The funny thing about Market is that no one seems to talk about what happens before or after. I guess that is due to how fun the during is!
I can compare it to is childbirth. Ya, it is fun making “them”, but then you have stretch marks, lack of sleep, poopy diapers…..need I say more?
I thought I would show you some of the after pictures of our booth area. (thanks, Jen)
I was glad she did not have her camera when I was stuck on the crate full of uprights and table covers! Once the salesmen have gone! the quilts are taken down!

The most amazing thing about it all is………… it takes us 2 very long days to set it up and less than four hours to take it down. This year we had some help from our Australian friends, Patrick and Shane, so we finished in record time, 2 hours and 45 minutes. Kuddos to the crew… know who you are!!
I use to be obsessed about winning a prize for the best booth but I soon learned to it hard to keep a neat, cute booth with 40 salespeople with 40 trash cans!! Imagine 40 people in your house for a weekend. Opps that makes me think of the upcoming Thanksgiving at my house!
So officially I give myself a prize according to the following:
Did all “the kids” get along?
Did anyone have to go to the hospital? we were close this time only 1 wheelchair was involved but no ambulance. thank you nurse, Amy
So, I officially can say WE won “the prize”.