Collection for a Cause and soap

I wanted to post about these soaps before the Holidays in case you needed them as gifts, but…. I guess there is always mother’s day, birthdays or just because. First about the fabric, Collection for a Cause is an ongoing program begun by owner, Howard Marcus Dunn. It features antique quilts from his collection and support charities and causes that touch the hearts and lives of all of us.
Proceeds from this collection, Heritage, will be donated to Gilda’ s Club, which seeks to provide an emotional and social support community for people living with cancer. The proceeds were given in memory of our colleague, Pam Wieland.

Then I saw this. Joyce Noerr from Sororia Organics Soaps makes and packages some of her products in Heritage fabrics. Good for your skin and good for the soul…..Plus they are also giving a portion of the proceed’s to Gilda’s Club. Moda fabric, organic soap and giving back all in one thing, what could be better. Way to go, Joyce.

New Year’s Quiz

Okay we are almost 2 weeks into the new year. I am very much a glass half full kinda gal. How do i know this ? Because my Dad played this game with our family at the dinner table when I was 8 years old. So I found this quiz over at Martha about following through on New Year’s Resolutions. I did okay. Pretty much middle of the “glass.”

I wanted to share with you the best $ 9.98 I have spent in a long time. I guess that isn’t true, I have now bought 4 of these books so I guess it has cost me $40.00…. still well worth it.

I was at Barnes & Noble with my daughter and picked up this book in the front of the store. I looked up my daughter’s birthday. My daughter said, “I don’t believe in any of that stuff.” I read the first 2 sentences about her (which was dead on) and bought the book. I have taken the book to 2 birthday parties since then and we have had great fun reading about each other. In fact the scan of the book above still has all the post it notes in it for the birthdays of the moda gals.
1 of the 4 books I have bought is now owned by my daughter who doesn’t believe in this stuff.
I guess I don’t believe in it either but the good, bad and the ugly of my birthdate was so correct it was creepy.
Theresa Cheung is the author and I have now seen a bunch of other cool stuff that she does. I will have to check out to see if I can find some more mindless entertainment.

Happy Holidays!

Loose ends!!
One of the odd things about working at Moda is the Christmas holidays. We work on Holiday 2009 while also trying to accomplish Christmas 2008 at home. ( I am sworn to secrecy about Holiday 2009 but it is going to be GREAT!) We took a break from work and went to lunch on Friday.We had our annual ornament exchange. Pictured below are a few of the people in marketing, sampling and new product development. I think Rudolph bit Outlaw in the rear. Guess which one is Outlaw?With that being said I felt like I should follow-up on some loose ends.

Thimbleblossoms drawing.
I am delighted to be working on a quilt for Wendy! She won a drawing on Camille’s blog. Never did I expect to receive such a wonderful surprise in the mail. Camille sent me a selection of her patterns, a stocking full of chocolate and a James Taylor Christmas Cd. I have enjoyed sewing and snacking. the problem is I have also started a couple of her other patterns also. This quilting addiction is crazy! ( thank you, Camille)

I told you that I would post how to do English Paper Pieced hexagons by machine. I use the same technique that Blackbird Designs uses to do all of their applique quilts. Leaving the paper in, butt two of the hexagons together and sew. I use a fine zig zag stitch. The key is to use good quality nylon thread. Not the cheap stuff that is almost like fish line! The stitches almost disappear once the paper is removed. Join hexagons in sets of 2 and repeat. When you line up the next set of two slip the hexagons under the first set. This helps hold them in place as you chain piece. If you are doing the traditional hexagon flower you will have to pay close attention to fabric placement. I am doing a striped border of hexagons so mine are all constructed in rows.

Do not worry about taking out the paper or the basting stitches until you have sewn several of the sides together to hold them in place. Here are several rows sewn together. How long would this take by hand?

Once the rows and or sections are arranged you can continue to join the sections using the same technique. You do not have to have an entire section down to start sewing them together. More can be added section by section.
A section sewn together!
Enjoy, try it and let me know if you have any questions.
I love this artist.

So I will close this posting by singing out load in my home to each of you this Christmas Carol. Have a wonderful Holiday with your friends and family,

I’m A Quilter!!

Jump in and sing the Anthem that American Patchwork & Quilting has started. I am a Quilter and Proud of it. What can you tell about yourself ? Make an 9×12″ quilt that tells your story in fabric, then post a photo of your quilt and your smiling face. It is fun to see the difference between the Editors‘ quilts and their stories. Every quilt…….. no matter how big or small …….does tell a story. Be sure and check out Lisa Schumacher’s quilt. She pieced fabric together to form her own fabric. I am hoping to get mine posted ( that is if the middle child in me can decide what describes me as a quilter) Hope to see your quilt there also.
I think this is step 1 in the 12 step program.
Step 1 I am a quilter and proud of it.
Step 2 is you must confess it to all.
Step 3 take therapy for the addiction by sewing more and more
Step 4 go to as many shows and classes as needed to discusss the addiction
Step 5 store fabric in your freezer, under the beds, in the closets, anywhere necessary for quick retrival when you need a quick fix
Step 6 go get a job at a fabric company
Step 7 need I go on? Afterall I do not want to be cured of this addiction so I guess 6 steps will do instead of the normal 12.

gobble, gobble,gobble

Happy Thanksgiving to all. It is a tradition in our family to call everyone we know and say Gobble, Gobble, Gobble and hang up. This usually goes on for hours ….So consider this posting an official Gobble.

While cooking Thanksgiving dinner for 30 people, I am also packing for a quick overseas trip to Madrid, Spain. Below is some of the stuff I am throwing in my carry on.(except the Sonic drink). I have cut assorted 3 sisters charm packs into 2 1/2″ squares so they are ready to pick up and go. The greatest thing ever is the Clover Needle threader. Not only does it thread the needle for you but it also has a threader cutter built in……..perfect for travel on a bumpy, dark airplane.

One note of randomness-I use to hide my cash in my makeup bag. With 4 four boys my cash was always safe there. Then one day my daughter snooped and found it so the secret was out. The reason I tell you this story is when I pulled out this project, the small sewing bag still had some loose cash in it. I guess I now have a new cash stash place. None of my kids will ever go snooping through my sewing stuff.

Here is the stack I made while working on Cornbread! Queen of multi- tasking!I learned the technique form the gals at Cotton & Chocolate in California. Thier technique is very quick and easy. I am sewing them together by machine. ( yes I know that is not how you are supposed to do it!- but I do want to finish in this lifetime!) I am sewing the hexagons into rows instead of the traditional flower pattern. More on that to follow. (love the thimble- favorite color -Red)

Happy Thanksgiving to all,


Surprise! Surprise! An early Christmas

Well the winner is in at Thimbleblossoms! Go to to read all about it. My news is that I told Camille pick 2 winners and I would make a quilt for the second place. She kept asking me did I want to pick. I said , No silly girl, you choose. After looking at all the work she did to determine the winner I hate to say but I have it easy.
But Camille did pick someone that commented on my blog so I am posting Wendy as the winner- runner -up. Is there such a thing ? Is that like a participation trophy?
Wendy, do you want a W on the quilt instead of an M for moda?

I am honored to be making the following quilt for Wendy!
See comments below on Camille’s blog

“Hi! I’m from Utah, but I’ve been transplanted to Massachusetts. I love New England, but boy do I miss the mountains! I love love love your Wallflower pattern, and I would count myself extremely lucky to have a Camille original!!!! I can’t think of a strange compliment I’ve received, but something unique about me is that I could snap my fingers when I was six months old (cross my heart – at least that’s what my mom claims) I also wanted to tell you how much I love your photography! You have a great artistic eye!”
was Lissa’s 109th commenter, and just happens to be…

ConKerr Cancer- A Case for Smiles
—this is a note I recieved from Cindy at ConKerr Cancer.
I have great news and we need your help!L’Oréal Paris has chosen me as a 2008 Women Of Worth award winner. This award is in recognition of ConKerr Cancer’s work in bringing smiles to sick children around the world. I am honored and humbled to be recognized by L’Oreal and know that it reflects the extraordinary work of our regional coordinators and thousands of caring volunteers. Most of all, I believe it is a tribute to the courageous children and families who are bravely facing life changing illnesses each day.In 2006, the L’Oreal created Women Of Worth – a grassroots program and award to honor women who serve others in their communities. Each year the program selects ten honorees from around the country. Also, one honoree will be selected by public vote and recognized as the National Woman Of Worth Honoree and her charity will receive a donation of $25,000 from L’Oréal Paris.Winning the National Woman Of Worth award would mean so much to ConKerr Cancer. This international recognition could help us bring smiles to even more children in even more hospitals in even more places. Moreover, the award would enable us to purchase fabric, sewing machines and supplies to take to the hospital to sew with the children and their families. (Not to mention defraying the many other expenses that go with running an all volunteer, global organization as large as ConKerr Cancer!).To vote go to and help ConKerr Cancer win $25,000! Voting runs from November 10 and November 24, 2008. I would appreciate you passing this on to all of your friends.Thank you so much,Cindy Kerr
you do not even need to register or determine if you are in a red or blue state. Not much time!

This is the easiest greatest way to make pillowcases. All my family gets a new one for every Holiday. They still act surprised and excited. Possibly they are excited to have a clean pillowcase. Excuse the long instructions. you just have to make one to believe it. It is truly magic!! Plus a good way to use up fabric and buy more!
Picture above are a few of the pillowcases we just sent to Richland Sewing Center who collects them for Cook Childrens hospital. ( thanks to ducky, outlaw, pat, chelair, carolyn and everyone else that made pillowcases)
Now go VOTE for Cindy!

Joanna and modaLissa headed to Spain

Joanna and I are busy stuffing our turkeys…. and once the family is stuffed with all the holidays bounty. We will make sure there is plenty of leftovers to hold them over, board a plane and head to Madrid, Spain to teach all about moda Precuts. You may have heard of Jelly Rolls ( 2 1/2″ strips), Layer Cakes (10″ x 10″ squares), Charm Packs ( 5″ x 5″), and the newest cuts Honey Buns (1 1/2″x 45″) and Turnovers (6″ Half Square triangles) Honey buns and Turnovers in stores beginning January. We will be teaching 2 days to 60 shop owners. The Confetti Cake pattern from the Pattern Basket is one of the classes I am teaching. Margot does wonderful patterns including her line up of patterns using the moda precuts.Confetti Cake is one of my favorites. I have made this quilt 3 times now so I have taken some step by step pictures to show you how easy this pattern is. All you need is a moda layer cake, a center fabric, background and border.

Choose the order, sew and press. Did I say PRESS? If you follow Margot’s directions and press in opposing order, you do not have to pin. the strips just line up beautifully. I love BEST PRESS to iron with. (ask for it at your shop)Sub cut the strips

Line them up and resew them together. TA DA! Of course I forgot to take a picture of the finished quilt before I rushed it off to the quilter. I will post the pic as soon as maggi works her magic on it.
Oh Ya, Joanna is fluent in several languages. I only talk English and Quilting, but I think we will all get along quite well.

Feeling Lucky?

Camille from Thimbleblossoms is quite energetic. She is having a contest on her blog. I guess it would be unethical for me to enter it 100 times, so I won’t. BUT, if you have not read it yet, zip on over maybe you can win. It is a great chance to own a treasure. I have told Camille that I would donate the fabric just in case she is running out. Maybe she will let anyone that posts on my blog get an extra chance at the drawing. I will keep you posted on that. In the meantime, enter the drawing and tell her modalissa sent you.