Farmers Wife Quilt along has begun!

3 different lunch times, people coming and going, great fun, laughter
and a few racy real housewives pictures thrown in for fun.
There is so much FWQAL out on the web that it seems silly to post it here, but here I go. Today we started making design boards inspired by Lori Holt. Lori posted a picture of her designs boards a while back. I thought they were brilliant but didn’t wait for her to post her how-to’s. I had a class of 20 people coming up and I had to do some creative engineering. I salvaged as many layer cake card boards as I could possibly find. This is a 10″ piece of cardboard that works wonderful for Lori’s design boards. My board was not near as cute as Lori’s but I will make many more.
We did the design boards because the crew here will be taking the pieces back and forth from work to home. This will keep the pieces all in place. I think everyone will be making more of these handy boards. I know I will. Sarah posted pictures of design boards on her blog.
She was busy taking pictures so I feel bad she didn’t get her blocks cut,
but she has a
design board.
 Here is one of our HOT quilters striking a pose. Meet Jamie….
She is dating a Dallas Maverick and a Dallas Cowboy at the same time. She is developing her own line of  cotton fabrics that when used, eliminate wrinkles on the fabric and on your face!!
Just kidding, but I had to add some hype so we could get our own reality show.
 meet Eladia!
She is a fairly new quilter, relatively speaking. She has been quilting for 4 or 5 years and makes the most elaborate quilts!
Meet Katie!
Katie is visiting for a couple of weeks and the daughter of Deb Strain. We are sad that Katie will be leaving us soon but she is going to do the project long distance when she returns home to Ohio.
This is not Katie’s first quilt, but I think she has caught the FEVER.
Our homework was make your design boards.
Make blocks # 2 and # 4.
Next week we will see Marti Michell’s templates. Marti has cross referenced her template sets to correspond with the FW templates. Sign up for Marti’s newsletter by August 31st to get weekly e-mails about the blocks and templates. Here is more info.
 Hop on over to Sarah’s blog to see more pictures!
Gotta go milk the cows!

The Real Housewives

Okay I know what you are thinking, not those “real housewives”
I mean the real Farmers Wives of United Notions. You may not have heard of United Notions. United Notions is a multi line distributor that  you may have only heard of it you were a store ordering notions, fabrics and supplies for your business.
The Gals at United Notions/Moda Fabrics have jumped out of the barn and into those crazy exciting Farmers Wife phenomenon.
In case you have been out milking the cows and not heard about this yet, let me catch you up.
It all started with The Farmer’s Wife Sampler Quilt by Laurie Aaron Hird published in 2009. Then two very clever gals decided they were going to do a quilt along.
Angela and Amanda. put their heads together, both wanted to make the blocks, and the rest is history. Google the words Farmers Wife Quilt Along and you will see many
 sewers that choose to be a farmer’s wife.
Remember the show Green Acres
where Zsa Zsa Gabor left Manhattan to live on the farm with Eddie Albert.
Move forward 20 something years and we have shows like the real housewives.
Combine both of those shows and that would best describe the class that is starting here on Thursday!
If you read my blog, you know I could go one for days making silly comparisons but  I will save some for after I have had my skinny margarita.
Every Thursday during lunch about 20 of us will be getting together to have a HEN PARTY. ( oops another play on words)
We have all different ages, styles, new quilters, hand piecers, etc. Along with making 2 blocks a week we are going to play with different notions. Do you know how many different rotary cutters are out there? Find out what are our must have tools as we show you our blocks from traditional to modern.
Monica even made a blog badge for you to use if you want to join in on the fun.
Camille is even doing it! Imagine a farmers wife in Las Vegas!
photo courtesy of Camille Roskelley
And my main counterpart in making this all happen is our very own
Little Miss Sew it All, Sarah Stephenson. Follow her as she will surely be posting  her progress on the project as well. I will be watching to make sure no pictures or incriminating stories are posted about me.How can she be a real housewife with all those quilting supplies in  her bed?


World Water Park , Edmonton , Alberta , Canada . 5 Acres
Chicago Merchandise Mart , Illinois , USA
South China Mall, Dongguan , China . 892,000 square meters
Sydney harbour bridge, Australia . 16 lanes of car traffic
Donghai Bridge , China . 32.5 km.
ROYAL CARIBEAN MS Freedom of the Seas.
4300 passenger capacity Inside
Airbus A380. 555 Passengers
Neoplan Jumbo – cruiser. 2 in 1 bus….double deck 170 passenger capacity
90,000 capacity. Cost…$1.6 billion
Built by KRUPP of Germany . 45,500 tons. 95 meters high. 215 meters long
MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas , Nevada . USA . 6,276 rooms
Burj Al Arab Hotel, Dubai . Only 7 Star Hotel in the World
Cheapest room…$1,000 per night. Royal Suite…$28,000 per night
Winners Chapel, Canaanland, Otta , Nigeria
Inside Sitting Capacity 50,000 Outside Overflow Capacity 250,000
somewhere in America. Cannot  release the exact location due to it may incriminate me.


I looked up Kismet in Wikipedia.
Fate or Destiny in Turkish and Urdu, a predetermined course of events.
It really is kismet to do this blog post.
In the OLD days before the Internet, yes I was quilting back then!, there were friendship groups and block swaps.The only difference is that your “friends” had to live in your area because you actually met with them to exchange blocks, ideas, techniques and inspiration. Recently I unearthed some blocks from a friendship exchange in the mid 1980’s. These blocks brought back memories of the people that made them and the fun we had meeting once a month in each others homes. Where did I find these blocks? Of course I had stashed these in a super secret spot knowing I would want to finish them someday. Well I had them stashed away in the box of videos of the kids special events. So super secret that I didn’t even know they were there. Have you ever done that? Hidden things so well that you were surprised when you came across them again. I had been petting these blocks and going through my stash of fabrics when a new ruler hit the market.

I had been hooked on Monique’s geese rulers while making Miss Rosie’s charm flying geese., so I knew that I had to try her newest ruler, Fit to be Quarter. (check out Monique’s blog– she has a blog hop going on now)

Imagine my delight when I saw on the instruction page the information to make my “found blocks” from my exchange 20 years before. KISMET!
20 years ago I thought I was pretty smart to figure out how to strip piece this block. My dad was so proud thinking I had his engineer brain. I think it was more the fact that I had a bunch of kids and not much time to sew.
Here are a few pieces that I unearthed that showed my process.


So i jumped right in and started making more blocks

 using red, white, blue or black layer cakes so I could mix a big variety of fabrics.

You make a simple unit similar to a four patch. Add a rectangle right sides together.

Using the ruler, mark your sewing lines. 20 years ago I did not have this ruler and it is not as simple as marking down the middle and sewing 1/4″ on both sides. Trust me!

Cut 1/4″ away from sewn line on each side and you will get 2 units as shown above. (finishing up some of my old pieces-can’t you tell from all the extra fringe along the edges)

This is the layout I choose for my block swap. I lay out the squares and then chain piece them into sections vertically without clipping the threads. Then I add block 3 to the block 1 & 2 section. This helps me chain piece and keep everything in the correct order. Here is an illustration. I also wait to press until the block is pieced so I can make sure the seams are pressed in the direction I have sewn them.

You have sewn the sections together working vertically. Now add the 3 row without clipping the threads. The threads will act as pins.

Once this block is sewn it can be pieced in several different layout options. It has almost as many options as a log cabin block does. Play with the options.

Here are just a few of the layout options I am playing with. Off to make a few more blocks.

sorry for the blurry phone pics

Check out Monique’s website for measurements, videos and more on how to use her rulers.

Cooking and the hot summer

When my kids were little I finally learned it was not what I could cook fast that would save me time. It was things that I could cook slow by putting it all in the pot and cooking over low heat. My family ran from baseball games to soccer games to school events and more. I would say pretty much what the typical American family with a house full of rambunctious boys does on a regular basis.

My cooking strategies have changed since I received my panini grill press as a gift from my daughter.

I love it! I cook on it all the time. It is amazing how yummy a grilled cheese sandwich is with those even grill lines. No heating up the kitchen or standing outside waiting for the grill to heat up. Perfect for summer meals.
I am not that creative in the kitchen so I was excited to get the panini press to try a friend’s cookbook.

Even more great is that my niece has a recipe in this book. Just imagine a PB and J panini. Sounds weird but it is yummy.
Here are a few of the other recipes listed on amazon with the cookbook.

Did I also say that my panini maker also gives me time to get back to the sewing machine?

Stay cool!


Record winds in Dallas

The winds are crazy here in Dallas with red flag alerts. This is bad for brush fires but good if you are interested in flying a kite!! I guess not literally.
Are you interested in winning some great prizes?
I know the answer is YES.
So all you have to do is visit
On each of the pages you will get part of a code. Fill in the code on the last
stop to be entered for some super prizes.
If you win you will be so excited it will be hard to keep your feet on the ground, holding a kite or not!
Good luck!

And the winner is!

Check out Kathy’s Blog for the ist of all the winners!

From Day 7: Lissa Alexander – Moda Lissa’s Blog:

Deb said…

The quilt that you started is beautiful. I’m sure enjoying the book tour. Thanks for the chance to win but not to eat alligator! 🙂

I bet everyone will be taking a second look at the menus when they see alligator listed!!
Thanks for following along! Congrats Deb!

I am giving away a book!

Did my title peek your interest?

Today is my day for The Teacher’s Pet
Strip-Smart Quilts Book Blog Tour
I have known Kathy for many years. She holds a special place in my heart for many reasons.
One is that she is Cajun and talks funnier than I do.
My husband
 thinks he is Cajun
 due to the time he spent with an
X-girlfriend that was Cajun but that is another story.
Every time I talk to Kathy she makes me think of my time spent crabbing, making Gumbo
(minus the okra) and Boudin. Kathy has included her recipe for Grits in the book which is
tame compared to the other things she could
be cooking up?

Yesterday you visited Elizabeth at Late Bloomers.We both chose the same quilt from the book. I would say great minds think alike. Right, Elizabeth?!

Well Kathy has cooked up some delightful patterns in her new book using 2 1/2 strips or
yardages cut into strips.
When Kathy asked me to be included in this Hop, I quickly agreed. I was to pick out my favorite quilt and tell why. Now rremember I am a middle child, so I had a hard time deciding on my “Favorite”.
 I like them all.
I studied and studied.  I couldn’t decide if I liked the quilt design or the fabrics used in the quilt the best.
Each of the fabrics Kathy choose for the quilts were perfect. I tried to choose something different than what she had pictured which was even a tougher task.

Hometown in stores August, Ruby in stores September
I choose a jelly roll from Sweetwater called Hometown. I mixed it with a teeny tiny grey white polka dot from Ruby by Bonnie & Camille for my background. 
I could use an entire bolt of this grey dot. Love it!

This is what I made. I may have to finish it up for perfect Father’s Day gift for my X Cajun man.
Yes the header said I am giving away a book.
 Leave a comment on my blog and Kathy will be using a
random generator to pick a winner each day.
Each winner will be receiving a book and ruler which will
 be shipped at the end of the blog tour.
Tomorrow visit Vickie at Sugar Spun quilts to see her favorite
project and get another chance to win!
A Cajun gal told me there will be a grand prize also drawn for at the end of the book tour. 
If Kathy share more of her recipes, beware! Have you ever had aligator? It tastes like chicken.

JUNE Holidays

Every month one of the ladies at work (Nancy) posts the employees birhdays on all the bulletin boards throughout the building. She also posts a page full of  “OTHER HOLIDAYS” for the month. There are so many fun options every month. I thought I would share with you the month of June.

1 – National Go Barefoot Day
5 – World Environment Day
6 – D Day
12 – Raggedy Ann & Andy Day
17 – National Flip Flop Day
21 – First Day of Summer
25 – Leon Day
Leon is Noel spelled backwards.
6 months from today is Christmas
Have you started shopping, decorating and cooking yet?!
27 – “Happy Birthday to You” Day
A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty. Anonymous
You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do. Henry Ford
LOVE THIS ONE- We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill

Strip-Smart Quilts Summer Blog Tour

One of the great things about this industry is that you KNOW OF everyone.
It is a pretty small fish bowl.
But you don’t actually know them. You could pass them on the street and not even notice.
I am honored to be included in a book blog hop with some new friends and some old friends all from the same fish bowl.
What is the girl scout song?
Make New Friends
Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold.
A circle is round,
it has no end.
That’s how long,
I will be your friend.
Silver is precious,
Gold is too.
I am precious,
and so are you.
You help me,
and I’ll help you
and together
we will see it through.
Across the land
Across the sea
Friends forever
We will always be
This version is a bit different from from I grew up singing but it still has the same message.
For the next ten days, make some new friends
as each us share parts of my
Old (not age) Friend, Kathy Brown’s
great book,

Friday, June 10 – Pam Vieirra McGinnis – PamKitty Morning!

Saturday, June 11 – Laurie Simpson – Minnick and Simpson

Sunday, June 12 – Tara Darr – Sew Unique Creations

Monday, June 13 – Joan Ford – Hummingbird Highway

Tuesday, June 14 – Linda Lum De Bono – Linda Lum De Bono

Wednesday, June 15 – Elizabeth Scott – Late Bloomer Quilts

Thursday, June 16- Lissa Alexander – ModaLissa– That’s Me!

Friday, June 17 – Vickie Eapen – Spun Sugar Quilts

Saturday, June 18 – Camille Roskelley – Thimbleblossoms

Sunday, June 19 – Debbie Field – Granola Girl Designs