oregon. Diane and Bob Toycen

Bob had made Diane license plate holders with fun sayings. This one says check out moda at Moda Bake The car was loaded up and we started on our way to see some of the local “color”. I rode along to just a few of the stores. Man oh Man, I am so jealous after seeing the variety of stores in this area.

We stopped at Fibers & Stitches in St. Helen’s, Oregon. Just the outside of the building was enough to make you have to stop and see what is inside.

Quiltworks MW in Bellevue was a feast. Where Materials meet Inspiration…..
Full of the unusual and different. I couldn’t help but love their Moda Bake shop display table. The sign read, All you DESIRE self-serve dessert table. Too cute!
They also stock a FULL range of beads and buttons. Too far for me to take some jewelry classes but I would if I could.

Another stop along the drive was The Quilting Loft, a fabric boutique. Cute shop in a very

trendy area. Apparel, kids things and a great variety or fabrics and patterns. Angie also has machine quilting services and is very involved in charitable events.
I found out that right down the street from here is where the boats from
The Deadliest Catch dock.
(this is one of my husband’s favorite shows so I felt it was my duty to stop for some pics)
Stopped here for a drink and a T-shirt.

Found a boat for my husband or just a funny picture.

I had a coffee from the Starbucks headquarters. Saw the Amazon building also.

Sisters Fabric in Chehalis, Washington was one of our stops. They were excited that
the UPS man delivered moda’s William Morris collection during our visit.

A huge fan of Fig Tree fabrics as the front window proudly displayed several

quilts featuring Joanna’s fabrics. And yes all you fig tree fans she does mail order!

Momma Made It is a delightful shop specializing in reproduction fabrics in Longview, WA.
If they do not have the reproduction fabric you are looking for it probably does not exist.Recognize Edyta’s (Laundry Basket) quilt in the background?
( thanks Diane for being such a trooper and letting me take so many pics of you!)
Thanks to all the stores for making me feel at home and letting me shop!
Tough, I know but someone had to do it.


I am sitting at LAX leaving the Long Beach quilt show.
I got to see lots of friends at the show and make a couple of new ones also.
I met Julie Herman from Jaybird. She has a new project over at the moda bake shop. The project is for giant pincushions. Julie was a giant ball of energy and enthusiasm. she has tons of ideas for more projects for the bake shop. Check it out! She was alot of fun.
I am now headed to Portland Oregon to travel with a couple of the moda reps for a few days. I am excited to visit a few of their accounts. I think this is called a bus man’s holiday. 2 1/2 days of quilt show and 3 days of getting to go to a bunch of different shops! Yeah!
So as I am sitting here reading my Tweets. ( yes I tweeter, do you?)
This Friday is a friend of mines birthday so I thought I would check out and see what her colorstrology birthday is. Check it out and see what color you are.
Sorry no pics yet. Will post those soon. Randomness over and out.