Hello, If you are following along on the Precut Primer blog hop, then congratulations you have made it to the 12th grade!!
This book is chalk full of projects using Moda precuts. It does not take an MBA or a PHD to be able to make one for your favorite scholar. You will learn something new throughout beginning with page 5, full of tips from Barb and Mary of Me and My Sister Designs.
Did you know? Hold a white piece of paper behind your needle as you thread it. The paper makes it easier to see the needle.
Quilt made by Sarah Huechteman.
Close up of quilting.
That is me, center row of EVERY group picture ever taken. Thank goodness Lori Chrisman and Leah Pender were always there with me!
I had a massive crush on the second guy on the first row, Kent Ferguson, which probably explains my height issues.
When asked if I would be a part of this hop, I knew just what I would do. Number 2 son is a high school teacher and coach, so I knew this would be a great opportunity to make a quilt for his school. School colors are green and gold, so the Varsity collection from Sweetwater was perfect. He has always been passionate about working with kids and will be a wonderful influence on the kids he comes in contact with.
Excuse me for a minute, while I reminiscence about a few of my teachers.
Mrs. Barney, my second grade teacher, was the first person on my doorstep when my father passed away. I was grown and married, but she found where I lived and came to visit me so many years later.
Mrs. Pasierb, my third grade teacher, was a brunette walking barbie. All the boys drooled as she walked by. This by no means is an insult. She was beautiful, smart and sweet.
Miss Resenta, my fourth grade teacher, whom I probably tested the most. Yes, I was a little hellion that year. She got married during the holiday break and became Mrs. Williams. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. She had to be one of my favorite for many reasons, including that she had a wonderful deep laugh that brighten the room.
Mrs. PIttman, fifth grade as shown above, had the coolest collection of polyester jumpsuits!
The list goes on and on!
My kids went to the same elementary, junior high and high schools that I did. Many of my teachers were their teachers, so I know first hand how much a teacher can influence your life for many years to come.
I am formally apologizing to all my teachers for any headaches I may have caused or my children may have caused.
The Giveaway : Enter to win a layer cake of Varsity by leaving a comment on this post, telling me your favorite teacher and why.

Winner will be announced September 10, 2015 I will wait until late in the evening to pick a winner.
Details: Pattern – Precut Primer – 12th Grade by Me & My Sister Designs
Fabric – Varsity by Sweetwater & Bella Solid Bleached White 9900-200
I am doubling up on just the greens and gold fabrics and throwing in a few other basics.

Size – 3 across and 4 down for a throw size.
Good luck!
Hop on over to Melissa Corey. She is also a 12th grader, just like me!
Below are the links to all of the other posts. Check them out. It is not to late to enter some other giveaways.
This is Me and My Sister’s latest book – Pre-cut Primer.
September 2nd – Pat Sloan & April Rosenthal
September 3rd – Corey Yoder
September 4th – Amy Ellis
September 7th – Jane Davidson & Heidi Grohs
September 8th – Sherri McConnell
September 9th – Melissa Corry & Lissa Alexander